Ophios (Unowned)

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Ophios (Unowned)

Post by Desi »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Ophios.

Nickname: None.

Name on Identification: Ophios.

Age: Indeterminate.

Gender: Male.

Species: Hound & Wolf (Abyssinian x Pharaoh.)

Sub Species/Breed: Dethroned Primordial.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Ectomorph, compact, runner.

Physical Details: White from head to foot, pink flesh, bald, short furred (bar near vulpine plume for a tail.) Crimson eyed and full of teeth.

Physical Markings: None visible. (Ankh and hieroglyphs are magically imbued, thus invisible with the Tether's collar staunching his magic.)

Physical Drawbacks: None to be noted.

Current Infliction(s): Adjusting to a lack of magical ability has left him exceptionally vulnerable.

Physical Defenses: Proficiency with spears, short swords and composite bows. Grappling.

Appealing Attributes: Sleek, unblemished, masculine, intelligent and irritatingly boastful.

Clothing: Simple loincloth provided by the House.

Other Items: Pectoral, shendyt, ivory plugs, seal ring, jaguar pelt, strings of carnelian and yellow topaz.


Feral or Cultured: Depends on the day. Cultured by default.

Phobias: None to be listed as of this time.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: Better than you.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Beyond offended.

Overall Attitude: A seething ball of impotent rage neatly sums him up.

Quirks: Thus far slave exhibits a tolerance and proclivity for pain and speaking out of turn.

Hobbies / Interests: Requires expanding. Further study needed.

High or Low Maintenance: Extremely High.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous.


Language(s) Spoken: Common and Ancient Egyptian known at this time.

Can they Read / Write: Requires further study and application.

Can your character produce magic: Yes.

Talents / Skills: Magical affinity noted in slave, the extent has yet to be explored, thus far kinesis and transformation have surfaced.

Training: Unbroken.


Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): Primordial being, an elevated, unusual who came to represent important qualities, but eventually fell out of favor.

Previous status: Free.

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own.

Cost: 7 gold to rent, 75 gold to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Whenever the alt is online.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Inspiration. I don't know, I'm trying to find this character's place.

What are your allowances for your character: All things with reason. Actions have consequences. I make exceptions for needless or unprovoked violence of the maiming variety, however.

Long Term/Short Term: Either or.

General Information

Character Description: Agility, grace, acuity, the makings of a fine hunter, offset by the trappings of nobility. The hound's bearing is regal, his adornments relatively few but bold in presentation. A ruby-eyed, bone white sentinel whose poise is preternatural and disdain palpable. Lean physique often wears little: elaborate, pleated shendyt fashioned over hip, with belts of pelt and beaded treasures, rich of earth and beast alike, pronouncing dominion. Myrrh, cassia, wine and honey - the zing of ceylon cinnamon - contained within a woody musk hold to him like the warmth of fire to stone, intoxicating and enticing. His is a likeness to deities, dismissed in life, and acknowledged in death.

Website: Being reworked.

Images: On the page.

Contact Details: Li Ling, Stallion, Ophios, Barnabe.

Notes: Brief summary of the why: The presiding powers that be, mainly over his particular group of special snowflakes decided that if they couldn't draw him back to the flock, his havoc creating was best curbed by putting him in irons. That, paired with the fairy migration made him an easy target, given his magic - the meat of his being - was acting up.
|| Li Ling || Silversmith || Umrah ||
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