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Arronax - Unowned

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 2:51 pm
by Arronax
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Arronax

Name on Identification: Arronax

Age:Appears 17-18 years old


Species: Wind-Up Clockwork Doll

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Androgynous

Physical Details: Flame red hair, shorn and wavy, fierce blue eyes, delicate porcelain features, soft realistic skin, pliable, curved body

Physical Drawbacks:It's clear from the whine of his inner gears that he needs a tune-up.

Current Infliction(s):Age, neglect

Appealing Attributes: Beautiful doll-like features, soft body

Clothing:Victorian cream blouse with jabot at the collar, regimental brown-and-wine striped button-down breasted waistcoat, knickers to match, cream knee-socks, brown loafers

Other Items: One music box which must be cranked to play.


Feral or Cultured:Cultured

Phobias:Fire, cruelty, harsh discipline

Disorders:None save the wear of time

How do they present themselves:Neatly

Feelings towards being owned / rented:He yearns for someone to take care of him

Overall Attitude:

Quirks:Quiet and melancholic, but the beauty inside his heart is golden and warm. He is one of a kind, and the person who takes him at last will know this.

Hobbies / Interests:He can repair clocks and music boxes

High or Low Maintenance:Generally low, as long as he's kept fine-tuned. You might have trouble finding a special artisan who is talented enough to take Arronax on.

Diet / Allergies:He does not need to eat.


Language(s) Spoken:Common

Can they Read / Write:Yes

Can your character produce magic: He does not seem to be able to, but something about him must be magical.

Talents / Skills:

Training:He is an ornament, a collectible, a rare and valuable piece. He is trained in the art of pleasure but he is as yet inexperienced and new. Still, there are whispers in the highest circles that Arronax is unique to the touch, unlike any pleasure ever had, though there are some who look down on him because of what he is. He can fix most simple mechanical items.


Previous Owners: Unknown

Previous Usage(s):Pet, collectible

Previous status:Unknown

For Rent or to Own:To own

Cost: 330 gold, or 33 silver

OOC Info/Notes

Availability:Central time zone. Available mostly in the evenings both weekdays and weekends.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:Long-term, intelligent, engrossing.

What are your allowances for your character:Any. For kinks, ask.

Long Term/Short Term: Long

General Information

Character Description:*young human lad apparently aged 17; he is but a doll and an old one at that. the wheeze of

his accordion-bellows lungs echo the mechanical clockwork of his heart. his face is the

delicate, vulnerable face you can fall into and he is beautiful. long lashes dust his pale

skin. unruly, soft curls of blood red frame an angelic face with plush, doll-like lips

colored cherry petal red. his body curves subtly beneath knee-length knickers, vest and

antique blouse. he looks delicate; you'll find yourself wanting to take care of him.



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