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Remi' Bellefonte -- Unowned Slave

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:57 am
by RemiBellefonte
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Remi' Bellefonte

Nickname: Remi', Rem

Name on Identification: Remi'

Age: 23

Gender: Male/Female (Herm)

Species: Fox

Sub Species/Breed: Three-tailed kitsune

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Lithe & Lanky

Physical Details: Completely pristine white, save for the reddish pink marks around his eyes, claws, and tips of his tails. Remi has bright green eyes and constantly upright ears.

Physical Markings: none

Physical Drawbacks: none

Current Infliction(s): none

Physical Defenses: Small retractable claws and small fangs.

Appealing Attributes: Exotic, intelligent, cultured

Clothing: Nothing, prefers to use tails as boas to cover up when needed.

Other Items: A deep burgundy scarf, and rope scarf, connecting to two large copper bells.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Being dirty. Almost neurotic constant preening of white fur.

Disorders: none

How do they present themselves: Regal yet outwardly sarcastic.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Belligerent and waspish. Could become easily swayed or tame if rewarded with shiny trinkets and jewelry.

Overall Attitude: Haughty. Acts as if he himself is a prince instead of a slave. Meets nearly everything with sarcasm or a quip, and has a general disdain and distaste for anything less than highly cultured.

Quirks: Pets his tails when nervous, and becomes completely rigid in ecstasy when the scruffy fur inbetween his shoulder blades is scratched.

Hobbies / Interests: Flower arranging, pastries, and gossip are Remi's forte. He likes to trade in secrets, and dances when he's bored/entertaining.

High or Low Maintenance: High

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore. You can feed him nearly anything in theory, though he'll grumble and turn his nose up at anything less than gourmet.


Language(s) Spoken: English & French

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: While he has family members that are older that can, at only three tails and such a young age, he cannot.

Talents / Skills: Was a skilled dancer, using his bells as props and chimes to set the tone of music for his performances. Quite skilled at acrobatics.

Training: None. Fresh off the docks.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: None

For Rent or to Own: Both


OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Open availability.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Immediately, nothing. Just a fun environment to write such a naturally haughty and arrogant character.

What are your allowances for your character: Anything short of maiming/hurting his pretty face. Basically anything LASTING short of jewelry/piercing his ears is not allowed. I do not want him scarred up, as he's to remain my prissy pretty boy forever.

Long Term/Short Term: Short term, I'd like him to learn how to be a concubine/companion slave. Long term, I'd like him to find an owner that would indeed treat him like a prized pet, decked out in jewelry, finery, and surrounded by the beautiful things and environments Remi loves most.

General Information

Character Description: wip


Images: [url]
(nsfw reference as Remi prefers not wearing clothes) Sketched Ref[/url]

Contact Details:Can contact me via skype at if you'd like to set up a time to rp.
