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Caera (Unowned) - Rent to Own.

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2015 10:39 pm
by Noose
More Frequently Updated

Slave Form
Full Name: Caera Milas

Nickname: None.

Name on Identification: Caera

Age: 20

Gender: Female.

Species: Jaguar, maltese color morph.

Sub Species/Breed: None.
Body Type: Slender, lightly muscled. Dancer's physique

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)Tall with a slight hourglass to her form and toned limbs. Her pelt is dense and protective, naturally blue with jaguars' typical, darker rosettes. Hair is impossibly thick, curly and black in coloration with strands reaching the small of her back. Eyes are a rich shade of molten gold.

Physical Markings: Dark blue rosettes.

Physical Drawbacks: Not terribly strong.

Current Infliction(s):  None. Health: 1001%

Physical Defenses: (If any.)Jaw pressure is impressive, easily capable of crushing bones. Nails are sharp and long.

Appealing Attributes: The slave's color is considered a rarity and may be appealing to the right individual. Her form is considered healthy, and of desirable age and breeding with supple skin and a well maintained coat.

Clothing: A simple cotton dress.

Other Items: (Remember slaves cannot have belongings let alone have them on them, they may be made available when rented / purchased.) Slave's belongings have been confiscated and kept separate until the time of purchase save for a simple headband to keep her hair at bay and chastity belt to maintain purity.
Feral or Cultured: Cultured, albeit not consistently. Has been observed reverting to feral mannerisms in periods of heightened emotion, primarily in the form of bared fangs and hissing, to the bristling of fur or lashing tail. 

Phobias: Claustrophobia (severe).

Disorders: Suffers from sleep paralysis.

How do they present themselves: Stoic and composed, not often emotional.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Accepts it as an ends to a means but does so begrudgingly. Is compliant enough but does not delight in the idea of being owned.

Overall Attitude: Introverted, quiet and composed.

Quirks: Respects a hierarchy of felids, as such views Lions and Tigers above her station and all others below her station. Is particularly racist against domestics.

Hobbies / Interests: The art of fletching as well as various types of hunting and survival. Slave also shows impressive talent with carving bone, antlers and ivory into various trinkets, jewelry, weapons and armor. Has been rented for the purpose of carving ornate designs into patron's kill trophies for a more ornamental effect.

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance outside of a need to brush hair multiple times a day to prevent it from becoming matted.

Diet / Allergies: Obligate carnivore. The slave can only sustain on meat and organs, lacking the means to properly digest any plant material. 

Language(s) Spoken: Common. Greek.

Can they Read / Write: Neither.

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.) No.

Talents / Skills:
  • Hunting : Equipped with the knowledge of tracking, trapping and hunting various game.
  • Skinning/Butchering : Possessed with the anatomical knowledge concerning a multitude of species and the steps required to both skin and harvest meat.
  • Bonecraft : The ability to carve and whittle bone into various trinkets, weapons or jewelry.
  • Archery : Proficient with both short and long bow to impressively accurate standards.
Training: None.
Previous Owners: (If known.)None.

Previous Usage(s):  Hunter.

Previous status: Freeperson.

For Rent or to Own: For rent only until several rentals and OOC agreement has been decided. Inquire with ownership interest.

Cost: (Please see Slave Pricing in the Library for suggested prices.) 5g per night.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: It fluctuates constantly.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: I seek development and character growth above all else. My intent is to craft a character that is entirely unaccustomed to the world of slavery into a polished, well-behaved individual that may even come to take delight in her station.

What are your allowances for your character: As a slave character I generally have very few things that I will not consent to, primarily death and horrendous dismemberment but I am not opposed to mutilation if it furthers the plot and encourages growth. However as a courtesy, I ask that you at least run all things by me beforehand, just to give me a heads up.

Long Term/Short Term: Both please.

General Information

Website: RPR

Notes: Available through rpr PM's or on Furcadia as Caera.