
Records of slaves, merchant sales, and anything that can be done IC on record will be posted here.

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Post by Celosia »

Basic Information

Full Name: Feidlimid

Nickname: Fei, Little One

Name on Identification: Feidlimid

Age: Appears late twenties (approximately 80)

Gender: Female

Species: Fairy

Sub Species/Breed: Pixie

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Triangle, stands only at 4'11" and weighs about 109 lbs. Figure is very tiny, petite and fragile.

Physical Details: Hair sprouts flowers and changes colors with the season as does hue of skin, pointed ears, eyes that shimmer gold.

Physical Markings: Strange Celtic patterns that appear on her skin when her magic is used, wing like 'tattoos' on her back that start at her shoulder blades.

Physical Drawbacks: Very weak in terms of physicality, she would not make a good laborer unless it were in a kitchen or sewing. If she is away from nature for too long she begins to become ill and will seemingly start to 'wither', but will not die.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Long fingernails but that's about it

Appealing Attributes: Unnaturally physically attractive, mesmerizing eyes. Easily described as 'enchanting' above all else, 'Impish' is the second word to follow. During the seasons, her hair blossoms and puts out a captivating scent, and by simply walking through she can make any field/garden fertile and flower.

Clothing: Currently just a plain, dirty shift comparable to a potato sack. She will go nude where possible.

Other Items: Woven grass braids, an amber ring


Feral or Cultured: Nowhere near cultured but a far cry from feral. She'll need work and fine tuning.

Phobias: Fire, above all else and some people. She seems to be more wary of men than she is of women.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Not very well. She's terribly uncultured and doesn't know how to make herself look 'appealing' to those outside the bars.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Not very please about it.

Overall Attitude: Impish and playful in nature

Hobbies / Interests: Fishing, Weaving, Singing, Magic, Gardening

High or Low Maintenance: A steady inbetween

Diet / Allergies: She feeds mostly on green things but has been known to eat meat when it is made available.
Major 'allergy' is Iron; Like other fairies, it is deadly to her and in high enough doses it could even kill her. When her skin comes into contact with iron is rashes over and with long enough contact will begin to form pustules that will require proper medical attention.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Gaelic, French, many others

Can they Read / Write: No/No

Can your character produce magic: Yes

Talents / Skills: With enough learning, she could become a 'proper' cook as she already has a slight knack for putting things together that taste good. A crafter by nature she could learn the art of needle and thread as well as be used as an entertainer with her enchanting voice.

Training: No previous formal training


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: Free creature, captured against will

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: Six gold to rent per day
50 t0 own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I'm available at odd times of the day, mostly on from noon to whenever I crash for the night

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I'm looking to have a good time, I want this to be fun and I want the character development, I'm looking for someone to sort of 'groom' her into being an acceptable slave over the course of time. I don't want just a couple of short rentals and then to have her bought, I'm looking for long term rentals with a CHANCE of her being bought out further down the line.

What are your allowances for your character: Fei is a no consent character with the exception of death.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term preferred, short term accepted.

General Information

Character Description:
Tiny creature stood no taller than a child but was a far cry from being such, a figure appropriate only for a woman in her later years. Mesmerizing and pointed hues of glittering gold stared into the souls around her, tranquil smile centered on thin lips that were the same pallor of skin, an unnatural tint applied that changed along with the seasons. Hair fell to thighs, looking every bit alive as the tiny creature it cloaked, flowers blossoming and putting out an enchanting scent while as the seasons changed so did the colors. Nothing entirely captivating was worn, instead dressed in the plain comfort of a dirty brown shift or choosing the simple road and running around in the clear as day nude...

Website: http://www.rprepository.com/c/springfairy/70023

Images: None

Contact Details: In game; Feidlimid

Notes: -
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