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Kyle/Dayn (Unowned)

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 1:52 pm
by TanuKyle
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Kyle (+ Dayn)

Nickname: N/A

Name on Identification: Kyle

Age: Kyle appears to be a young adult, around 22. Dayn (from what little we have been able to observe) appears physically the same, although Kyle claims he is far older than he appears.

Gender: Agender, preferring them/they or he/him pronouns.

Species: Tanuki with suspected demonic influence from Dayn.

Sub Species/Breed:

Physical Appearance

Body Type:


As a feral, Kyle can take two sizes - his preferred smaller form which is the normal size of a Tanuki, and a larger size used for fighting which is around the size of a bear. Interestingly, the larger, bear-like form appears to be more demonic in nature, and Kyle is reluctant to assume such a form. Whether this is because of his attitude towards revealing Dayn's involvement in his nature, or whether he's just naturally non-combatitive is unclear. Both forms carry a little extra weight, fat over muscle.


As an anthro, Kyle is a relatively large specimen for a usually small species. They stand at around six foot and are slightly overweight for their size.


As a human, Kyle is roughly the same height and weight as his anthro form, minus the fur.

Physical Details:

Dark blond hair in a fluffy, artfully messy style tops their head, and blunted triangles of ears tipped with red poke out. Small jet-black horns, slightly glossy protrude from his forehead. Slightly aglow cyan eyes are set into black sclera, and surrounded by the typical facial markings (in red). A peachy nose stands out against the dark gray fur, matched by the delicate inners of their ears. Upon opening their mouth you will find rows of sharp fangs in white set against blue tongue and gums.

Dark gray fur covers most of their form, with the exception of a large, fluffy tail tipped in the same red as their other markings. Their legs and arms look almost dipped in a dark turquoise with three circles leading upwards from the dip marking. Paw pads match the peach of their nose and inner ear, and if revealed there are sharp white claws hidden inside unassumingly squishy paws. On their back are two black and glossy wings in a bat-like style. They seem too small for actual flight.

Physical Markings:

Underneath the fur and mostly invisible except in human form, there is significant scarring on their left forearm and minor scarring on their left calf.

Physical Drawbacks:

Despite their unnatural influences, Kyle is not a creature of great speed unless he relies on Dayn heavily. With the exception of his smaller feral form, his forms are bulky and large, not suited to small spaces or great feats of speed. On the flipside, they are strong.

Current Infliction(s):


Physical Defenses:

Sharp teeth and claws, and the ability to produce spines from their skin.
Nigh-impenetrable wings and horns.
Unnatural Strength.
Unnatural Speed - only in short bursts, however, and it appears Kyle is only capable of this whilst tapping into Dayn's powers.
Slave has also been observed with the ability to shapeshift wings into bigger, smaller or more useful forms.

Appealing Attributes:

Bright eyes, submissive attitude, odd fur patterning.


Generally Kyle is found in feral form, and is dressed therefore in little other than their tyrian collar with a gold tag.
In anthro or human form, Kyle is dressed in a simple slave's outfit and with the same collar and tag.

Other Items:

Kyle does not have any other belongings.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, despite his unwillingness to admit it.

Phobias: None so severe to be called a phobia perhaps, but Kyle has a marked dislike of small spaces and of being left alone.

Disorders: Slave exhibits autistic tendencies such as unwillingness to speak, unwillingness to meet eyes, and lack of understanding of social cues and non-verbal communication.

How do they present themselves: Other than his predilection towards silence, Kyle presents as an obedient, well-trained slave. A little shy and uncertain about themselves, they nevertheless are quick to obey almost any command.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Desirous. It seems one of Kyle's driving focuses is to be a 'good slave', which means working hard for anyone.

Overall Attitude:

[+] Kind [+]

Despite their selfishness - or perhaps because of it, as they recognize that fault and tries to overcome it - Kyle can be very kind, especially to those they sympathise or empathise with - which is nearly everyone. Having had a relatively hard life, Kyle tries to see the best in everyone, and at the very least can find something about them to pity. Of course this can sometimes get them in trouble - not everyone appreciates pity - but they do mean well. They're also quick to help others, and worry when people get hurt.

[+] Devious [+]

Kyle's body might be relatively slow and unwieldy, but their mind is quick and sharp. They can come up with plans on the fly, dissect mathemetical patterns and the like, and if you ask them to learn about something they’ll take to it with an almost vicious zeal. Thanks to their view on life, they’re determined to learn as much as they can that will be useful – from martial arts techniques to explosives, from medicine to mathematics.

[+] Accepting [+]

Kyle goes with the flow, and that includes with people. Fighting back just gets you in trouble, so Kyle has learnt to accept what's given to them and just get on with things. They're also very accepting of people's quirks, and have very little species bias. It's not so much that they're flexible - they far prefer structure than unexpected surprises and in fact very much despise alterations to routine.

[-] Selfish [-]

Kyle tries hard to control this flaw, to bury it deep. But in stressful situations, or when they aren’t paying attention, it’s all too easy to spot. Friend or not, if Kyle really wants something or is in serious danger, they only look out for themselves. They often take the last or biggest slice of cake and hope others don’t notice. They’ll let you take the brunt of an attack if they think it’s going to hurt too bad. Oh, they’ll apologise afterwards of course – but deep down, they wonder: do they really care? Life has taught Kyle that you look out for yourself first, and anyone else can go hang. But life has also taught Kyle that you need friends and allies to survive and move on. And so they play at being as charming as they can, at being kind, at being a good person. But that’s all it is. A play. Kyle is out for themselves and nobody else.

[-] Vicious [-]

It’s relatively hard to get on Kyle's bad side. Because of their own flaws, they’re pretty accepting of other peoples. But when you do get on that bad side – however you’ve done it – well. Consider yourself in serious trouble. Kyle is downright vicious. From dirty fighting in combat to words judged to cause the most emotional harm, Kyle is a nasty foe to face in an argument or a fight.They don’t stop, either – you could be in a heap on the floor and they’d still kick you one more time.

[-] Liar Liar [-]

Knowing little about your past doesn’t help, but Kyle is a born liar. They lie about anything and everything – from saying they’ve been places they haven’t to saying they liked something when they didn’t, or knowing things they don’t. And Kyle is a very, very good liar. Of course they occasionally get caught out, but overall they are good at judging how far they can push a lie before getting them into trouble. The other issue is that Kyle lies to themself. They carefully edit out the horrible things they do, smooth over the cracks in their veneer and convince themself they’re a good person, a righteous person, an asset, a good slave. Anything that Kyle doesn’t want to think about is ignored. Most of their lies are small and white, lies made to please others.


Hobbies / Interests: Art ; Kyle is relatively skilled at this, particularly with pencils, pens or watercolours, as those were cheaper to obtain than other kinds of paint or art materials. They can also sculpt reasonably well out of clay.
Medicine ; Kyle has a reasonable knowledge of medical practice, but is by no means a doctor - think medic. Most of their knowledge is around crisis situations - ie. how to keep someone alive until you can get to a proper healer - or about small injuries.
Reading ; Kyle spent some time as a library slave, and is fascinated by the wealth of knowledge you can find in books, and the fantastical stories you find there.

High or Low Maintenance: Relatively Low Maintenance.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous, slave exhibits a marked fondness for almost all food, but particularly cooked meats.


Language(s) Spoken: Common.

Can they Read / Write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: Yes and No - by themselves Kyle would never have 'awoken' as a magician, but Dayn's influence has propelled them to become a powerful - if not skilled - sorcerer. Slave is unwilling to elaborate on the full extent of the powers Dayn has 'gifted' to them (in their own words) but the basics seem to be shadowmancy, shapeshifting and limited regeneration.

Talents / Skills:

Artist - Kyle is a reasonably skilled artist.
Creative - Kyle is creative in general, and is good at coming up with creative solutions or stories.
Intelligent - Kyle is fiercely intelligent, despite their demeanor.
Mathematics - Kyle is trained in mathematics to a reasonably high level.
Medicine - Kyle is trained in basic medicine + crisis care.
Cookery - Kyle is an accomplished cook and can make even complicated dishes with ease.
Bartender - Kyle can make most drinks, though occasionally must refer to a sheet.
Actor - Kyle is skilled at 'playing a role'.


Basic Slave Training
Basic Medical Training
Basic Etiquette Training

Intermediate Artist Training
Intermediate Bartender Training
Intermediate Actor Training

Advanced Cookery Training
Advanced Mathematics Training


Previous Owners: N/A - Kyle couldn't name them when asked, though he could provide descriptors.

Previous Usage(s): Library Slave, Pet, Tutor, Household Slave.

Previous status: Kyle says he's been a slave as long as he can remember - as his memories are damaged however, this is not an accurate assessment.

For Rent or to Own:

Own if you allow renting - I like to be able to PLAY my characters, you know?


20 gold/night
280 gold/buying price

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Intermittent, though if we have something long-term going I will make the effort to be on more regularly.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: For both players to be having fun! I am /not/ interested in Kyle being freed, however.

What are your allowances for your character: Maiming + Death require OOC permission. Scarring and the like is fine, but loss of limbs/eyes/anything that won't grow back I'd like permission for.

Long Term/Short Term:
Either is fine!

General Information

Character Description:

> A fluffbeast marred by small horns and wings, friendly and playful. A tyrian collar lies round their neck, the tiniest of gold tags reading 'Kyle'. Intelligence gleams in black-and-cyan eyes, but rare is speech from this maw. Far more likely to be found demanding pettings via headbutts then via talking, overall they seem like an ordinary feral. Except every so often in the corner of your eye, they seem to flicker. [Site WIP, Whisper/RP Friendly!]

N/A currently. Working on one, though.
See -
Contact Details:
tanukyle (Skype) tanukikyle (hotmail, AIM)
I also have the following alts: Barrow Wight, Banked, Deviation

Play with meee~