Tadashi Storm - Unowned

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Tadashi Storm - Unowned

Post by Tadashi »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Tadashi Storm

Nickname: Storm

Name on Identification: Tadashi

Age: Unknown

Gender: Male

Species: Canine

Sub Species/Breed: Ethiopian

Physical Appearance

Body Type: His body is that of a medium frame which is sleek and slender but yet muscular one.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) Tadashi's hair is a shaggy and unkempt hair that is kept about ear length. It's body of thick hair which is a light orange in color with some natural highlights of a lighter shade. There are signs that it could be curly or wavy if grown any longer. No matter how he tries to fix it, it always returns to the messy state of which it came from. His eyes are the strangest feature upon this canine... a pair of haunting deep soulful orbs that are a faint pink in color. His fur is thick and very soft, making him appear fluffy. The color is unique for his kind, instead of being the orange red that is common. Tadashi's fur is a light creamish tan color with white markings. He has a white chest and underside that almost blends in with the cream of the rest of his fur.

Physical Markings: Part of his left ear is missing, as if it had been bitten off. There are a few scars that are hidden beneath his cream fur.

Physical Drawbacks: Cannot lift more than sixty pounds currently.

Current Infliction(s): Weak Immune System.

Physical Defenses: Normal Canine Defenses.

Appealing Attributes: His strange color fur and eyes. Tadashi has a way of looking at people that tends to draw them closer to him as if they had known him for a long time.

Clothing: Simple clothing basic tribal; old animal hide pants and arm band. No shoes or shirt.

Other Items: No items


Feral or Cultured: Somewhat Cultured. Spent most of his life alone on a beach with his small pack.

Phobias: Darkness, Heights

Disorders:[/b None

How do they present themselves: He can be a bit shy and withdrawn at first, it takes him a little while to warm up to someone. He does his best to make himself look proper by copying what is seen around him.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Tadashi cannot stand this life that he has been tossed in to and often tries to escape from it. He doesn't like the idea of being owned let alone rented, hates the fact he is no longer in control.

Overall Attitude: Great principle, honor, and courage; often times fearlessly charges into dangerous situations, leaving little time to think of his own well being. Personifying dignity and conviction or at least tries to these days. Though his kindness isn't to be mistaken for anything he can still give snard comments occasionally because of how selfish he is in certain situations. He is a remarkably observant... This `observer' type personality was developed and heightened by the tragic loss of his best friend in which he blames himself for it. Its not often people can get pass the wall he put up to see the true side of his nature… That soft and gentle personality where he knows how to have a little fun and relax for a change instead of the quiet, shy guy…but there is also the depression which tends to haunt him when its late at night and there is nothing around but silence.

Quirks: None

Preference: Tadashi is gay but doesn't mind females but has never been with one and has only had a relationship with another male before he found himself as a slave. He has never fully been with someone before.

Hobbies / Interests: Sailing, Kayaking, Cooking, Exploring

High or Low Maintenance: Somewhere in the middle

Diet / Allergies: Allergic to shellfish, nuts.


Language(s) Spoken: Common

Can they Read / Write: Can't read well, can write a little.

Can your character produce magic: No magic

Talents / Skills: Can hold his breath under the water for almost twenty minutes. Has a little bit knowledge of the medical background. Really good at cooking. Skilled tracker and hunter.

Training: None


Previous Owners: One trainer before, unknown.

Previous Usage(s): Companion (non sexual)

Previous status: Unknown

For Rent or to Own: Rent / Owned

Cost: 5 to rent, 50 to own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Whenever I am on, I am available. Random times through the day.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Something fun, enjoyable and at least paragraphs.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term would be nice, short term is fine.

General Information

Character Description: Work in progress

Website: N/A

Images: Coming Soon

Contact Details: PM
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