Victoria Dashford's Papers (unowned)

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Victoria Dashford's Papers (unowned)

Post by victoriadashford »

Basic Information

Full Name: Victoria Lynn Dashford

Nickname: none

Name on Identification: Victoria

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Species: Canine

Sub Species/Breed: Husky

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Slim

Physical Details: Blonde hair, eyes are pale blue with now pupil, white fur, cream colors markings.

Physical Drawbacks: She is mute with no hopes of getting her voice back

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Strong teeth, though these are not usually weapons.

Appealing Attributes: Slim, slightly exotic look with the eyes, well groomed.

Clothing: Usually none but she does sport a pink halter top with matching harem pants.

Other Items: She keeps a pad and paper to communicate with those who wish to speak to her.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Someone treating her like she is handicap

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: However she thinks will best please her master/mistress

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She is a little indifferent about it.

Overall Attitude: Submissive, slightly dependent, and a bit feisty when riled up, a total sweetheart when given the chance.

Quirks: She is rather goofy

Hobbies / Interests: She enjoys painting and drawing and even listening to music. She also enjoys hand to hand combat.

High or Low Maintenance: Low-medium maintenance. She can be left alone with food and water and expected to take care of herself, and she knows some basic tasks, but she does crave contact.

Diet / Allergies: Total carnivore


Language(s): Common

Can they Read / Write: Yes

Can your character produce magic: None

Talents / Skills: Drawing, painting, very stealthy.

Training: Next to none, but had training in combat and how to be a thief.


Previous Owners: One, now deceased.

Previous Usage(s): Companionship, training, sex, used to steal things for her owner.

Previous status:Owned

For Rent or to Own: Rent, takes a special someone to own her.

Cost: 5 gold to rent, contact to buy.

OOC Info/Notes


What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: fun, memories.

What are your allowances for your character: I am not particularly against anything other than what is in my f-list, it's easier if you ask about the thing you want.

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character description:
Young, beautiful and caged...she escaped her master and was on her own with nothing but the clothes on her back and a shoulder bag she carries around with her. There was little to nothing in it just pad an paper that she used all the time to communicate with others if they didn't know sign language. Long blonde hair cascaded down her back to rest just at her firm butt which was covered by black pants and a pink sash that was wrapped around her waist. She also had a bikini top that held her breasts up nicely. With a pretty face and pupiless eyes of blue this husky is an escape artist.[WF][mute][unowned]<a href=" ... Papers]</a>

Website: none yet

Contact Details:

Notes: F-list-
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