Vivid - For Rent

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Vivid - For Rent

Post by Vivid »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Sassaprine

Nickname:Sass, Sassy

Name on Identification:Sass



Species: Fairy

Sub Species/Breed: Earth Elemental

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Plump, well rounded

Physical Details: Silver, wavy hair/Dark purple eyes/Olive complected skin

Physical Markings: Scarring where jewels commonly sprout: forearms, chest

Physical Drawbacks: None

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: None

Appealing Attributes: Precious gems growing from body that are often shed, free to be collected by whoever finds them.

Clothing: Commonly wears silks and sheer fabrics.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Apiphobia, Bogyphobia

Disorders: none

How do they present themselves: Well mannered and cultured, polite if not a bit shy

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Looks forward to every learning opportunity she can get

Overall Attitude: Pleasant and friendly, certainly doesn't mind her position being a slave

Quirks: Has a tendency to eat the gems she sprouts if she doesn't have anything else edible nearby

Hobbies / Interests: Metalwork and jewelry crafting, has an interest in blacksmithing

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet / Allergies: Primarily an omnivore, will resort to eating rocks if nothing else is available


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Fae

Can they Read / Write: Yes/Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes, collared appropriately

Talents / Skills: Metalwork and jewelry crafting, sewing

Training: Her former owner trained her in metalwork and crafting as well as mundane house chores including cooking, cleaning, sewing and being a nanny


Previous Owners: Previous owner passed away and left papers to the Tether

Previous Usage(s): Primarily used to help with chores

Previous status: Owned

For Rent or to Own: Rent

Cost: 15 Image for one night

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Varies due to irl family life

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I'm looking for someone willing to help build this character and teach her more skills.

What are your allowances for your character: No consent with the exception of death

Long Term/Short Term: Either

General Information

Character Description:
Shimmering and jewel encrusted, a creature of splendour without meaning to be. Short, adorably so, but plump and well rounded in all the right places with shimmering grey hair that dropped to mid back in a flux of waves and curls. Stormy eyes held no pupils but rather an almost mirror like sheen that reflected an ancient magic within. Body, when not in the buff, was often draped in dull fabric to make the gems sprouting from her flesh much more appealing, those same precious gems sometimes shed for anyone to find.


Images: none

Contact Details: Message me through rpr or shoot me a whisper!

Notes: none~
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