Nilanth - Owned.

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Nilanth - Owned.

Post by Monstrum »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
Nilanth Kaut.

Nil, Chief, One-Eye.

Name on Identification:

Middle aged.


Drakorian wyrmme.

Sub Species/Breed:
Noble wyrmme.

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
Broader that most wyrmmes but not by much, he has broad shoulders but a slender, tapering waist.

Physical Details:
The majority of his scales are a dark blueish-purple colour, with pale cream scales on his underbelly and the underside of his tail. One eye is a fiery molten amber, while the other is destroyed and covered in scar tissue. He has several grey horns jutting out of his head and back, along with two massive scars spanning his shoulder blades where his wings used to be. Several teeth are capped in golden points.

Physical Markings:

Physical Drawbacks:
Rather large in comparison to a normal furre.

Current Infliction(s):

Physical Defenses:
Tail, teeth, claws, physical strength.

Appealing Attributes:
None...he's kinda ugly and hard to be around.

See reference on RPR page.

Other Items:
Two bone daggers to be used in the arena.


Feral or Cultured:
A little of both.

Seems to hold no true phobias.

Still holds Drakorian values.
Antisocial personality disorder.

How do they present themselves:
Aggressive, feral, unwilling to obey.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Absolutely abhors it.

Overall Attitude:
Not the sort of person you would want as a lap pet.

Often gives a crocodilian rumble when in thought or angry, can be distracted by the glitter of shiny things.

Hobbies / Interests:
Shamanism, bone carving, Furcadian lore, fighting.

High or Low Maintenance:
Medium to high, due to flight risk and unwillingness to obey.
Only those who consider themselves experienced at slave handling should purchase the slave.

Diet / Allergies:
Omnivorous. No allergies.


Language(s) Spoken:
Common, Low Drakorian, High Drakorian, Smargish.

Can they Read / Write:
No, and no.

Can your character produce magic:
Yes. The slave is a Kajutar Mindscourge wyrmme and thus has been fitted with a magic suppressing collar.

Talents / Skills:
Bone carving, physical labour, fighting/martial skills, tactician, hunter, body guard abilities, proficient swimmer, master poison brewer, master herbalism.

Absolutely none regarding to slave training.


Previous Owners:
Kora Sirkis.

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Commander of the Drakorian army.

For Rent or to Own:
Owned by Paranoiac.
For rent only.

5 Image to rent.

OOC Info/Notes

Whenever I'm online and sitting in the main hall, then I'm free to play, but feel free to whisper me whenever you see me online.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Someone to acclimatize Nilanth to his new life as a slave. While I'm not overly against people renting him simply for the purpose of revenge and torture, that's not all I'm looking for. I'm intending on him becoming a permanent fixture in the slave pens and eventually have him accept his fate, even if it takes some time. He won't be changed in the period of a day or a single roleplay, nor will he break to beatings and violent means of intended submission. It will take time, and those who are impatient to such will likely find no enjoyment in roleplaying with him. I'm also not looking for him to be used as a sex slave, as that is not my main interest. Don't roleplay with me expecting to buy Nil for the sheer point of having him around to fuck your character.

What are your allowances for your character:
Most things are okay, just no death, and no permanent mutilations without discussion prior. Feel free to rent him as you see fit, for simple labour or to humiliate him in the main hall.

Long Term/Short Term:
Both are okay with me.

General Information

Character Description:


See RPR.

Contact Details:
Message me in-game on Nilanth or leave a guestbook comment.

None for now!

His hands would plait the priest's guts if he had no rope to strangle kings.
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