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Tiand - Unowned

Posted: Wed Feb 19, 2014 11:26 pm
by Tiand
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Tiand (Tee-und) Adriel (Ayd-ree-el) Mardeu (Mar-dow)

Nickname: Tia

Name on Identification: Tiand

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sub Species/Breed/Race: Caucasian - Swedish

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slave is frail, fragile, petite, and soft.

Physical Details: Hair: Blond, straight, waist length, curly at the tip. Eyes: Silvered-gold, almond shaped, expressive, long, thick, dark lashes. Skin: Pale, porcelain smooth, warm.

Physical Markings: Slave has a tiny beauty mark on his upper left cheek.

Physical Drawbacks: Slaves legs have been severed an inch above the knee. Slaves front bears two horizontal whip scars across his stomach, and his back has intensive scarring from a whip in a thick skein of lily-white lines from shoulder to the ends of his legs.

Current Infliction(s): Crippled?

Physical Defenses: None.

Appealing Attributes: Slave has a beautiful face and voice, is easy to train, is a virgin, and has no shred of aggression.

Clothing: Image Minus the shoulders, belt and staff. Poor condition, ripped, stained and threadbare. His father's, extremely sentimental item.

Other Items: A journal.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: Heights, deep water, death, losing more limbs.

Disorders: Slave currently has none, but has been known in the past to show signs of post traumatic stress disorder.

How do they present themselves: Meek, very low sense of self worth, hopeful.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Terrified but resigned.

Overall Attitude: Painfully shy, easily scared, but otherwise warm and friendly.

Quirks: Squeaks when startled. Has an unhealthy trust toward all canines until given reason otherwise.

Hobbies / Interests: Reading, gardening, sewing, cooking, astronomy/astrology.

High or Low Maintenance: It varies, depending on the environment. If slave can reach things he needs, he can safely be left unsupervised indefinitely.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous, no known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: English/Common, Swedish

Can they Read / Write: Yes/Yes, but slave has poor handwriting.

Can your character produce magic: Slave possesses remarkable healing abilities, able to heal anything except scarring, death, and lost limbs.

Talents / Skills: Singing (excellent, rich, soft, velvety voice), tailoring (excellent, very advanced, can create his own designs), cooking (Excellent, gourmet chef level), gardening (good, can tend small gardens and house plants)

Training: Slave has received only the very basic command training.


Previous Owners: Name unknown. Kidnapped slave when he was 9, slave escaped when he was 17, slaves friend murdered the man during a recapture attempt. Slave has been claimed by the Tether as an abandoned slave.

Previous Usage(s): Housecleaning, cooking, sewing, burying the bodies of his masters victims.

Previous status: Free, son of a tailorwoman and a priest.

For Rent or to Own: Both. Rent-to-own also acceptable.

Cost: 1 gold per night rental, 25 gold to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I log on between 7 and 10:30 pm eastern standard time, and log off between 6 and 8 am 1 to 3 days a week, which days are unfortunately completely random.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Training seems like a good place to start, yeah? I'm open for any and everything, though.

What are your allowances for your character: Tiand is no consent whatsoever except for death. Otherwise, don't feel like you have to ask, just do. :)

Long Term/Short Term: Either or, though most people prefer their long-term partners to have a more reliable schedule. :/ Can't be helped.

General Information

Character Description: The tiny figure huddled up in a corner had seen better days. With plump, cupid's bow lips, almond shaped eyes an unusual silvery-gold and framed by a thick spray of dark lashes, baby-soft skin and long, silken locks of gold the man is most often mistaken for a woman. Swathed in voluminous - albeit worn and shredded in places - robes with a distinctly priestly air, one had to wonder over the lad's current predicament. You'll never see him stand, though. One tends to need knees, calves, ankles and feet for that. Ravaged little doll.

Website: ... page=70319

Images: Image My Second Life avatar of Tiand.

Contact Details: I can be contacted in-game via whisper, on this website through pm, on RPR through PM, or in email at