Fairy Migration

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Fairy Migration

Post by Muunokhoi »

JULY 22 - AUG 20
It seems to be that time of year again! The little fairies have returned to The Golden Tether.

Every summer, the fairies arrive to breed and culminate in the nooks and crannies of the hollowed out mountain, coming out of their winter-long hibernation and causing nearly-harmless havoc on the island during their rutting phases. You remember the enchanted forests of Guildereim? Well, the fairies are a native insect, so to speak. Once they've finished breeding, they gorge themselves on rotten, fermenting fruit in the orchards and cause problems for the farmers. Drunk fairies can fall into the ocean and meet untimely deaths by the basking and laying-in-wait lizardfolk, who are perhaps immune to their sickening effects. Once the mating season is over, if they haven't gorged themselves to death, the fairies die, leaving behind their young completely hidden and unnoticed in the jungles of Guildereim.

What you need to know about the fairies:
- They are, including their glow, roughly the size of an average furre / human's palm, though some are as small as a silver dollar, inside the glow is the actual imp-like fairy. They aren't your typical pretty 'tinkerbell' fairies, either. They come in a variety of colours, green, blue, pink, white, yellow.
- They aren't very smart, they're more akin to stupid little birds.
- They like to steal. Anything shiny and small: coins, jewels or jewelry, anything decorative that might meet the eye.
- They're here to mate and make dirty fairy sex all over Guildereim.
- Their presence sometimes causes issues with the magical community. Wizards, mages, or beings that are magically inclined may find their abilities not working properly.
- Don't eat them. If you do will will become violently ill with stomach cramps and vomiting. No matter your species or magical tolerance, this will happen to you. Only the Koae'i on the island seem to be able to stomach them
- They do cause random things to happen, these effects will be emitted dream wide or listed here. If you wish to have your character changed somehow (gender or species swap, or just random happenings) feel free. The magical flares to patrons/slaves are never harmful... outside of The Golden Serpent attack of 2010. Effects are not necessarily permanent and aren't grand. Example, your character WILL NOT be turned into an all powerful being from the fairies. The effects are random and tend to be very silly.
-The fairies 'magic' is wild, uncontrolled, and random, it cannot be harnessed.
- They can't be kept as pets. The fairies don't react well to being caged and will die shortly after capture. Even if they were to survive they would still die after the mating season.
- They are
NON PLAYABLE CHARACTERS, this means you can't play one, sorry!
- The fairies were designed and drawn by Goregoat.

The fairies look like the following:
Quote from the end first Fairy Migration,

The little shining creatures citizens had come to regard as insects were soon dying off, if not leaving the golden establishment of their own volition. Their numbers became scarcer as Indian Summer drew near. Guildereim's orchards were covered in a thin mist of shining dust, greatly attributed the fae, who had gorged themselves on the rotting, fermenting fruit that littered the gardens. It was discovered that some of the native lizardfolk, with their cast iron stomachs, were able to actually consume the fairies, lessening their numbers significantly. Natural selection took its course while others, drunk on intoxicating, rotten fruit, would accidentally fall off the cliffs and into the sea, where their dusty demise dissipated into the dark waters.

After further studies had been conducted by staff and outside sources, the authorities of Guildereim came to a conclusion surrounding the fairies' presence in their hollowed out mountain home. Nests were being found everywhere in nooks and crannies of the ceiling and corridors - and most of all, the underhall. They were culminating in warm, dark places to breed and hatch their young. It was startling to find a veritable lost and found of shiny objects, twine, ribbon and strips of fabric patrons had originally thought to have snagged off of their garments unknowingly. The thieving little scoundrels had established for themselves a haven to comfortably fornicate. It was later decided that the extreme bliss that was a result of their . . . rutting - had been the result of the magical flare ups. Affecting everyone differently, the changes were soon to wear off on most as the fairies were extricated from the establishment. Speculation surrounding their sudden presence went toward the fairies avoiding higher magical beings. They appeared to have an extreme aversion to dark magic and The Golden Tether had had a concentrated population of this in its past, sources say.
If you have any questions, feel free to reply to this thread or whisper Muunokhoi. I may update this thread as the questions come in!

Additional FAQs

Q: What effects do the fairies have on people?
A: We leave those details up to you! Magical creatures, especially mages, witches, wizards, will know something is up. The effects might be immediate or may not happen until a week or two after the arrival of the fairies. Maybe it is a slow change, maybe it is immediate, it could last while the fairies are here or only for a week. The changes are random and always silly, normally the least is expected. Examples of what has happened to people in the past: gender swapping, race swapping, body swapping, colour changing (hair or fur), last year all the fairies wanted to do was fuck in Siena's hair, cause spells to backfire or not work at all. These effects are rarely, if ever, permanent, and always wear off at the end of the migration.
Tasted the snake's poison | Broke every bone | Twelve thousand gunshot wounds | But there's nothing that whiskey can't cure, oh

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