Tina Mouse - Rentable Harem Slave

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Tina Mouse - Rentable Harem Slave

Post by TinaMouse »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Tina Mouse

Nickname: "You" "Slave" "Servant"

Name on Identification: Slave Papers list her as "Tina the Mouse"

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Species: Mouse

Sub Species/Breed: Desert Mouse

Physical AppearanceSmall, petite, and somewhat athletic; 3'8" and 68 pounds (1.2 Meter, 30.8 Kg)

Body Type: Petite/Athletic

Physical Details: Her hair is slightly longer than shoulder length and light chestnut brown in color, her fur an almost peach in brown tone. Her eyes are an red-orange color.

Physical Markings: None.

Physical Drawbacks: None.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: She can squeak pretty loud when startled.

Appealing Attributes: Slim athletic build, open and friendly face, in good health.

Clothing: Currently only a slight sheer teddy style jacket. She has warm soft fur to protect her from the elements.

Other Items: None.


Feral or Cultured:Very well cultured and trained to be a proper and obedient slave. Do not expect her to speak unless directly questioned or directed to do so.



How do they present themselves:She is quiet and soft spoken, only when asked to speak. Otherwise she is demure and silent, more an accessory until told to act.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:She, due to her training and indoctrination from birth, only hopes to fetch a good price. Currently she is only open for rent not sale.

Overall Attitude:Meek and submissive.

Quirks:Tends to drool over chocolate and vanilla beans.

Hobbies / Interests:What she is told to have. (She secretly enjoys quiet classical chamber music.)

High or Low Maintenance:Low

Diet / Allergies:Vegetables, chocolate, insects, nuts, scorpions, fruit, chocolate, and oh yes, chocolate..


Language(s) Spoken:English

Can they Read / Write: Yes to both.

Can your character produce magic: She can make chocolate disappear quickly if given chocolate.

Talents / Skills:Dancing, cooking, massage, and pleasure.

Training: She was trained to be a pleasure slave or entertainment slave, trained in dance, cooking, pleasure, and masseuse skills. Her training was detailed and took place over her life span. She was trained in the arts of fellatio and hand "work".


Previous Owners: Slaver Cartel

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: Born into slavery

For Rent or to Own: Rent Only

Cost: For rent ONLY at The Golden Tether. :3

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: When in The Golden Tether she is available.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Slave

What are your allowances for your character:No death, scat, watersport, torture, unreasonable abuse. You do not take a hammer out and beat your car then urinate on it right? Also Tina is, for sexual RPs of any kind, Straight. Straight RPs for naughty things only. A woman may rent her to please her husband, or as a gift for entertinment for a friend.

Long Term/Short Term: Mixed and negotiable.

General Information

Character Description: A small petite mouse,light pink of fur, and a light chocolate brown in hair. Her eyes are a bright red-orange. Her small stature befits her life as a slave, it portrays her quiet obedience well. She walks with a soft step, and usually moves with a slow fluid grace and poise. Her small frame is not entirely soft, as she works out in aerobics to stay in trim fitness, which has given her some definitive tone, athletic at the best, not overly muscular. Her quiet reserve is only broken when told to speak or asked a direct question by a free person, she will not break her silence for another slave unless told to do so.


Images:http://static1.e621.net/data/e9/f6/e9f6 ... 4f40d8.jpg
For reference and what inspired the character. All credits to the artist Dr. Comet.

Contact Details: In game via whisper.

Notes:Owned by The Golden Tether. Available for rent at that establishment only.
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