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Olwyna Madora (Owned)

Posted: Sun Feb 02, 2014 9:30 am
by Olwyna
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Olwyna Madora

Nickname: Wyna, Mady

Name on Identification: Olwyna

Age: 50

Gender: Female

Species: Malamute

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Thick hipped, mostly average

Physical Details: Black fur with white facial mask standard of breed and white hands and foot paws. The white from face falls across the front of her throat and down over chest and belly to the insides of legs before fading to black. Her hair is a rusty brown with soft, natural waves to it and her eyes are a bright gemstone green Her hair is typically kept in a tight bun at the back of her head or a ponytail at the base of her skull. She does go through annual sheds based off the seasons. In winter, her fur will thicken and soften, the waterproof undercoat becoming less apparent while the longer, outercoat will lengthen. In the summer, the outer-coat sheds and only the undercoat remains.

Physical Markings: Brand on the back of left shoulder depicting Jyxe's House sigul, brand on the back of right paw of the same. Severe scarring over her throat (does not afflict speech).

Physical Drawbacks: None known

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: None

Appealing Attributes: Superior servant. Mady listens to everything, storing it away for reference as needed the preferences and desires of not only her master but of those around her. She conducts herself in such a way that would please master both in and out of his company. She is also an excellent sketch artist and has recently begun dabbling with color to her normally black and white charcoal works. Furthermore, Mady is a wondrous cook and wine connoisseur, glad to share her palette for the masters delight.

Clothing: Public samples: Outfit type 1 Outfit type 2 Outfit type 3

Private samples: Type 1 Type 2 Neutral (used for both)

Other Items: Red silk collar with her masters name on a silver tag that fits snug around her throat. There is no apparent seam.


Feral or Cultured: Highly cultured

Phobias: Abandonment, displeasing master

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Respectably, extremely polite and deferential to her superiors. If told to leave a seat for another free person to sit in, she would, assuming her master has allowed it.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Has been a slave all her life, she loves her role and would not ask for it to change unless the master desires it.

Overall Attitude: Calm and knowledgable with an eye for possibility. If she sees promise in another slave, she is quick to inform her master if not offer advice to the one in question.

Quirks: Mild OCD when yelled at or if the master is displeased

Hobbies / Interests: Sketching - Mady keeps a notebook when out in public that she uses to draw with charcoal in. She loves capturing moments in time on the page.

High or Low Maintenance: Varies. If her age is showing, she'll be more high maintenance but insist on deferring to her superior before seeing to herself

Diet / Allergies: No known allergies; diet is whatever she is permitted to eat.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, some French and Italian, Creole.

Can they Read / Write: yes

Can your character produce magic: No

Talents / Skills: Highly proficient servant, knows to the tee a broad spectrum of etiquette based off the situation, including tea time, house cleaning, groundskeeping, gardening, and organization. Mady is a skilled cook, knowing and following the preferences of her master with a chefs eye for detail. She is able to repair most damaged clothing, but defers to professionals for severe damage. Irrelevant to the public, she knows inside and out how her master ticks and what will please him most. Having spent over a decade in his service, she has been modeled to perfection and wears his name proudly and lovingly.

Training: (On a scale of 1-10, ten being highest)
  • Cooking ~ 10
  • Sewing ~ 6
  • House Cleaning ~ 9
  • Seduction (Master) ~ 10
  • Gardening ~ 5
  • Writing ~ 10
  • Organization ~ 10
  • Medicine (Basic) ~ 7
  • Rhetoric ~ 4
  • Vinting (wine for dinner)~ 8
  • Tea Service ~ 6
  • Mathematics ~ 10


Previous Owners: Garet Ahkmar, Maddoc Black, Docke Plantations (Breeder)

Previous Usage(s): Farm slave, harem, general servant.

Previous status: n/a

For Rent or to Own: Owned (Jyxe)

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Late afternoons to midnights during the week, unpredictable during the weekend

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Story. I believe in the give and take of RP; I should never be the only one who drives the story and will happily consider ideas just as I hope you will as well. Besides that, I want Mady to start acquiring contacts and acquaintances for her Master, Jyxe.

What are your allowances for your character: Pretty broad, including death, though it takes a really good story for that to be allowed.

Long Term/Short Term: Long.

General Information

Character Description: A red leather collar with silver plate clung to throat, a silent subject for the rich, the older malamute would have fit in well in the upper echelon of french and italian society; but the beauty in white and black was for but one to hold mastery over. Jyxe had honed the old servant to perfection. Charming green eyes, white curls often put in a bob or pinned back between her short ears emphasized the spirit of the slave. Familiar in a broad spectrum of servitude, it was no wonder Master treasured his beloved 'Mady'. Head-servant of the House of Jyxe, the dog was a fine example of what it meant to be more than Slave.[(URL: Outfit](URL: Wanting Art for Mady)

Website: n/a

Images: Devotion unto Death ~ An attack on the manor wakes master and slave unexpectedly and only masters quick actions save his beloved servant.

Contact Details: Just whisper me :p

Notes: Currently looking OOC for some artists who might be willing to do up a few sketches for free of Mady. IC, Jyxe and Mady are looking for a powerful mage to "Turn Back Time", a storyarc that he and I are looking to start. Whisper for details, or catch me IC!