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Enflame || Unowned

Posted: Thu Jul 30, 2015 2:01 pm
by Cami
Basic Information
Name on Identification: Keahi (key-ahi)
Identification Number: #7729428
Age: Appears to be in his mid to late twenties
Gender: Male in sex, masculine in gender
Species: Phoenix, humanoid

Physical Appearance
Physical Details: six feet nine inches tall with a trapezoidal-mesomorph build. flesh is black in color. bright, warm colored feather patterns along the collar down to the bottom of his sternum, forearm, thighs, & along the back of his neck. similarly colored wings, with a nine foot span, and multicolored phoenix tails. taloned hands. elongated elven ears with two piercings at the top of each. two gold forward facing horns on either side of head with slight crook at the end. triangular facial shape, high nose bridge with a pointed tip, deep set almond shaped eyes are silver in color and lack a pupil. hair is medium length and shaggy, colored similarly to his wings.
Scars: None
Physical Drawbacks: Feathers can be quite irritating, can overheat easily
Current Infliction(s): None
Physical Defenses: Flight, talons
Appealing Attributes: Exotic breed, magical capabilities, handsome features
Clothing: elongated swath of tattered white fabric wrapped around waist and thighs
Voice: sample

Items that accompany slave upon purchase:
  • An ornate jar containing ashes
  • helmet that covers his eyes in a V shape
  • journal
Feral or Cultured: Cultured
Phobias: Water, specifically the ocean
Disorders: while not necessarily a disorder he suffers from issues with past life regression, pyromania
Presentation: While he is calm and polite
Feelings towards being owned/rented: Impassive, doesn't seem to care one way or the other
Overall Attitude: Indifferent, will remain calm and polite
Quirks: Closes his eyes when irritated, will flex his hands when stressed
Hobbies/Interests: Has no hobbies, but shows interest in working with fire through dance or crafting
High or Low Maintenance: Moderate; may get into trouble if left unattended for too long
Diet/Allergies: Omnivorous Carnivore; prefers meat, will rarely eat fruits or vegetables

Languages Known: Common, an unknown language native to his village
Can they Read / Write: Yes/Yes
Can your character produce magic:
  • less susceptible to magics
  • immune to disease
  • accelerated healing
  • rebirth from ashes
  • pyromancy
  • blood has healing properties
Talents / Skills:
  • Hand to hand and melee combat
  • Medical training
  • Hunting and tracking
  • Alchemy and mythical artifact identification
Given by Loraen on 8/23/2015
  • Laundry; Keahi will pull linens from the private rooms and clean the clothes of slaves
  • Meal Prep; preparing evening meals under the discretion and supervision of Eve
  • Messenger; taking and delivering messages as needed
Current Owner: Image
Previous Owners: None
Ownership Cost: 160Image
Rental Cost: 10Image

Previous status: Free
Manner of Enslavement: Captured by Crowling, Siri, and Skeith; brought to Guildreim by Har

Character Description: WIP

Re: Enflame || Unowned

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2015 9:51 pm
by Cami
Slave Training

Training received on 7/31
Positions and Posture
When standing, feet will be shoulder width apart,
knees bent slightly. Spine straight, shoulders square. Head
down slightly and eyes never above chin level unless instructed
to do so.

Kneeling position one: he will tuck his feet beneath his rear,
knees spread wide, hands flat on the floor with fingers straight
and open. His face will tilted down, his spine will be straight.

Kneeling position two: he will tuck his feet beneath his rear,
knees spread wide and hands resting palm down on his
knees. In this position he will look up to his owner or
renter's nose and await command.

Kneeling position three: he will tuck his feet beneath his rear
and bring his knees together, hands folded neatly in his
lap. His spine will be straight, shoulders square, and
head in a level position, his eyes will not roam.

Training received on 8/1
Verbal and Gesture Commands
Verbal: Stop or stay
Gesture: Hand up, fingers straight
and together, thumb over palm

Verbal: Come and kneel here
Gesture: Two fingers pointing at the floor

Verbal: Come here or follow
Gesture: Two fingers making a come hither motion

Verbal: Be silent and listen
Gesture: Single raised index finger

Verbal: Go in that direction, go to that person
Gesture: Two fingers pointed in a direction or at a person

Training received on 8/2
Manners and Etiquette
All free-folk will be referred to as Lady or Lord,
until a title preference is known, questions will
be answered with ma'am or sir. Please and thank
you will be used where appropriate.

He will bathe daily and see to it that he cares
for his teeth, so that they stay white, and feathers,
by keeping them oiled. He will relieve bodily fluids
out of sight of others and in a location that does
not interfere with other slaves or with the free-folk.

He will open doors and pull chairs for free-folk,
as well as pose as a chair for a free-person if
there is not a chair available. He will always
show that he is more than happy to do so.

Training received on 8/3
Manners and Etiquette Cont.
He will bow when greeting someone, with his fist
over his chest. Emotion will rarely be displayed
and he will never allow his mouth to hang agape.

He will never slouch, and if permitted to use
chairs he will cross his legs at the ankle.

He will try any foods or drink that are
offered to him, and will never ask to mix
them with something else. He will wait to
eat until given permission to do so.

Training received on 8/4
His verbal common was worked on, a broader
understanding of terms gained.

He can now count to one thousand in common
and is capable of doing basic maths.

He can do basic reading, able to sound out
words and surmise a definition of new words
based on the others around it. He can now
write his name and can identify letters.

Training received from 8/5 to 8/20
Skill Training and Tutoring
Tutoring was received in literature and arithmetic
He was tutored in alchemy and chemistry, and learned
to do basic book keeping. He is now fully capable
of reading and writing in common as if it were his
native tongue.

Training was received in the art of fire-dance, during
which time he learned how to find a beat and move in
proper time to it. He was also taught how to waltz.

He was taught how to prepare and cook vegetables, chicken,
and fish as well as how to assemble meals in an elegant
fashion utilizing these ingredients.

Training received from 8/20 to 9/1
Has been taught a variety of recipes as
well as how to prepare and cook them. He
has learned what foods and drinks pair
well, as well as how to properly set a table.
recipes known:
appetizers: shark fin soup, bourou-bourou, chicken noodle soup, panada, tinola, zurek
meals: guildereim haggis, lengua Draco, pasta alfredo, seamen curry, unicorn haggis, skewered naga tail
breakfast: pancakes, eggs, oatmeal, smoked haddock
dessert: Ginger pumpkin mousse, black-bottom raspberry cream pie, peaches and cream, guildereim bars