Mu'adh (Unowned)

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Mu'adh (Unowned)

Post by Titanheim »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Mu'adh Israzeem

Nickname: Mu, Boy, Slave

Name on Identification: Mu'adh

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Species: Chimera

Sub Species/Breed: Human

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Athletic, Toned

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)
Hair: Black, shoulder length when not pulled in a low ponytail
Eyes: Hazel, though they flare a hellish yellow color when angered
Skin: Tanned

Physical Markings:
He has a few scars from whippings upon his back, whilst other scars were contracted from former gladiator battles. Only one rather marring scar cuts a half-moon shaped swath on his left pectoral, an inch and a half thick.

Physical Drawbacks:
The scars are the primary drawbacks on his human form. Everything about his chimera form is disdainful and horrifying.

Current Infliction(s):
None, save for a light cough from a badly healed broken rib.

Physical Defenses: (If any.)
Whilst in human form, his fists, his appendages.
Whilst in Chimera form, his teeth, his claws, his saliva, his tail. Everything. He's just a big old nasty.

Appealing Attributes:
He is considered rather attractive by most, and while he is sold as a gladiator for sport, he can also serve other duties thanks to those damning good looks.

Clothing: Befit in leathers and metal armor, he seems uncomfortable in anything else. The leather is old and worn, and the metal is tarnished and dented.

Other Items: A Gladius and dagger for weaponry, as well as a talisman necklace made of rat skulls, with a vial of gorgon blood hanging from the center. This keeps his Chimera form within him. He has another necklace akin to a gold coin, given to him by one of the masters.


Feral or Cultured: A bit of both, depending on what form he took

Phobias: Cages (ironically), tight spaces, enclosed spaces, dark spaces, strangulation, drowning.

Disorders: None noticed.

How do they present themselves: They are calm and collected, respectful, and good natured. Benevolent temper is well noticed and well kept.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: It is all he had ever known, having been taken from his mother at a young age when his village was pillaged and burned. He wouldn't know what to do with his freedom if given it.

Overall Attitude: He is collected and calm, and usually very good natured and kind-hearted. Even whilst in the gladiator's pits he shows a respect and benevolence to his opponents. He holds no grudges unless they are deserved.

Quirks: His left cheek ticks when he is irritated or frightened.

Hobbies / Interests: He absolutely loves to listen to others sing and play instruments, as well as watching others dance. It isn't sexual, of course, but it calms and helps him sleep.

High or Low Maintenance: Low Maintenance

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore, no Allergies, refuses to eat pork and shellfish.


Language(s) Spoken: Arabic, Common

Can they Read / Write: No

Can your character produce magic: He can transform into a Chimera

Talents / Skills: Gladiatorial fighting, Bellydancing, General Servantry when needed.

Training: Primarily Fighting/Killing


Previous Owners: NPCs

Previous Usage(s): Gladiator, Pleasure

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: 10 For Rent, 50 for Ownership

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: All the time!

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I like gritty, realistic roleplay. Always.

What are your allowances for your character: Basically non-consent, just no death/severe creepy fetishes.

Long Term/Short Term: Both!

General Information

Character Description:
It was such a sorrowful thing to see such beauty go to waste in the pits that the gladiators called home, and while he tried not to think about that endless hell he called bloodshed, it was easy to see such violence had a toll on the boy. Hazel eyes, uncommon for his race, burned with a pained intensity, and chin length hair was pulled back in a loose and light ponytail, mussed and matted by the blood and dirt of his heinous profession. Tanned skin was criss-crossed with angry, thick scars, both from the cut of a sword, and others from the snap of a whip.

Despite such pains and worrisome marrings however, the boy was a kind and gentle soul, calloused hands caressing with a soft touch rather than one with abrasive intent. His smile was kindly and youthful, genuine and innocent despite the mud and dirt and blasphemy that he was forced to endure. He was a pure heart amidst a world of darkness, with only his hope for freedom or death to look forward to. However, such pure hearts always seem to have dark, dismal secrets about him, and Mu'adh was by far, no different. When anguish lead to vicious intent, the strappings of the beast manifested themselves, and woe be those who made it to his claws...


Images: On Site!

Contact Details: Whisper me! Mu'adh

Notes: N/A
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