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Orobas - unowned

Posted: Wed Feb 26, 2014 12:57 pm
by Kobe
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Prince Orobas of Hell

Nickname:Orobas, Oro, Dicknose

Name on Identification: Orobas

Age: 6000+ years.

Gender: Male

Species: Demonbeast

Sub Species/Breed: Elephant in resemblance, but has many features dictating otherwise.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Large

Physical Details: No hair, black, leathery skin with swampy green markings. Gleaming yellow eyes and large hoovees, about 13 feet tall, weighing over 20 tons. (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)

Physical Markings: Torn patches of skin in areas, most likely wounds from capture.

Physical Drawbacks: Does not have opposable thumbs, will be generally useless for most kinds of laboring; is very large and will struggle to fit in smaller areas.

Current Infliction(s): No inflictions

Physical Defenses: Large trunk, capable of knockback. Large hooves to kick with. Gem has imbued magical power that protect it and whoever is near it from magic used to inflict harm (This wouldn't apply to being able to phase through magic barriers) (If any.)

Appealing Attributes: Majestic, powerful, exotic-looking, serves as an excellent fighter and great for keeping around on hunting expeditions when needed.

Clothing: Orobas is entirely nude, as he is a beast and does not require clothing.

Other Items: No personal belongings. (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.)


Feral or Cultured: Cultured. He is tame, meek, gentle, and does not wish to harm others. Orobas can even speak common tongue to converse with guards and patrons, if necessary.

Phobias: Holy objects(Orobas is a demon), people with high, unwarranted amounts of aggression towards him.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Orobas has no reason to care for his appearance, so Orobas mainly lies in wait for interaction of daily requirements.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Positive, as he enjoys serving other people well.

Overall Attitude: Positive, meek, and kind for a beast of hell. He is faithful and wise. Extremely stalwart.

Quirks: Clumsy and loud, will make loud noises when excited/happy.

Hobbies / Interests:

High or Low Maintenance: Orobas is only high maintenance when needing to be bathed. It will take up to 4 or 5 people at a time to bathe him completely, which he has no qualms against. He will require larger cages to sleep in due to his size. He will have to be led around by multiple guards as well.

Diet / Allergies: Orobas does not require food or water.


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Read, yes. Write, no.

Can your character produce magic: Yes (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.)

Talents / Skills: Can carry around several humans, can protect humans with magical charms, skilled fighter, wise in many subjects, can give answers of past, present, and future.

Training: Orobas is a newer slave as he was forced into captivity for profit. However, Orobas does not care, and goes where he is led; Orobas has little training by the tether but already shows traits of being broken.


Previous Owners: Juan (If known.)

Previous Usage(s): No previous usages.

Previous status: Living in the wilderness.

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: 20 to rent, 200 to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: unowned

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I'll seriously go for anything as long as it isn't sexual, since this character isn't particularly designed for that. Anything from arena fights to expeditions.

What are your allowances for your character: Everything is allowed besides yiff/vore.

Long Term/Short Term: Either is fine.

General Information

Character Description: The mythical beast could have been described as a demonic presence. A foul odor emanated from its entire body, something like a rotting corpse. Its eyes glowed a bright, eerie yellow, like a full moon on a starless night. A topaz gem was embedded into the middle of its forehead, with a powerful aura emanating from it. The beast was dark and feral, not to mention massive, being a literal 'elephant in the room' at the size of at least 10 horses. It would be led on a large leash, growling and blaring distorted noise. However, no hostility could be sensed from this creature, as if it was more peaceful than appearance dictated. While a truly magnificient and exotic animal, there was something about this creature that just wasn't quite right.[Unowned]

Website: N/A


Contact Details: Whisper Orobas, or if I'm not online on that character, try Kobe.
