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Mikhail Izumrud - Unowned

Posted: Fri Jan 31, 2014 7:41 pm
by EmeraldFox
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Mikhail Izumrud

Nickname: Mika, Fox-boy, Mik, Runt

Name on Identification: Mikhail Izumrud

Age: Approximately 240 (Just past 'fledgeling' status)

Gender: Male

Species: "Drox" -Nature Dragon/Bellanshae*

Sub Species/Breed: Emerald/Vulpine

*A Bellanshae is a type of shape-shifting faerie that has a default humanoid form and a set feral form, based on an animal chosen during its birthing ceremony.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Medium height and slender, but well-muscled. Wiry.

Physical Details: Dark tan skin, scarred in various places from living in the wild. A bit under six feet tall, very slender; ribs and hips stick out a bit due to a lack of proper nutrition. Shaggy, unkempt black hair. Some light facial hair. "Scruffy" is a word that comes to mind. Small, sharp teeth, 42 in a humanoid jaw. Silver nails, also sharp. On his back are two small wings, about five feet from tip to tip, with scales of a glassy dark green and light spring green membranes. Extending from his coccyx is a long, very fluffy, gold and silver fox tail, reaching most of the way to his ankles. The majority of it is a shining gold, while the end is a pale, almost platinum, silver. From the nape of his neck to the tip of his tail is a line of thick plated scales of a dark silver color. The edges overlap, protecting his spinal cord. On the top of his head are two small horns, same color as his spinal plates, that curve along the arc of his skull and flip up into short points at the back of his head.

Physical Markings: No freckles, blemishes, or birthmarks noted. Multiple scars from old fights and hard living. Severe scarring on left arm; appears as if limb was almost bitten off by a larger creature.

Physical Drawbacks: Old injury in the left shoulder is sensitive to touch. Apparent nerve damage in the left arm and hand. Cold-blooded, susceptible to low temperatures.

Current Infliction(s): Recovering from malnourishment.

Physical Defenses: Teeth and claws. Spinal crest raises and exposes razor-sharp edges. Tail can be used as either a heavy bludgeon or a weapon if crest is raised. Horns are very hard and can be used to headbutt.

Appealing Attributes: Reasonably pleasing to the eye. Exotic in appearance. Hard worker with excellent stamina. Quick to learn new routines. Submissive. Hybrid qualities make a good 'trophy' piece. Shape shifting abilities can be utilized in many ways. Versatility as anything from lap pet to heavy laborer.

Clothing: Harem standard wear provided by the Tether. Black semi-translucent muslin trousers tied at the ankles and waist. No shirt or vest given. Collar and wrist cuffs with magic inhibitors.

Other Items: A gold coin on a fabric string necklace. Etched with Draconic Runes and set with a gem of unknown origin in the center.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, but chiefly uneducated.

Phobias: Large feral canines, particularly wolves. Will become catatonic with fear around Hellhounds. Mild claustrophobia.

Disorders: None diagnosed.

How do they present themselves: A bit skittish and unsure. Easily startled or frightened. Very shy, rarely initiates conversation. Overall, submissive and quiet and shy; however, he can become quite vocal when scared or upset. Often fusses over others while ignoring himself. Absolutely cannot stand to see another creature hurt or in pain of any kind if he can help.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Terrified of being bought by a cruel Master or Mistress, or one that will lock him inside all the time. Tentatively hopeful that a kind owner will rent him and train him further so he knows what he's doing.

Overall Attitude: Shy yet sweet and concerned for the welfare of others. Mainly solitudinous, but will occasionally seek out companionship, most often in feral creatures.

Quirks: The smell or sight of fresh meat/blood will make him physically ill. Terrified of large feral canines. Has the nervous habit of chewing on his lower lip.

Hobbies / Interests: Botany, flower arrangement, gardening, plant sculpting, learning new languages. Likes to dance and to sing in Draconic, and would welcome training to develop these skills. Interest in learning how to play an instrument, preferably the flute or the violin.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance. Adept at caring for himself; however, needs a warm environment with adequate plant life to maintain independence. Requires little supervision.

Diet / Allergies: Vegetarian. Strong aversion to meat, but no known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Russian & Draconic, mediocre Common (English)

Can they Read / Write: Russian & Draconic - Yes/Yes Common (English) - Some/Some

Can your character produce magic: Yes, but the Tether's wards and the inhibitors placed on him negate his abilities.

Talents / Skills:
- Hell of a green thumb. Can alter the structure and appearance of plants. Has demonstrated amazing skill with this ability, as well as an eagerness to use it.
- Excellent woodcraft with the ability to forage for himself, build fires in any weather, and survive through winters despite being cold blooded. Excellent plant identification and usage knowledge.
- Extremely high tolerance to pain and injury, he can continue to function even while terribly wounded.
- Definite talent for dancing, lesser talent for singing. Trained using Draconic forms for dance and can only sing in that language.
- Limited healing ability; seems to be restricted to energy transfer, using that of himself or other living things to heal everything from minor scrapes to internal bleeding.
- Known ability to shape shift into vulpine and Draconic forms. Documentation on either is limited, as they are rarely used and the Tether negates this power.

Training: Basic training provided by The Golden Tether. Is currently being taught how to speak Common. Life experience has taught him gardening and crop growing, woodcraft, survival skills, and some basic self defense.
**January 29, 2014: Received training from Olwyna Madora in proper tea serving etiquette.


Previous Owners: N/A

Previous Usage(s): N/A

Previous status: Free, living in the wild

For Rent or to Own: Currently for rent only until he has received further training.

Cost: 20 gold to rent, 300 to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Erratic, at best, though if we have a long-term RP going I will be online on a more regular basis. Typically online after 9:00 PM, EST.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Mikhail needs to be taught how to be a slave, and I am looking for Masters/Mistresses that will be willing to teach him, preferably with a healthy smattering of 'tough love'. I am NOT looking for sexual situations.

What are your allowances for your character: Please don't dismember or kill him without asking.

Long Term/Short Term: Short term is nice and all, but I do prefer long term RPs.

General Information

Character Description: Deep tan skin marked with a variety of scars is stretched rather taut over bones that jut at odd angles, a clear indication of malnourishment. A veil of ebon locks obscures eyes of deep mahogany flecked with gold. Hidden in the dark mop of hair are two dark metallic horns that arc along the line of his skull, ending in sharp upturned points that might lead one to suspect demonic heritage. Scales of the same color start at the nape of his neck to form a line of thick plated armor that protects his spine all the way to the tip of an exceptionally bushy tail that sports shimmering golden fur before lightening to platinum at the end. Exotic in appearance and foreign in speech, this male has only begun to learn the ways of a slave, though his downcast eyes and hunched posture suggest he has been taught a few things already.


Images: N/A

Contact Details: Mikhail Izumrud on Furcadia

Notes: Mikhail is, for all intents and purposes, a homosexual. Females attempting to rent him for sexual purposes will be rather disappointed.