Sonje; [Owned, Rentable]

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Sonje; [Owned, Rentable]

Post by Sonje »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Sonje

Nickname: Sonny {Said Sawn-nee}

Name on Identification: Sonje

Age: Nineteen

Gender: Female

Species: Lapine

Sub Species/Breed: Lop-eared

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Petite, small stature at only 4'11". Subtle hourglass figure, strong legs and light muscle tone. Proportionally appropriate.

Physical Details: Irises are a pale gray center with darker outer ring; Hair straight and falling to hip in length, pale, almost platinum blonde in color; Body covered in soft, medium length white fur, thinnest at torso and thickest at hips.

Physical Markings: Pale gray speckling adorns the small of her back, otherwise possesses no scarring or blemishes.

Physical Drawbacks: Not particularly strong or big, possibly easily injured.

Current Infliction(s): In perfect health.

Physical Defenses: N/A

Appealing Attributes: Small size means she maneuvers easily and can get into places larger persons can not. Carries self with a confidence without being arrogant. Generally well kept.

Clothing: Most often worn is a simple off-the-shoulder dress, crimson in color. It tapers in at the hip to a loincloth-like center to reveal both thighs, black strapping keeping the material in place. Belted at the waist to further show off svelte form. A silver cuff embedded with two emeralds and a single amethyst,

Other Items: Leather bound journal, calligraphy pen, bottle of ink.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Deep water.

Disorders: N/A

How do they present themselves: Confident in position and ability to serve without being cocky, well-mannered.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Perfectly content with the idea.

Overall Attitude: Pleasant to work with and be around.

Quirks: Rings hands or flutters wings when nervous.

Hobbies / Interests: Expresses an interest in reading and fine arts, as well as learning to sew.

High or Low Maintenance: Low.

Diet / Allergies: Vegetarian.


Language(s) Spoken: Common {English}

Can they Read / Write: Yes / Yes

Can your character produce magic: Yes, in the form of Telepathy and Telekinesis.

Talents / Skills: Mastered telekinesis, can lift objects up to her own weight with little strain, though length able to hold and object heavily depends on the weight of it. Adept telepathy*, able to both read thoughts and communicate via them with ease. Adept in massage, both for relaxation and therapeutic purposes.

Training: Broken, obedient, with a solid grasp on what is expected of a harem slave. Could benefit from further (gorean) position training, though knows the basics.


Previous Owners: Jacob Cross

Previous Usage(s): Companion

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Rent-to-Own

1 Night Rental, 20Image or 2Image
To Own, 280Image or 28Image {Fourteen total rentals}

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Available most days, from 2pm to 2am EST, excluding Wednesdays and Sundays.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: General interaction, further training in more desirable skillsets. Possibly BDSM and darker plotlines, to be discussed prior to roleplay.

What are your allowances for your character: No consent, with the exception of extreme mutilation or death.

Long Term/Short Term: Both acceptable.

General Information

Character Description: Silky hair of sandy blonde reached just to her hips, straight as a pin with chopped bangs framing stormy gray eyes. Small bust was contained in crimson material, a belted, simple dress, pulled down over her shoulders, white slits down the the back to allow her small, powder blue wings freedom. The material dusted the floor, slits up either side with a thin black strip stretching around her outer thighs, showing off toned legs. A platinum arm cuff, set with three emeralds and intricate detailing, was her only jewelery worn at all times. Thick white fur covered the bunny's body, markingless except for a small cluster of light gray spots above her tail.

Website: [wip]

Images: Click, more to come.

Contact Details: Furcadia - Sonje, Furaffinity - Radiant, Deviantart - MissRadiant.

Notes: *= Her telepathy in the form of mind-reading is easily countered by a person becoming aware of her doing so and knowing how to clear their mind. It is also susceptible to those with other forms of blocking mental invasion. This ability is completely at the mercy of her current owner, as she is fitted with an arm cuff that nulls the ability until removed. Upon purchased, the key for it's removal is with her personal effects.

Out of character permission will always be asked for before her telepathy is used on a character, you reserve the right to decline, as well as to keep those thought private by supplying them instead through whispers.
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