Daii -- {Unowned}

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Daii -- {Unowned}

Post by Daii »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Daii

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Daii

Age: Adult; exact age unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Minkin (of Furcadia's Lemurkin Minkin line)

Sub Species/Breed: Ailurus Fulgens; Red Panda

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Teacup sized. Lithe from berry, grains, insect, and nut diet. Predominantly resembles a miniature Red Panda structure but, given her proportions, her resting stance looks more like a ferret type.
Body is able to comfortably rest in the palm of the average hand with lengthy tail easily able to coil around a forearm. Legs would then be able to lazily drape through parted fingers, leaving the horned and furred head to bob with weighted curiosity. A supple arm charm or neck perch for those of a high class seeking such.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) As is common if not expected of the Furcadia Minkin species, two horns with two respective prongs adorn the head of the female. Daii possesses a gene unique to her subspecies alone that produces invaluable and rare gem-like stones embedded in the bone structure of these horns. Because of this rarity, it has made the species desirable to hunters and poachers who are aware of the monetary value of obtaining these horns to sell in black markets and what have you. The fact that Daii remains alive and still horned -- as many of her kind who are captured and harvested for their unique attribute are either released with the prize sawed off or killed off -- all play a part in this creature's worth.

Daii is also winged; another common trait of the Minkin breed. A smaller pair of feathered appendages rest on her hind quarters and are used as a steadying and support mechanism to the larger duo nestled between her shoulder blades.

Physical Markings: Daii is a subspecies of the Minkin of the Red Panda descent and her facial and body markings among her soft russet fur reflect the traditional standards. Ringed tail, masked details around the face, and dark limbs.

Physical Drawbacks: As to date, there are no physical imperfections on the body. Daii has made a full and successful recovery since her capture involving a talented hunter's trap that had been designed for constraining rather than maiming all with the intent of obtaining a live Minkin for trade purposes. It had fractured her paw from the struggle until the transfer to a proper cage to contain the beast was done, but Daii has since healed under the careful eye of The Golden Tether staff and treatment. Her fur, horns, and limbs remain clean and intact.

Current Infliction(s): None. She keeps to herself mostly in the pens, being one of the few feral permitted to be caged with other humanoid and bipedal beings.

Physical Defenses: (If any.) Daii has an alternate 'spirit' form that increases and contorts her body into a much stronger, larger, and menacing being. It takes a lot of energy to produce, and requires ample sleep and food to restore. If purchased, this greater and seemingly other creature would be ideal as a mount for travels, a guardian of sorts, or potentially trained to fight in the pits if so desired. (Picture soon to come of alternate transformation)

Appealing Attributes: Aside from having the dual pleasures of glorified and expensive shoulder pet to accentuate wealth and serve as an overall flaunt worthy piece of property - for those who are educated on the breed and know the worth - this particular Minkin has proven to be highly trainable and has demonstrated favorable temperament with little heavy reprimanding needed. A few cases of her nipping guards and patrons have been jotted down over her time in The Golden Tether yet nothing serious has occurred on her record. Overall the furry bundle of eye candy seems to have a welcoming attitude to most if not everyone despite being a living doll representing exquisite wealth.

Daii communicates telepathically but cannot read your thoughts. She is sentient and understands common, but cannot as of date speak it. In other words, one must speak out loud in order for her to know what they're trying to communicate. The voice resonates as a soft yet regal purr, resembling fine silk or velvet when one hears her voice in their mind. Outwardly her sounds consist of various chirrups, yips, whines, and barks similar to what a fox may produce as customary to natural red pandas. She's able to make for more intimate relationships as they are much more one on one as opposed to speaking openly in a room full of prying ears. Daii will not speak with everyone, however, and some beings she simply cannot perform this action on; such as those mentally strong enough to block her out or anything along those lines. However if your character is also telepathic, then the two may converse in the safety of their minds. While she may not speak unless commanded to on case to case scenarios, the polite and seemingly wise critter will still be more than obliged to interact and engage in company. **Bear in mind that because of the treated cages at TGT, she cannot use her telepathy until a guard brings her out of it's boundaries if she is in an individual cage. If in the harem pit, however, talk is free.

Clothing: Nothing but the fur on her back upon entry. The Golden Tether does try to accentuate her physical attributes however by linking a delicate piece of fabric between her jeweled horns, along with two thick golden shackles banded around her lengthy tail also equipped with similar draping fabrics to appease potential patrons while in her resting state. Daii is unable to shape shift while shackled given the magically treated material, but no clothing is on her spirit form to date. More may be given upon her rental or purchase through roleplay.

Other Items: (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.) None. Same rules apply and she may be given things during roleplay when applicable.


Feral or Cultured: Tame while in her resting form, a saucy house cat at best. Some might even say domesticated despite having only been at The Golden Tether for a relatively short amount of time. Much more feral and lethal when engorged by her other formation otherwise.

Phobias: Natural aversion to fire; being alone; claustrophobia; having her wings clipped or horns sawed off; dragons and drakes

Disorders: Although she's trained, Daii is still feral. She has good and bad days where she'll either engage warmly with others or become recluse and skittish and had an episode upon being first brought to TGT that included her shapeshifting getting out of control while trying to break free.

How do they present themselves: Some may say she's a bit... prissy. At least her attitude comes across as something that thinks highly of itself as she recognizes the dangers and greed associated with her kind. While not intended, she may come across as rude and entitled for this reason but usually manages to playfully mask this slight 'uppity' personality with wit, proper grammar, and practiced poise. Think of her as a saucy spoiled house cat who has a taste for the finer things in life, and adores to be doted on despite her current situation at The Golden Tether. Daii knows her place, however, and will be mindful to what she says on a usual basis.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Actually, despite her self proclaimed royalty, Daii comes across as hopeful to the idea of being owned one day. Hopeful, but not desperate. If she could have it her way being paired with an equally high in status individual who was important in the community. She feels she could be a great asset as a personal adviser and, not only would it make her look good, but she seems to have it in her mind that it would serve both their reputation well.

Being rented bears different emotions, however. She feels cheap, unwanted, and used for all the wrong purposes. Daii is a lifetime companion in her eyes, and forming artificial relationships with people who may take her out like a dusty old library book only to bring her right back takes a toll on her pride.

Overall Attitude: Dainty and wise, she tends to offer bites of advice and sees herself as an adviser to those who will lend an ear. Whether or not her words are supple and reliable though remains to be seen. Daii does seem to have adjusted well at TGT, considering. While being shackled up and stuck in a pen full of strangers doesn't necessarily thrill her, she retains her unbroken composure and grace in a way only a sickening princess could. She aims to please and secretly enjoys outwitting the weak minded with a practiced innocent grin, usually coupled with a questionably apologetic nudge. Obedient, yet personable. Proper, yet feral. Above all, prideful. Many find her subtle sass to be enjoyable company, though there have been patrons in the past to complain and reprimand her from speaking out of turn or overstepping boundaries every once in a blue moon. She can either be a thorn in your side, a migraine in the back of your mind, or a valuable companion. To put it simply, the Minkin doesn't really feel like a slave here on the average day. Just an... honorary 'guest' waiting to find a more suitable environment. Whenever she forgets this and steps out of line, guards are not hasty to correct her though she typically remains harmless.

Quirks: Gets startled, much like cats do, by random and seemingly invisible things. She may randomly scuttle in a panicked rush from one end of the pens or cage to the other only to abruptly stop and clean her leg with her tongue like nothing happened.

Daii is rather touchy-feely for the most part. She thoroughly enjoys laying in laps, being perched upon someone's shoulder, or sticking out of their purse or pocket if it's large enough. This has led to more minor inconveniences with guards having to correct her from accidentally cuddling with other slaves in the harem pen.

Communicates outwardly with chitters, tweeting, and whistling sounds as Red Panda's naturally produce.

Stretching is one of her favorite things to do. Not only is it comfortable, but she believes it to be a great means to flaunt her assets to onlooking patrons. And boy does this girl love attention!

Her species is rumored to be as wise as the owl, yet cunning as the fox. Her (usually unasked for) advice typically comes in riddle formation for that reason. Vague, yet direct enough to offer a questionably opinionated point of view. Every once in a while she may just pick a person at random (while out of the pens) and telepathically blurt an omen while passing; if only to enjoy the confusion it stirs up. Can Daii see the future? Surely not. Is she insightful and perceptive? Yes, which is the only reason why she even bothers. Whether or not 'her' way is the right way, this critter has a tendency to believe it's way is best until proven otherwise. Her intellect usually surpasses her pride.

Hobbies / Interests: Enjoys helping others solve their problems or reach a solution; likes to cause mild confusion with her "drive-by" remarks when able to get away with it in people's minds; has an appreciation for other finesse and expensive items or people as she, too, regards herself as such; simple bells and toys can keep her occupied for a solid amount of time yet she owns none of her own

High or Low Maintenance: Mild. Daii is self reliant and needs little other than companionship and a sense of duty to fulfill.

Diet / Allergies: Berries, grains, nuts, and insects. Think trailmix sprinkled with ants. Also been known to eat birds and eggs.
No known allergies, but chocolate poses to be a wonderful treat to her despite how it may upset her stomach. Oddly enough, Daii possesses a palate for fine wines as well thanks to a previous renter who introduced it to her.


Language(s) Spoken: Cannot speak, only uses telepathy for those who do not understand feral.

Can they Read / Write: Read yes, write no. She could spend hours in a library.

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.) Her transformation process, while not an 'elemental magic' or anything of that kind, is stipend by protective shackles so that she remains small and in check. The telepathy cannot work outside of the individual cages due to their anti-magic treatment but she can communicate with those inside the harem pens with her if desired.

Talents / Skills: An excellent climber with no fear of heights, strong sense of smell makes her a useful tracker, and due to her dexterous and flexible appendages, Daii can stand straight up in her lesser form and walk short distances bi-pedally. While practiced, this is uncomfortable for long periods of time. Her flight has proven to be a useful entertainment skill.

Training: No formal training other than what has been provided by The Golden Tether personnel on behaving, minding manners, and serving clients well. Usually used as an entertainer for events (i.e., serving food or drink by flight on command of guards when special guests arrive; sitting still as a living table decoration or having fruit draped off of her for others to pick off of and eat, etc). Daii, other than her initial arrival, has expressed no desires of running away or escaping and is therefore allowed the typical freedoms that harem types enjoy. No fighting experience. She's quite adaptable and is open to future training in roleplay.


Previous Owners: (If known.) None.

Previous Usage(s): The occasional renter will use her for the entertainment mentioned above, or as a neck pet to a fancy event such as a ball or meeting to raise their status appearance, but other than that TGT lists her as a more or less strictly to own slave due to their gains they would earn by selling such an exotic creature.

Previous status: Free, feral.

For Rent or to Own: Renting is fine for short term roleplays, but primarily seeking to be owned officially.

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for suggested prices.) Exotic, trained, personable, and bejeweled horns give Daii a steep price of 330 gold or 32 silver to own.
2 silver or 23 gold to rent (rental prices are cheaper due to the fact that she is feral, and may not be able to perform the same functions as the other harem types in terms of service).

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: If I'm online, whisper me! Usually on EST between 10:00am-4:00pm, or later in the night from 9:00pm-whenever I pass out.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Ideally someone who's character is haughty and regal and shares similar personality types of entitlement so the two can drink merrily with pinkies up for all the days to come. I'd like her to be used as a mount/ride if they're a traveler, or taught to fight in the ring if need be although she'd need a lot of work. Basically an arm charm for her to dote on them, and them unto her. But I'm open to ideas c:

What are your allowances for your character: See above.

Long Term/Short Term: Either are fine! It could be something short and sweet as our slaves interacting briefly before being whisked away for a task, or something more thought out and prolonged.

General Information

Character Description: > There, nestled in the corner with furred body sprawled out comfortably rested a rather unique looking creature. Antlers sprouted uptop the skull with bejeweled stones seemingly embedded into the very DNA gave a soft twinkle as the dim light played off of the precious gems. Odd, one might think. Soft russet tones plagued the body of the teacup sized Minkin. Despite the specialized shackles along the luxurious tail that suggested it's rank, it held posture that suggested priss and sophistication. A living symbol of (URL: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?ch ... page=97202) wealth, prestige, and rarity for those who were educated enough to know of the breed.

Website: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?ch ... page=97202

Images: Image

Contact Details: Whisper Daii; alternate contact may be given upon purchase

Notes: I (the player) and Daii are new to TGT, so if I make a newbish error please don't hesitate to let me know. (: This page will be frequently updated with more images, optional plots to follow, and what have you. But I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. <3
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