Silent Slave Sale

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Silent Slave Sale

Post by Biers »


August 5 - 5PM FST


A slave auction, but with a twist. During the course of the evening, various slaves will be put up for silent auction. During a timeframe of fourty minutes, each slave will be permitted to display any talent that will make patrons want to rent them. For fourty minutes after their show, bids can be made by writing your name, their name, and the bid you wish to make on a piece of paper, and handing it handler Biers. (OOC: whisper your bids to Biers)

Whoever bids the highest in this silent auction gets to take the slave home for a day, either directly following the event, or at a time that is convenient for them.

Owned slaves with permission, unowned slaves, and all patrons.

All slaves who wish to join in, please comment on this RPR event ( ... event/1050) before august 1st. Please include the times you'll be available, as well as the skill you wish to display. A schedule which will strive to include as many as possible will be posted before the event. Please try to keep to this schedule, once it's been made.
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