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An'nyese - Owned

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 4:23 pm
by Annyese
F.u.l.l. N.a.m.e.:- An'Nyese, Daughter of Anahita

N.i.c.k.n.a.m.e.:- Ny

N.a.m.e. o.n. I.d.e.n.t.i.f.i.c.a.t.i.o.n.:- An'Nyese

A.g.e.-: 35

G.e.n.d.e.r.-: Female

S.p.e.c.i.e.s.- Human

S.u.b. S.p.e.c.i.e.s./B.r.e.e.d.:- N/A

Physical Appearance

B.o.d.y. T.y.p.e.: Well toned

P.h.y.s.i.c.a.l. D.e.t.a.i.l.s. (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)- Long, shimmering black hair that reaches mid-back. Unnaturally blue eyes. Light caramel skin with several black inked tattoos.

P.h.y.s.i.c.a.l. M.a.r.k.i.n.g.s.:- Tattoos: Snake starting from corner of one eye to drip down to cheekbone like a tear, small black flame and beneath it waves high on the inside of one thigh. Serpent coiling around one thigh.

P.h.y.s.i.c.a.l. D.r.a.w.b.a.c.k.s.-: Normal Human physical limitations

C.u.r.r.e.n.t. I.n.f.l.i.c.t.i.o.n.s.:- None

P.h.y.s.i.c.a.l. D.e.f.e.n.s.e.s.:- Fire/Water magic. Ability to use charm to her advantage.

A.p.p.e.a.l.i.n.g. A.t.t.r.i.b.u.t.e.s.:- Blazing almost hypnotically blue eyes, nice body and perfect (if tattoo marred) skin.

C.l.o.t.h.i.n.g.- Prefers Sari's. Currently wearing an ornate purple and tarnished gold clothed one.

O.t.h.e.r. I.t.e.m.s. o.n. P.e.r.s.o.n.: (Or would be if not in cages.)- Bone handled dagger that is usually kept tucked in her hair. Several different sari's, extensive jewelry collection, and two snakes a black adder and a saw-scaled viper.


F.e.r.a.l. o.r. C.u.l.t.u.r.e.d.-: Cultured, though when 'speaking' to her snakes she can seem slightly feral.

P.h.o.b.i.a.s.:- No true phobias

D.i.s.o.r.d.e.r.s.:- None

H.o.w. d.o. t.h.e.y. p.r.e.s.e.n.t. t.h.e.m.s.e.l.v.e.s.:- Regal, almost to a Holier-than-thou point

F.e.e.l.i.n.g.s. t.o.w.a.r.d.s. b.e.i.n.g. o.w.n.e.d.:- That it surely must be Seht's plan. If she lets herself question it, she starts to panic.

O.v.e.r.a.l.l. A.t.t.i.t.u.d.e.- It is hard to tell through unnervingly calm exterior.

Q.u.i.r.k.s.: Fire/water control, affinity for anything snake-like.

H.o.b.b.i.e.s./I.n.t.e.r.e.s.t.s.:- Glass making

H.i.g.h. o.r. L.o.w. M.a.i.n.t.e.n.a.n.c.e.- Low

D.i.e.t./A.l.l.e.r.g.i.e.s.- She will not eat any type of bird, snake or lizard. Cow and oxen are an okay source of meat, but she finds it somewhat dirty as they are work animals, not usually eaten at the Temples. No allergies.


L.a.n.g.u.a.g.e.s. S.p.o.k.e.n.: Common, Hareshi

C.a.n. t.h.e.y. R.e.a.d./W.r.i.t.e.: Yes/yes

C.a.n. y.o.u.r. c.h.a.r.a.c.t.e.r. p.r.o.d.u.c.e. m.a.g.i.c.:- Yes. Fire if magic suppression collar is removed.

T.a.l.e.n.t.s./S.k.i.l.l.s.:- Glass making from sand, able to meld it into trinkets or other designs

T.r.a.i.n.i.n.g.:- No actual slave training but seems to have picked up on how to behave enough to seem well trained.


P.r.e.v.i.o.u.s. O.w.n.e.r.s.: (If known.) Monstrum

P.r.e.v.i.o.u.s. U.s.a.g.e.- Gladiator

P.r.e.v.i.o.u.s. s.t.a.t.u.s.:- Slave

F.o.r. R.e.n.t. o.r. t.o. O.w.n.: Rent-to-own. Minimum 3 rentals before ownership. Oocly I reserve the right to refuse.

C.o.s.t.: 20 gold to rent, 100 gold to own.

OOC Info/Notes

A.v.a.i.l.a.b.i.l.i.t.y.: Mostly during the day/Early Evening

W.h.a.t. a.r.e. y.o.u. l.o.o.k.i.n.g. f.o.r. i.n. a. s.l.a.v.e./s.l.a.v.e.r. R.o.l.e.p.l.a.y.: Entertainment! Plots!

W.h.a.t. a.r.e. y.o.u.r. a.l.l.o.w.a.n.c.e.s.: Almost anything. If something seems questionable, just talk to me. No death.

L.o.n.g. T.e.r.m./S.h.o.r.t. T.e.r.m.: Either

General Information

C.o.n.t.a.c.t. D.e.t.a.i.l.s.: Whispers on Furc, or rpr inbox or guestbook