The thrill of the hunt is something that Biers tasted for the first time, recently. On Saturday April 16th at 5PM FST the handler Biers invites all patrons to join him in a not so average hunt in the *garden.
An obstacle course has been set up for slaves in the garden. Interested slaves have been told to run, and display their agility. If they complete the course with satisfaction, they will be rewarded with two hours of supervised time on the beach, to soak up the sun or swim in the ocean. What Biers has neglected to mention to them, is that this is not an average obstacle course. Patrons received an entirely different invitation. Along the course, four hunter stations have been set up, and when the slave passes, the hunters will be allowed one shot with a crossbow, loaded with a very powerful tranquillizer. Whoever manages to shoot the slave, may rent them for free... after they've woken up again. Entry is one gold per hunt, and includes the crossbow to use, as well as the tranquillizer dart.
A spectator's platform has been set up, and slaves will be serving items from the Golden Tether's menu for those who do not wish to partake, and merely join the Handler in observing the goings-on.
For every hunt, each interested hunter will roll 1d20. In order from highest to lowest, they may chose their spot alongside the track. If more than four patrons are willing to join the hunt, only the four highest rollers will be able to. If less than four are willing to join, some hunting stations will remain empty.
At every station, the hunter will roll a d10. See below at Locations to see if the tranquillizer will hit, or miss and post accordingly. Then, the hunted will post. A hit? The slave is knocked out and the hunt comes to an end, unfortunatly for those on the next platforms. A miss? Bummer, the slave keeps running onto the next platform. If they manage to get to the end without being hit, they win their precious time at the beach.
Location one: Running from the garden door to the fountain, netting has been hung to obscure the view. The light is fading, and the torches have been extict. The benches and chairs have overturned, and allow for maximum cover. This location is difficult. On a d10 roll, only 8 or more will hit the slave. Whoever choses to fire here though, has the first shot to take home the slave.
Location two: From the fountain to the bridge, the netting has been removed. Some sconces burn, yet there's still plenty of furniture for the now alert slave to hide behind. This is a difficult to medium location. On a d10 roll, 7 or more will hit the slave.
Location three: Going from the bridge to the memorial monument, fire illuminates the track. Cover for the alert slave has been removed, but the monument itself may still provide with some shelter. This is a medium location. On a d10 roll, 6 or more will hit the slave.
Location four: The beach provides the final challenge for the slave. There's no cover, there's no hiding in the dark. Just a few hundred yards between getting shot and rented, or sweet freedom... for a short while, at least. This is an easy location. On a d10 roll, 5 or more will hit the slave. If you miss here, you need to work on your precision.
Slaves who are willing to run Biers's obstacle course can RSVP here, or whisper Biers on Furcadia. Slaves who are willing to serve can do the same. Hunters and looky-loos are not required to sign up in advance, though they are of course welcome to.
--The hunted--
-- The hunters--
-- Servers --