Parine - Rent to own

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Parine - Rent to own

Post by Parine »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Parine Farhadi

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Parine

Age: Between 18 and 24

Gender: Female

Species: Panther

Sub Species/Breed: Unknown; Winged.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Fairly slender and slightly athletic. Appears much heavier than she is due to a thick coat.

Physical Details:

Eye colour: Golden honey colored iris' that glow and reflect in the dark.

Skin/fur/etc colour: All fur is black with a light sheen. Hairs are thick and short over her body while tail is a big giant poof. (Non-shedding.)

Special features: Feathery wings, black feathers with dark blue tips. 12 feet from tip to tip.

Hairstyle: Usually left to flow freely down her back, waves ending just above her rump. Second style would be up in a bun with a bow or some barrettes. Third style would be a fish tail braid over her shoulder.

Physical Markings: Tattoos: Two, at the upper portion of each ear a *quarter sized* crescent moon pointing inward can be seen from the front or back, both are a dull gold color.

Piercings: Each ear has a golden ball in the shape of a triangle with one on either side forming the base and one at the tip.

Scars/distinguishing marks: A scar across the bridge of her nose, only slightly visible. A scar across her neck (ear to ear) which is only visible if her fur moves a certain way.

Physical Drawbacks: Hard to fit into compact spaces due to her height and the size of her wings.

Current Infliction(s): Wings are currently chained together at the bases to keep the slave from flying off the island.

Physical Defenses: (If any.) Claws. Teeth. Wings may shield from some attacks.

Appealing Attributes: Exotic accent and smooth voice. Demeanor is quite calm and usually pleasant. Easy on the eyes.

Clothing: (Varies please see desc.)

Other Items: Golden collar inscribed to keep her from using any of her 'powers'. The collar has a small bell and blank tag attatched.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: Spiders. Suffocation. Thunder. Burning to death. Drowning. Not being able to see the moon.

Disorders: Slave may become very aggressive when she is not allowed or threatened to see/be in the moonlight.

How do they present themselves: Calm and collected. Slave is often obidient and respectful towards positions of authority.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She is distressed at her situation and once in a while it seeps through the cracks. Otherwise, she is content serving under someone and enjoys being rewarded.

Overall Attitude: Content.


Hobbies / Interests:

No musical talent in her but, she does enjoy playing instruments mainly piano.

Herbalism for healing and poisoning.





Tending to plants

High or Low Maintenance: Medium to high. She enjoys golden jewelry and clothes made of fine/fancy fabrics. She is very capeable of getting her own meals however and requires little supervision when asked to do a task.

Diet / Allergies: Carnivore. She does not like the taste of most food outside of meat, and when she eats her meat she likes to comsume it raw but, favors her meal still alive...a little struggle is nice. No allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Yes and yes!

Can your character produce magic: Yes.
Invisibility - This is mainly used for hunting purposes, anything she is wearing will be visible. (This state may only last up to an hour before draining her of stamina.)

Enchanting - She can enchant crystals with the healing powers of the moon, fertility, calmness and sleep. She may also use them to make someone sick.

Dream persuasion - She can use dreams to persuade someone in her favor or give them sweet dreams. She can also cause nightmares.

Talents / Skills:

Herbalism for healing and poisoning.



Tending to plants

Training: Not very much training has been done but, she does understand that anyone else of a higher status needs to be respected.


Previous Owners: Medalliah Penksy

Previous Usage(s): Handmaiden

Previous status: Free person

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own!

Cost: Rent - 20 gold/Own - 190 gold

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Typically every day for atleast 6 hours. (4pm - 10pm FST)

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I want someone who will be rough and strict, someone she can't outsmart or get away from. I want her to have a seething hatred for him or her at first and eventually it can blossom into something more. Roughness is a plus. Attention and cuddles after a strenuous session of training, also a plus. I would love for Parine to grow into a great slave.

What are your allowances for your character: Almost anything goes with the exception of death and mutilation. Please whisper with any big changes.

Long Term/Short Term: Both.

General Information

Character Description: Perception of beauty is subjective, except when it came to Parine. Sugar and spice, everything nice was what she was composed of. Vast obsidian appendages errected from femme's spine, tips of plume looked to be dipped in indigo ink and speckled in white flecks that resembled stars in the night sky. Both ears perked up and listening to everything around, either inner tip decorated in three golden studs and a golden crescent moon facing inward, a praise to her diety. Wavy tress poured over shoulders in a wash of midnight blue and hints of violet, half pulled together and tucked messily into a broad amethyst satin bow. Vivid honey orbs hid behind thick curled lashes, a haunting gaze directed at you as she seemed to stare right through you. A brilliant smile lit up her features and showed off two rows of pearly white teeth which were perfect for destruction. Black and generously plush pelt shone even in the dullest of lights, it's true beauty reserved for moon-filled nights when streaks of midnight and violet began to gleam. Slender figure was dressed in a boat necked and sleevless choli that ended just below her pillowy breasts, mojority of the garment was plum colored while golden moons and diamonds decorated the bottom seam. Slender abdomen composed of taut muscles bore not a single blemish, belly button was decorated with a clip-on bell that chimed each time she moved. Waist flowered into broad hips that were hugged by a silky skirt, another variation of dark purple that was accented by intricate moons and tassels which nipped at her feet as she gracefully carried herself.


Images: Please see rpr.

Contact Details: Whisper Parine.

Notes: I am looking forward to speaking with you! ^_^
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