Eztli yaotl - Unowned

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Eztli yaotl - Unowned

Post by eztli »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Slave has given the name Eztli yaotl, and expresses he has no surname.

Nickname: The guards have given him the name Lizard, which the slave expresses displeasure in being addressed as.

Name on Identification: Eztli yaotl

Age: The slave appears to be in his mid twenties, twenty six at most.

Gender: Slave is clearly male.

Species: The slave is of the Lizard species, family classification is Chamaeleonidae.

Sub Species/Breed: Slave appears to be human also.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Upon physical examination the slave's build is classified as being lean muscled.

Physical Details: Slave is covered from head to toe in a smooth, cool flesh. If rubbed the wrong way, the slave's skin is sharp as nails. Slave has burnt orange hair, and amethyst colored eyes.

Physical Markings: Slave has dust colored markings along his tail.

Physical Drawbacks: Slave does not display any physical drawbacks, nor can we identify any physical drawbacks at this time.

Current Infliction(s): Slave is completely healthy.

Physical Defenses: Slave presents with talon like claws upon hands and feet. Rows of razor sharp teeth, and a powerful tail. All quite capable of causing harm to the target deemed as a threat to the chameleon.

Appealing Attributes: Slave is exotic in appearance, aswell as breed.

Clothing: Slave seems to be quite..rebellious when it comes to wearing clothing. Having shredded several outfits, we have finally gotten him to at least wear a simple brown loin cloth to keep himself decent.

Other Items: The slave arrived at the island with no personal items.


Feral or Cultured: A blend of the two. If threatened, or backed into a corner the slave presents with a savage and feral mindset. Though his capability of speech, and reasoning aswell as mannerisms speak of a cultured past, aswell.

Phobias: Slave appears to be horrified of large bodies of water, and predatory creatures.

Disorders: Slave does not seem to present with any known or recognizable disorders at this time.

How do they present themselves: Loner, distant, rebellious toward males. Protective toward females, or smaller creatures who are deemed as fragile.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: The slave seems to have no feelings either way.

Overall Attitude: Slave is an enigma, overall his attitude suggests rebellion, and stand off ish in nature, but at times it seems the slave is timid and wishes to blend in with his surroundings and just fade away into nothing.

Quirks: None known

Hobbies / Interests: Slave expresses an interest in learning, aswell as reading, the arts, meditation, and martial arts. He is fond of the beach, sun bathing, soaking in hot springs, and fighting aswell.

High or Low Maintenance: Slave is medium maintenance, he requires a certain temperature, and special diet of equal proportions of all food groups.

Diet / Allergies: Diet consists of equal portions of all of the major food groups. No known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: English/Common

Can they Read / Write: Read: Yes. Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: Slave is unable to produce magics.

Talents / Skills: The slave presents with the following skills.
*Martial arts
*Pit fighting
*Physical labor

Training: Slave has had no formal training outside of Martial arts.


Previous Owners: The Slave presented with a note of recommendation from his prior Master Izel

Previous Usage(s): Pit fighter

Previous status: Born into slavery

For Rent or to Own: Available for rent, or own.


*1 Night Rental: 5Image

*To Own: 50Image or 5Image

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Daily, times vary due to RL schedule

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character Development, Plot, Storyline. Someone who will expand on his training, and help to mold him into a worthy slave.

What are your allowances for your character: NC except Death

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description: I've seen the dead pulverized, laid to rest with open eyes. I've seen the dead laid to waste, a shallow grave in an unmarked place. Rigamortis, decomposed. Don't take long till the blood runs cold. Shrieks of terror, none shall hear. Murder, Slaughter, extremely severe. I've seen the dead once again exhumed. Rotten to the core choking on the fumes. I've seen the dead in total mass decay, in a wooden box to rot away.

Website: STC

Images: Image

Contact Details: Whisper Eztli yaotl on Furcadia.

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