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Elerosse - Unowned

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2014 11:54 pm
by Nathrach
Basic Information

Full Name: Elerosse

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Elerosse

Age: 45

Gender: Male

Species: Elf of some kind

Sub Species/Breed: Possibly wood elf.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slim, but toned. He almost has defined abs, most noticable wen he's dancing and moving around.

Physical Details: Hair is long, strawberry blond and has a bit of wave to it. Parts are occasionally pulled back in thin, decorative braids, but it's almost always left loose unless he's sleeping or otherwise needs it out of the way. Eyes are wide, round and bright green with a slightly golden hue. Skin is pale and freckled all over, with a higher concentration in highly exposed areas like cheeks and shoulders.

Physical Markings: Freckles, lots and lots of freckles.

Physical Drawbacks: Not very physically strong.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: None

Appealing Attributes: He's quite pretty to look at and seems interested in maintaining himself physically.

Clothing: There's really not a lot of it. A short shrug covers his shoulders and part of his chest, but not much more. Loose harem pants are slung enticingly low on his hips and seem to be made of slightly too sheer material that's just see-through enough in the right light to earn a double take.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Nothing of note

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Obedient while still somewhat playful, eager to please.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Looks forward to being rented, or perhaps owned, though he's still new and figuring things out.

Overall Attitude: Upbeat and cheerful enough, makes an effort to stay positive despite whatever he might actually be feeling.


Hobbies / Interests: Dancing is his life, though he does enjoy making his own accessories such as belts or jewelry for when he performs.

High or Low Maintenance: Relatively low, though can get lonely easily.

Diet / Allergies: Mostly pescetarian, though will occasionally make exceptions.


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Both

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Dancing (both regularly and for erotic entertainment), pleasing in the bedroom, making jewelry and other accessories when given the proper materials.

Training: Extensive dance and companionship training, plus some domestic tasks like cleaning, bathing and dressing.


Previous Owners: One (NPC) owner of a troop of dancing boys

Previous Usage(s): Dancing boy

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: 200g to own, 15g to rent,

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Most afternoons - pacific time.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Someone with a more gentle hand who would want a pretty, little plaything who won't grow old.

What are your allowances for your character: Please no death, mutilation or unwarranted punishment.

Long Term/Short Term: Either, or.

General Information

Character Description: This elf spent his early years as a dancing boy, entertaining the wealthy with his pretty, young body. That's not to say he was old now, but his face and body had lost that childish androgyny that had made him so popular before. Instead he sported handsome - even regal - features of a young man with a certain eflin elegance. A good amount of pale, freckled skin was left on display with low-slung harem pants and a near-useless, little shrug that only covered his shoulders. Long, strawberry-blond hair fell in effortless waves, partially pulled back in a few well placed braids and wide, green eyes sparkled playfully as he waited for his chance to serve once again.



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