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Kavi - Unowned

Posted: Thu Apr 02, 2015 7:03 pm
by Kavi
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Kavi (this is the only name she was ever given.)

Nickname: Pup, Puppy.

Name on Identification: Kavi.

Age: 17.

Gender: Female.

Species: Canine.

Sub Species/Breed: "Pomsky" - Pomeranian/Husky mutt.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Very thin, flat chested, frail.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)

Black hair - shoulder length, ringlet curls.
Light blue eyes.
Grey and white fur in a typical husky pattern, black spots on shoulders, hips and rump.

Physical Markings: Black spots, thin scars on her back where fur hasn't regrown.

Physical Drawbacks: Very weak, low stamina for manual labor.

Current Infliction(s): Malnutrition - refuses most meals.

Physical Defenses: (If any.) She's a biter.

Appealing Attributes: Beautiful face, precious and innocent in appearance.

Clothing: White undergarment shorts and a band of fabric that ties over top her chest to conceal her.

Other Items: 3 silver hoop earrings through her right ear, two bangles on her right wrist. Black suede collar around her throat.


Feral or Cultured: She will act uncultured and disobedient until a person earns her respect. Is actually very polite and well-spoken.

Phobias: Is terrified of beetles, spiders, syringes and the dark.

Disorders: She is selectively mute and is known to have anxiety attacks. Can also act paranoid.

How do they present themselves: Scared, withdrawn, silent.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Ultimately, she does what she needs to do, though it may be met with resistance.

Overall Attitude: Quiet, cautious, afraid, gentle, soft-spoken, sweet*, excitable*, playful*.
(* - Only once she feels comfortable with a person.)

Quirks: She often curls her hair with her fingers, and sometimes when she sleeps her ears will wiggle and twitch until she wakes up.

Hobbies / Interests: Poetry, calligraphy, braiding hair, bathing, grooming.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance: the smallest gesture, like offering her a sweet or giving her small affections can drastically change her mood.

Diet / Allergies: Doesn't like to eat much of anything, but is more likely to eat poultry than beef or pork. Doesn't like vegetables, though she won't usually turn away fruit. Sweets like chocolate or candy are treated like gifts from the Gods.


Language(s) Spoken: English (or the most common tongue.)

Can they Read / Write: Yes, she has decent reading/writing skills.

Can your character produce magic: No, she has no source of magical power.

Talents / Skills: She is a very talented groomer and can cut hair/trim fur quite skillfully. She has also had considerable experience with housekeeping.

Training: No official training.


Previous Owners: None recently.

Previous Usage(s): Chambermaid, personal groomer.

Previous status: None.

For Rent or to Own: Rent first, possibly own.

Cost: 7 gold to rent, 80 gold to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Pretty much all the time.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Someone to treat Kavi kindly, make her feel like she's loved for the first time in her short life.

What are your allowances for your character: I'm pretty open minded, but I'm not looking for anything overly sexual, sorry.

Long Term/Short Term: Long would be nice.

General Information

Character Description:

Charcoal ringlets of hair touched down past the fem's petite bosoms, curls giving her the appearance of being quite young. The girl's clothing was drab and she lacked any appealing curves but her facial features more than made up for any womanly shortcomings. Silver earrings and bangles were worn through her folded ears and on her wrists, jangling with the slightest of movements. Black suede collar which hugged her small throat lacked any tags, suggesting that the she was unowned. An air of melancholy constantly surrounds the pup, even should the rare occasion of her smiling arise.




Contact Details: Kavi on Furcadia. :>

Notes: Beep.