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Bassilth (Unowned) (Rent to Own)

Posted: Tue May 26, 2015 1:48 pm
by Benaiah
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Bassilth

Nickname: Bass

Name on Identification: Bassilth

Age: Undetermined

Gender: Male

Species: Black Lung Dragon (Bipedal)

Sub Species/Breed:

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Cruiser Weight. Heavily muscled, yet sleek

Physical Details: Black scales that carry a slight reddish tint when light passes over them. Scales are inlaid with gold, or what appears to be gold. Long, sinuous tail ending in a bladed spade. Short talons mark the end of each digit fore and hind.

Physical Markings: The Golden markings appear to be writing in draconic that is very, very small. The lines look solid from a distance, but on close inspection are words written small in strange, geometric patterns.

Physical Drawbacks: Noisy when moving due to scales/claws on stoney, or wood surfaces. Tail has a mind of it's own, and constantly murders pillows.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: (If any.) Claws, Teeth, Tail, and scales

Appealing Attributes: Glowing, golden pools. Shining, lustrous scales in black and gold. Appealing physical build.

Clothing: A pair of baggy pants, and leg wraps.

Other Items: None


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Extreme cold, Being useless, Losing sight or the ability to read

Disorders: N/A

How do they present themselves: Clean, calm, and placid. Dutiful.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Jubilant

Overall Attitude: Serene, and collected.

Quirks: Tail tends to twitch unconsciously to mutilate it's favored prey: Upholstery, and pillows.

Hobbies / Interests: Wuzu Quan Kung Fu, Reading (Anything he can get his hands on), Constant improvement physically/mentally.

High or Low Maintenance: Low

Diet / Allergies: Preferably meat, but can be omnivorous when pushed. Lactose intolerant


Language(s) Spoken: English, Draconic, Cantonese

Can they Read / Write: As above

Can your character produce magic: Earth Elemental. Acid 'breath'. (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.)

Talents / Skills: Stone worker/Pottery/Brick maker/Etc, Reading, Writing, Maths, Herblore

Training: 'Broken', taught basic Master/Slave etiquette


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): Body Guard, Sport Fighter/Gladiator, Pleasure Slave, Companion, Pet

Previous status: Slave

For Rent or to Own: Both

Cost: 28g to Rent, 325g to own (Preferred Rent to Own unless agreed upon OOCly)

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Random

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Character development, Gladiatorial competition

What are your allowances for your character: Dependent on situation. Will work with player OOCly to resolve.

Long Term/Short Term: Either.

General Information

Character Description: Heritage showed in the ebon scales that covered him. Glossy, interlocking they were. Sizes ranging depending on location from dinner plates to dimes. Their shapes ranged as well. Some in a leaf pattern, others round, and some dagger-like. Their surfaces rippled, and textured. Gold glamed gloriously. Sunlight made material touching the void, and swirling over it. Edging each, and every scale with it's glimmering hue. The lines of the shapes, upon close inspection, were words in spidery draconic. A tall, broad shouldered frame fitted with the natural, filigreed armor. Molten gold eyes stared from beneath browplates. Ageless, intelligent and foreign. Two sectioned horns sprouded from his temples, and arced aggressively forward. The edge of his strong jaw lined with short, yet thick golden fur. The long, black mane braided into a length that touched the small of his back. Taloned foreclaws hung at his sides. Appearing battered and calloused from either battle, toil or both. Loose pants hung about this thighs, and knees yet narrowed into wraps that kept the items close. Taloned hind feet rested against the floor.

Website: ... age=106050


Contact Details: Whisper any time.
