Adren - Rent to Own

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Adren - Rent to Own

Post by Grimsteele »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Adren Cobalt

Nickname: None.

Name on Identification: None.

Age: Twenty-six.

Gender: Male-Herm.

Species: Canis Canis.

Sub Species/Breed: Red heeler.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Short (5'6) with an average build (156 lbs)

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc) His hair is of the same color than his fur, looking more like a head fluff than hair. He has sky blue eyes and matching flesh, although only his tongue and inner jaw can usually be noticed as such. Looking more like a scholar than a warrior, he's rather slim while still looking healthy. His tail is rather short but still has a fluffy look to it, usually waving about and betraying the canine's emotions. Finally, his legs are digitigrade and resting onto two comfortable paws.

Physical Markings: Most of his body is covered with a light brow/orange fur, with a cream color over his chest, under-tail, elbows, muzzle and feet paws, as well as a few spots onto his muzzle. His back bears series of darker brown spots, starting from his shoulder blades down to his pelvic bone.

Physical Drawbacks: Short and physically looking weak due to his size.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: None.

Appealing Attributes: He has the typical "cute dog" look to him due to his size and natural and contagious enthusiasm.

Clothing: A wide short-sleeved gray cotton shirt covers his upper body as well as matching pants going all the way to his knees, leaving his metatarsals and feet bare.

Other Items: None.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Phonophobia (loud noises), olfactophobia (foul smells).

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: He will often be found fiddling with something, either with an item or his fingers. His eyes, ears and tail are in almost content movement, the guy having a lot of energy to let out. When focused on a task, however, he will be closing himself into a bubble of focus.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Uncomfortable as his goes against his personal values, but willing to make-do. However, his pride might be an issue if humiliated too much.

Overall Attitude: Enthusiast but clumsy. Quick learner, but tend to commit mistakes at first. Genuinely interested in people, he has the typical doggy attitude.

Quirks: Speaks a lot and tends to act before thinking when nervous.

Hobbies / Interests: Healing, herb-lore, studying.

High or Low Maintenance: Low-maintenance.

Diet / Allergies: None.


Language(s) Spoken: Common, basics in Latin.
Can they Read / Write: Can read and write.

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.) He is capable of casting some simple healing spells.

Talents / Skills: Is proficient in healing people via magic, the use of plants or body contact (in a similar fashion to chinese medicine). He's also capable of teaching to other due to his patience and understanding of others.

Training: New slave. Unbroken.


Previous Owners: (If known.) None

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: None

For Rent or to Own: For rent or to Own.

Cost: 5 gold for 1-night rental. 60 gold to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Roughly from 12AM to 6PM PST, depending of RL needs.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character development and story. Something oriented toward being a healer is preferred. Romance is also a possibility, just like smut, but please discuss it beforehand.

What are your allowances for your character: Roughness and drama are accepted, as it can be an opportunity for character development. No death, no extreme humiliation, no mutilation.

Long Term/Short Term: Both are good, depends of the partner.

General Information

Character Description: Despite his short statute, the canine has an average build, maybe leaning toward a certain chubbiness that shows his lack of exercising. His fur is typical to the red heelers, with an light brown color on most of his body, patched with cream fur over his chest and on the occasional spot covering his face. Darker brown spots also cover his back, all the way down to his tail base. He has surprisingly blue eyes, glittering with playfulness as well as curiosity. His eyes jump from person to person, observing them carefully. If his gaze catches someone's, he'll give them a smile before looking away.


Images: See RPR

Contact Details: Whispers via Furcadia

Notes: Being French, my grammar is occasionally clumsy, but I do my best to give quality content.
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