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Avalon - Unowned

Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2015 6:36 pm
by Frost
Slave Form

Basic Information
Name on Identification: Avalon

Age: Presumably mid twenties

Gender: Female

Species: Fairy

Physical Appearance

Body Type: 5'6" pear shape

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) Silver hair, cornflower blue eyes, soft, short pristine white fur. She has no unique identifying features.

Physical Markings: None

Physical Drawbacks: Not particularly strong or able bodied in terms of labor or fighting.

Current Infliction(s): Two long burn marks down her back; they look like the bars of a cage. Currently being mended. [3.20]

Physical Defenses: None

Clothing: Silks provided by the House. They are only enough to maintain a sense of modesty for the slave, providing ample covering for her bosom and genital regions. She does not seem to be overtly attached to them either.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: None

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: As she is a soft spoken and demure slave, she often relies on making herself as small as possible to avoid inviting attention upon herself. She is rough around the edges when it comes to presentation, needing instruction and a firm directing hand to correct it. Though she does not bind herself to any man's laws, she is governed by her own sense of self worth and preservation, resulting in an obedient and relatively disciplined slave.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Being concerned with self preservation, she understands that the best way to avoid pain is to be obedient.

Overall Attitude: She is not overly eager or happy to be serving, but she will do as she is told to avoid being on the wrong end of the wrong hand. She exhibits a tendency to be forthright, even if not of her own volition.

Quirks: Compelled to be truthful (via her iron collar), she also suffers sharp head pains at the sound of ringing bells. The longer the ringing persists, the greater the pain becomes until she succumbs to a coma. She has displayed an affinity for feral animals as well as an ability to speak to them.

Hobbies / Interests: Horticulture (including the act of gardening), reading (when permitted), herbal medicine.

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet / Allergies: Bread makes her physically ill, inducing nausea and stomach pain. She seems to have a typical omnivore diet with a preference for tropical fruits.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Fae, Animal.

Can they Read / Write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: Yes though it is completely barred by the iron collar around her throat.
Shapeshifting - Able to take the shape of rabbit and a house cat.
Blossom - Can encourage flowers to blossom at an accelerated rate.
Candlelight - Produces a small floating of orb in order to illuminate darkness.

Talents / Skills: Gardening (vegetable/flowers), wide range of plant knowledge, novice first aid skills, excellent penmanship

Training: Gardening, nanny, childcare, housekeeping, herbal medicine.


Previous Owners: Evils, Chnoubis, NPCs.

Previous Usage(s): House duties. Child rearing. Companionship (informally/formally). Pleasure. Handmaiden.

Previous status: Free

For Rent or to Own: Rent to Own (at player discretion)

Cost: 12g [1 night rental], 197g [ownership]

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Afternoons and evenings at this time, EST.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Opportunities for one on one training complete with BDSM themes. Looking to have Avalon changed from a timid, obedient slave to one who not only does her job but has become an adored, dutiful slave at that, particularly to a character who would take advantage of her.

What are your allowances for your character: Relatively anything but permanent maiming and death

Long Term/Short Term: Long term preferably if your intent is to buy her, short term otherwise.

General Information

Contact: Avalon

Notes: Please see more additional information the RPR, including more desires for plot, images, and other fun information.