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Tilek Dian [Owned - Cutlery]

Posted: Sun Dec 13, 2015 7:05 pm
by NecessaryEvil
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Tilek Dian

Nickname: Rosey, Rose, Til

Name on Identification: Tilek Dian

Age: Adult

Gender: Female

Species: Dragon

Sub Species/Breed: Dragon

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Plump, voluptuous

Physical Details: Her hair grown out is similar to her scales in how it's hues run from dark to light, like a sunrise on a purple/blue-black dawn. Scales rest all over her body that highlight her name of 'rose dawn' in dragonic. Her other scales are dark blue-black with specks of white at times. The larger colorful scales seem to be shiny when well cared for. Her wings are huge and feathered, strong. With little hands on them. They can be used like hands, as well. There is a membrane under the feathers that backs up her flight.

Physical Markings: A branded 'S' into her left hip.

Physical Drawbacks: She's covered in scales and has no way to fully retract her teeth from her beak face. Currently very bad at common if not unknowing of it.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Powerful hide, strong armoring scales and powerful tail that splits like a weapon with a blade in it.

Appealing Attributes: Curvy, plump and rare coloring.

Clothing: Several items came with her now, mostly split dresses up the side, letting people see both hips. Plenty that hugged her bust and showed more flesh than she wants.

Other Items: If allowed to study she was given a gift of a magic book which translates dragonic into common to let her learn it. She's learning otherwise she has no other objects than her outfits.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured

Phobias: Small cages, being forced into sex.

Disorders: Unknown

How do they present themselves: Haughty, otherwise holier-than-thou if she can get away with it. She is extremely racist to anyone non dragonic. Be warned.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Dislikes it, but her last owner began to get her warmed up on it. Let's see how long it lasts.

Overall Attitude: Uppity, upper class attitude, needs a handler.

Quirks: She fluffs her feathery mane when surprised or upset.

Hobbies / Interests: Sniffing out magic, categorizing magical items, reading and cooking.

High or Low Maintenance: High

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore


Language(s) Spoken: Dragonic (Mastered), Common (less than novice)

Can they Read / Write: Read/write dragonic, barely write anything in common.

Can your character produce magic: Yes.

Talents / Skills: Beyond a breath attack she has a scrying ability with items, and can enchant them if need be should she have an item she's already ripped the magic out of into it. Think of those single use scrolls in skyrim. She could make things like that.

Training: Accounting, enchanting, use of some magics. She's not trained well in fighting as she wasn't thinking she'd need to use it.


Current Owner: Cutlery

Previous Owners: Serik'Dar (Deceased)

Previous Usage(s): Freeperson before Serik

Previous status: Item Scryer/Enchanter back home, otherwise general slave.

For Rent or to Own: Rent

Cost: 8g per 24 hrs

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Often, if I am not on her I will likely be on Necessary Evil or skype.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: In character development, slight drama mixed with nice filler, not much on the sex since she'd likely need to warm up to someone to get there.

What are your allowances for your character: Do not dismember her please, ask before damage inflicted, not NC, no death unless planned out.

Long Term/Short Term: Prefer long term

General Information

Character Description: Things had changed, as did she. The dragoness of the dawn was no longer hidden behind bars, left to be nude. No no, much better. She was dressed in fine silks or split dressed that accentuated the ample curves to the larger-than-life scaled woman that she was. Her left hip always shown with the deep brand of left to her leg. Her scales still showed the brilliant night colors, the twilight dawn of rich blues and bright pinks and yellow golds that glittered along her scales like cut stones. Feathers along her wings showing all the more vibrantly while she moved around still magically held back by the suppression collar. Often silent, and it wouldn't take long to find out why if only one were to approach the thick woman


Images: Image

Contact Details: Whisper for this

Notes: If you want to own her, please be available to rp and rent her a couple of times to see how we all mesh. I do not want to waste my time with someone who is looking to rent, then buy, befriend, fuck and leave.