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Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:17 am
by Cakey
:Name on Identification:
19 years
:Body Type:
Toned hourglass
:Physical Details:
Tanuki like tail, dawn colored eyes
:Physical Markings:
Cream, tan and ink like markings on face and down back
:Physical Drawbacks:
Eyes make it harder to see in actual day light, lower stamina
:Current Infliction(s):
None at the moment
:Physical Defenses:
:Appealing Attributes:
Feminine curves, dawn colored eyes, fluffy tail
Seems to wear kimono styled clothing

:Feral or Cultured:
Extremely cultured
(Slave has been known to faint at the sight of blood)
Gentle, poised and seemingly well mannered/trained.
Positive and though not overly talkative seemingly eager to be of use.

Has been seen doing slaves hair, altering their attire to make them more presentable.
Slaves tail will puff almost double in size when excited or spooked.

:Hobbies / Interests:
Slave enjoys reading, collecting sea glass, learning new information or skills.
:High or Low Maintenance:
Higher maintenance
:Diet / Allergies:
Omnivore, unable to handle large amounts of milk based products.

:Language(s) Spoken:
Common and Japanese
(Slave sometimes uses Japanese mixed with common when speaking)
:Can they Read / Write:
Can do both extremely well.

Slave does have magical abilities; healing, memory altering, memory erasing and mild transformation.
(Collar lowers all memory based abilities to their smallest capabilities.
Collar disables any transformation ability minus altering hair.
Only handler or master can remove collar.)

:Talents / Skills:
Cooking, cosmetic base care, dancing(bell & fan), grooming, Koto playing, handmaiden, midwife, seamstress, secretary work and tutoring,
(Slave is open for other training.)

:Previous Owners:
Madam Yukiino
:Previous status:
Free born, devoted servant - Maiko (舞妓)
:Rental Fee:
12 gold per-six hours
(Fee subject to change with more training.)
