June Slave Auction

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No Lifer
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June Slave Auction

Post by Kalev »


The Golden Tether is delighted to present an evening in which slaves will be paraded out for viewing pleasure of our denizens.
Have you been looking for a slave with a particular skill or are a certain species? Then look no further!

A group of five slaves will be presented one by one across the stage by the dragon Guard Jormun, where they will attempt to impress the attendees with the hopes that they will be bet upon.
Each allotted slave will only be up for a short amount of time, so be quick if you see something you like.

Slave Auction.

At the *lounge.

Most slaves will be permitted to join, though those with bad records may be rejected if the volume is too high.
Any patron is welcome to come and place a bet on any slave.
A restriction, however, will be set in place. You are only allowed to win one slave, so that it stops attempts at hoarding.

27th of June, 6PM FST.

For slaves characters that are interested in joining, reply with this form below filled out:

Alt Name:
Character Name:
Primary Skills:
Secondary Skills:
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