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Eyfura - Unowned Untrained

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 8:41 pm
by IzzieBiz
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Eyfura Gardari.

Nickname: Fury.

Name on Identification: Eyfura

Age: Appears to be in her mid-twenties. 112 years old.

Gender: Female.

Species: 麒麟 Qilin.

Current Owner: None.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Endomorph. Athletic, slender.

Physical Details: Eyes - Vermillion Red, circular pupil. Hair - Long, well kept ruby red. Three black spheres keep the ends of her hair and bangs together. Fur - Golden tan, one solid color. Tail - A thick to thin appendage with a large tuft of red hair like a large lion tail. Hooves - Golden hooves covered with a thick red bushel of hair from her ankles down. Horn - A golden horn with three two hooks coming from the bend, bends backwards.

Physical Markings: Symmetric black spots on ears, forehead, collar, shoulders, abdomen, thighs, and tail.

Physical Drawbacks: Small in stature.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Horn, claws, and strong legs.

Appealing Attributes: Supple curves, lean muscles, silky smooth hair, and piercing eyes.

Clothing: Orange tunic. Orange silks and copper fixtures. Copper shackles on both wrists. Copper collar with a tag reading 'Eyfura'.

Other Items: All items were taken when she was enslaved. One ceramic pipe. One set of leather pants. One yellow silk shirt. One waist clincher.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, feral aspects when angered.

Phobias: Claustrophobia.

Disorders: Mild Pyromania.

How do they present themselves: Angry, resistant, stand-offish. When the slave is not angered however, cautious and intelligent.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Rebellious, fights guards every chance she gets.

Overall Attitude: Calm, cautious, calculating, distant.

Quirks: Snaps her fingers together a lot, fixing her hair,

Hobbies / Interests: Hobbies - Reading, writing, mahjong, meditating. Interests - Tobacco and everything related to smoking, music, and baking.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium. Slave can take care of herself if given the means to do so.

Diet / Allergies: None known.


Language(s) Spoken: Mother tongue - Wu Chinese. Learned - Common. Han Chinese.

Can they Read / Write: Yes / Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes. Slave has an innate ability to summon flames from her appendages, it seems she favors using her fingers to call the flames up. She has been fashioned with enchanted shackles as well as an enchanted collar for added measure.

Talents / Skills: Fire manipulation, brawling, writing, more to come.

Training: None. Slave is being taught the basics but has been fighting each lesson.


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: Free Person. Enslaved due to outstanding debt.

For Rent or to Own: Rental only while in training.

One night rental : 5 Image
Purchase : 100 Image or 10 Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: I'm able to get online whenever I want being that I am unemployed, but I am looking for a job so I will be online when I'm not out looking for one or playing a video game.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I want general roleplay, character development, and fun.

What are your allowances for your character: I'm willing to allow ALMOST everything, with the exclusions of: freedom, cutting out her third eye, removal of limbs, and death. Pretty normal NO kind of things.

Long Term/Short Term: Both! She's a new character so having all the roleplay chances is almost essential.

General Information

Character Description: WIP


Images: ... 424277.jpg

Contact Details: On Furcadia: Theodosia, Yaozu, Drasil, Eyfura, or Izzie.

Notes: No notes for now!