Microscopic -- Unowned

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Microscopic -- Unowned

Post by Microscopic »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name : Rhoswen Susanna

Nickname : Microscopic

Name on Identification : Rhoswen Susanna

Age : 3 lives old*
*Faeries don't go by years they've lived, but by how many times they've been reincarnated. Rhoswen has been reincarnated 3 times.
Gender : Female

Species : Snow Faerie

Sub Species/Breed : Human

Physical Appearance

Body Type : Endomorph; hourglass figure; 7", 2oz.

Physical Details : Hair: Pure white; long; wavy tips; pulled up into a half bun
Eyes: Snow blue; expressive; round
Skin: Very pale; clear; often flushed

Physical Markings : None

Physical Drawbacks : Not very limber; cannot touch toes

Current Infliction(s) : None

Physical Defenses : Very little muscle; long nails

Appealing Attributes : Large bust; large hips; small waist; thick thighs; round face; small nose; big lips

Clothing : Flowing pink strapless "crop top"; mahogany panties; pale pink stockings; mohogany veil over nose and mouth; white collar

Other Items : 6 golden bracelets, three for each wrist; golden headpiece


Feral or Cultured : Cultured

Phobias : iron; humans (although this fear is being ruled out)

Disorders : None

How do they present themselves : Very shy; tends to try to "hide" herself

Feelings towards being owned / rented : Bitter, but accepting

Overall Attitude : Shy, but speaks her mind when needed; protective; indulgent

Quirks : Always touching her fingers to her lips or near her mouth; easily submits to the needs of others before thinking of her own

Hobbies / Interests : Drawing snowflakes; dancing; singing

High or Low Maintenance : Moderate

Diet / Allergies : Vegetarian


Language(s) Spoken : English

Can they Read / Write : Can read, but not write

Can your character produce magic : Yes

Talents / Skills : Encourages snow; creates ice; fly by use of wings; paints with frost

Training : No formal training


Previous Owners : None

Previous Usage(s) : None

Previous status : None

For Rent or to Own : Either

Cost : TGT Suggested Price for Average Slave

OOC Info/Notes

Availability : Whenever I'm online, or if I'm currently not owned/for rent unless stated by the owner/renter.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay : I just want to have fun! Tell me what to do, let me please you, etc. I generally don't want to do sexual RP all the time, but I will every once in a while.

What are your allowances for your character : Anything besides death or the disfiguring of her body. You can scar her for life, whatever you want. Just don't detach limbs or kill her.

Long Term/Short Term : Both please! Long term is more appreciated and welcomed, however. This would usually be someone who owned her.

General Information

Character Description : Coming soon, I promise!

Website : Coming soon, I promise!

Images :

Contact Details : Whisper on Furc, or PM here.

Notes :[/size]
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