Monstrosity - Unowned.

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Monstrosity - Unowned.

Post by Monstrosity »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: No name on file.

Nickname: Blue.

Name on Identification: N/A

Age: Mid twenties.

Gender: Female.

Species: Human.

Sub Species/Breed: Possessed?

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Athletic yet undersized, low percentage of body, not quite the prototypical picturesque frame.

Physical Details: Long to medium black hair that possesses a blue undertone. Grey rounded eyes, tanned flesh.

Physical Markings: Light scarring across her left wrist, lower back and the side of her throat.

Physical Drawbacks: Has severely injured her right leg in the past, prone to injury at times. Small frame and lack of raw strength.

Current Infliction(s): None, physically healthy.

Physical Defenses: Fists, elbows and shins.

Appealing Attributes: Visually she is pleasant to look at with sharp angular features. She doesn't posses a completely prototypical figure eight though she does sport the more obvious feminine curves.

Clothing: It varies. She is dressed plainly, often the colors revolving around more neutral tones.

Other Items: She was accompanied with two items when arriving to the tether. The first a small gold locket with the inscription R.S.P inside, and an ornately designed curved Spanish dagger. Black and silver in color and as sharp as a razor.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured. She is accepting of her station and where she is now, she has a full understanding of the expectations for her along with the punishments that could possibly follow.

Phobias: Mild Claustrophobia, becomes far more significant when she's unable to see, breath easily or is completely restrained.

Disorders: Mild anxiety.

How do they present themselves: Reserved. She opts not to go out of her way to engage in interaction with patrons and slaves alike. Doesn't often speak outwardly unless otherwise addressed. Occasionally engages with other slaves.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Positive/Neutral. Being owned simply means time away from the cages.

Overall Attitude: She keeps to to herself for the most part. Isn't outwardly kind or cruel, comes across as someone who looks out for herself first and foremost. She is slow to trust others but fiercely loyal.

Quirks: Struggles remembering names. Has difficulty recalling past events.

Hobbies / Interests: Hunting/Scavenging/Gathering, Sparring, reading.

High or Low Maintenance: Pretty low Maintenance. Is able to keep herself busy and remain somewhat productive when not under the supervision of a master or mistress.

Diet / Allergies: No known Allergies. Diet consists of both meat and vegetables, prefers fish to red meat.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Greek, Spanish, some Latin.

Can they Read / Write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: To an extent, is able to occasionally see visions of the past or future. The more she abuses the ability the worse she feels, in severe cases it could cause internal bleeding and possibly death.

Talents / Skills: Able to read and write in multiple languages. Effective with both a sword and a bow. Efficient hunter, tracker, and gatherer. ( She's spent a lot of time wandering the island's uninhabitable area's. )

Training: Former training in both behavior and etiquette, none since arriving at The Golden Tether.


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): Scribe. Gladiator.

Previous status: Free Woman.

For Rent or to Own: Available for ownership. ( Rent to own. )

Cost: Twelve gold per rental.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Weekdays sometimes during the day and others during the evening.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character development above all else, interesting plot is always appreciated.

What are your allowances for your character: I play her close to non-consent. I'm comfortable with horror aspects, I ask she not be permanently disfigured.

Long Term/Short Term: I'm currently seeking both.

General Information


Contact Details: Whisper me in game on Monstrosity for more information or any questions you possess.
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