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Baali - Korattka hybrid; Unowned; For rent

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2016 1:32 pm
by Baali
Full Name:

Too many to list - All insults.

Name on Identification:

20 years

Male, neutered

Korattka-Human hybrid

Sub Species/Breed:
Melanistic Arctic

Physical Appearance

Body Type:

Physical Details:
Tall, slender. Melanism causing dark coloration, with pale eye coloration indicative to Arctic breed subtype.

Physical Markings:
Rosettes on body, stripes on tail, "pointed" arms and feet.

Physical Drawbacks:
Lacking in physical strength and endurance, not very good at heavy lifting.

Current Infliction(s):
Littered in small bruises and scrapes - Nothing serious.

Physical Defenses:
Sharp claws, sharp teeth, strong legs - Liable to maul, kick, or run at high speed if provoked.

Appealing Attributes:
Graceful, agile, lovely to look at and watch.

Leather collar, leather loincloth, misc. beads and feathers in mane.

Other Items: N/A


Feral or Cultured:
Feral - Tribal in nature, never been exposed to cultured life outside his habitat.

Deep water, being alone, death.

Nothing obvious or drastic.

How do they present themselves:
Sheepish and somewhat reclusive. Kind words are usually enough to get him out of his shell.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Hated. Can learn to accept or like it, depending on circumstances.

Overall Attitude:
Jaded. Losing his freedom has put a definite damper on his attitude. Respect is mutual, and to be treated without it is usually responded with reclusive fear or disdain.

Quirks: N/A

Hobbies / Interests:
Crafting - Especially leatherworking and fashioning jewelry out of bone, stone and feathers.

High or Low Maintenance:
Low maintenance, for the most part. Can be high to maintain quality of fur and mane condition.

Diet / Allergies:
Omnivorous - No known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken:
Koratt (native/fluent), Common (not well-versed)

Can they Read / Write:

Can your character produce magic:
No / Not yet.

Talents / Skills:
Leatherworking, crafting, jewelry making. Incredibly good at hiding, as well as sprinting at breakneck speed.

None. Uncultured and practically feral - He's never served anyone in the context of formal enslavement.


Current Owner:

Previous Owners:
Tribally captured/sold - Not applicable

Previous Usage(s):
Occasionally used for pleasure during his capture - NOT trained or knowledgeable.

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:
For rent.

5 gold for a day

OOC Info/Notes

Often, when able.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Consistency - Someone who enjoys their role, as it will help me enjoy mine. If you see me online, feel free to whisper to discuss your interest(s).

What are your allowances for your character:
No "noncon" - Inflicted injury and/or disfigurement should be discussed.

Long Term/Short Term:
Both/either. Long-term preferred unless discussed otherwise.

General Information

Character Description:
Pretty little wild thing. A tribal hybrid of taboo origin. The effeminate creature was tall and slender, with thickly-furred feetpaws that carried his agile frame in silence whilst willowy tail followed in suit. Long mane of gentle waves adorned with an array of beads and feathers framed ambiguous features; High cheekbones, a petite nose, plush lips and haunting, pale silver eyes that stood out in stark contrast against an otherwise dark canvas. Leather collar wrapped his swan-like throat akin to a corset - Ornately crafted, albeit a sign of his newfound enslavement; A life of discrimination now one of forced servitude.



Contact Details:
Ingame, Deviantart, Furaffinity,

Most active ingame and on Deviantart, your best bet is to contact me that way.