Nur owned (Rent Only)

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Nur owned (Rent Only)

Post by Aesa »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Nur J. Daelo

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Nur

Age: Unknown / Forgotten

Gender: Female

Species: Pipe Fox

Sub Species/Breed: Kitsune

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Curvy

Physical Details: Red/Orangeish hair, Black fur, Green eyes.

Physical Markings: One white paw.

Physical Drawbacks: Can only be in one form at a time and anthro form is harder for her to understand.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Fox Fire, Claws and Teeth.

Appealing Attributes: Long Fluffy Tail

Clothing: None

Other Items: Her pipe is the only thing she keeps.


Feral or Cultured: Feral

Phobias: Being stuck in her pipe for years, Losing the trust of her master / Mistress, Being misused.

Disorders: Has a small thing for stealing shiny objects and chewing on things in her feral form.

How do they present themselves: Weary, usually standing off to the back watching.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Weary

Overall Attitude: Quiet, Weary, Pleasant.

Quirks: Curling up in a corner blowing fire out of her mouth. Collecting Shiny objects.

Hobbies / Interests: Learning new things, spending time in gardens, Sun Bathing.

High or Low Maintenance: High

Diet / Allergies: Meat Diet. Allergic to Peaches, Cream, Pears.


Language(s) Spoken: English, Small bit of Japanese

Can they Read / Write: No

Can your character produce magic: Yes, Fox Fire.

Talents / Skills: Guarding, Being a companion, Fire Related.

Training: Forgotten.


Previous Owners: Has passed Many years Ago.

Previous Usage(s): Companion, Protector.

Previous status: Protector.

For Rent or to Own: To own or To rent.

Cost: 5 Gold to Rent. 100 Gold to Own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Almost everyday, Outside of mornings.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Looking for Nur to find a decent place to grow and help however she can, More rp and maybe a bit of fighting thrown in the mix.

What are your allowances for your character: Common Sense
Long Term/Short Term: Long Term.

General Information

Character Description: Could it really be? Tails thrashed against the ground, eyes glowing a bright green liquid strikes out from black mass, Red Balls of fire floated around tails hovering over their own accord. Body slim and taut muscles rippled underneath softest fur teeth gleamed behind charcoal lips daring one to come closer. Necklace dangled around neck a small pipe swung with each stride of the beast, Such a Deadly Fox. Would one Dare to find out what lurks underneath the beast?


Images: Please See her site for her image.

Contact Details: Nur.

Notes: If you are confused by Anything please message me or if you have any advice i'll gladly listen!
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