Stigeo - Slave Papers

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Stigeo - Slave Papers

Post by Stig »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:

Stig, Whip

Name on Identification:



Whiplash Squid

Sub Species/Breed:
Anthro/Giant Squid

Physical Appearance

Body Type:

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)
Pale blue fleshtone with speckled patterns of green which can bioluminesce. Eyes appear normal though vestigial branches to the pupil denote cephalopod heritage. No hair, tentacles (13 total) extend from skull and upper neck, covered in tiny suction cups for maximum grip, although sharp sickle like hooks can be extended from the tentacle club pads. Small sharp teeth for tearing fish, do not impede speech. Rarely seen, but toes are webbed. When submerged, skin exudes a slick, mucous-like film to allow for underwater breathing and locomotion. Quickly dries and flakes off within 30 minutes of being out of the water. No issue with both fresh and sea waters.

Physical Markings:
Patterned speckling over shoulders, down spine, over hips and down the front of his shins, which can bioluminesce, also along brow and down most tentacles.

Physical Drawbacks:
Tires easily, although can go days without food, when he does eat he requires large volumes of protein, especially if he has been active underwater. Susceptible to sounds (high and low frequency) and sudden changes in air pressure.

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses: (If any.)
Multiple prehensile tentacles, each one with a full furre's strength, both tentacle clubs can extend small sickle like teeth to tear and shred. Also knows a very small amount of footpad based combat.

Appealing Attributes:
Lithe, multiple applied tentacles increase their strength exponentially, fit and athletic. Surprisingly light touch, as befits his profession. open personality eager to laugh and chat.

Open vest tied with a sash over like colored pants, both loose fitting for maximum movement.

Other Items: (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.)
A half dozen rings, meant to fit at the base of several of his tentacles, and a small folded pouch of mixed lockpicks and such tools. Many of which he assumes to have been sold at this point.


Feral or Cultured:
Cultured (well, as best a rogue can be)

Madness. Absolutely terrified of losing his mind. He's seen plenty of folks lose it with the bends, and other strange things over the years.


How do they present themselves:

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Resigned, but most definitely unhappy. Despises being thought of as a 'thing' to be owned.

Overall Attitude:
Generally good natured, likes to push the rules, especially when wealth is on the line.


Hobbies / Interests:
Actually quite interested in cooking.

High or Low Maintenance:
Low maintenance.

Diet / Allergies:
Omnivorous diet with seafood preferences, no allergies.


Language(s) Spoken:
Common, low toned whistling (best used underwater), modified Thieve's Cant.

Can they Read / Write:
Can read and write

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produce magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.)

Talents / Skills:
Specializes in appropriations, including underwater reclamations. Ie. treasure hunter and a thief/rogue.

None formally, simply what he's learned through practice.


Previous Owners: (If known.)

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Previously employed as a thief and B&E artist, sold out during a heist to avoid trouble for his former partners. Muckity muck who's property they were interested in had him sold as a slave to recompense the cost of the B&E and other missing items.

For Rent or to Own:
For Rent/To Own

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for suggested prices.)
Rental per night: 1 silver
Own: 50 gold (he might be untrained, but is considered to have potential, and a rare breed)

OOC Info/Notes

Most afternoons and early evenings, depends on work schedule.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Will play any rp that comes along, but Stig isn't interested in being a pet or property. He's a rogue and happy about it, and hopes to find an 'owner' he can work his debt of with, and by then trust enough to keep working for.

What are your allowances for your character:
No limits, including mutilation and death. Go hog wild.

Long Term/Short Term:
Yes and yes.

General Information

Character Description:
A different one, this. Furless with a dense, almost rubbery flesh in speckled blues and greens, the male has no arms. No evidence of wounds, simply they do not exist. Instead of hair atop his head, a dozen or so thick, ropey tendrils, some long as he is tall, two ending in slightly flattened pads. They seem strong and prehensile. Black and red silk vest bound with a sash across the waist over top of matching black silk pants, baggy where they are tied at the shins. Barepawed, a thick metal collar around his neck, and multiple smaller ones binding his tendrils together and leaving just enough length on the two pad-ending ones to allow small motion. [Squid hybrid] [WF/RPF] [Seeking owner/employer]


Would love some if you have suggestions.

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