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Kanti - Unowned

Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 9:51 pm
by Kanti
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:Kanti; no surname given or known.

Nickname: None

Name on Identification: Kanti

Age: Twenty-five

Gender: Female

Species: A human/horse hybrid; vaguely based off of a 'deer woman' of Native American mythology as well as the grecian version of a satyr, in which the satyr has horse features instead of goat features.

Sub Species/Breed: American Paint Horse

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Hourglass shaped frame, thin waist. Naturally defined muscles; lithe. Average sized bust

Physical Details:
Fur:Upper half of her is covered in slightly tan skin, smooth and mostly unmarred. Fur starts around her hips and continues down her legs with large splotches of copper and white.
Face: Heart-shaped face, high cheekbones, and full, pouty lips.
Eyes: Almond-shaped; dark brown with gold flecks.
Hair: Onyx hued curls and waves, mostly left wild and free and reaching about mid-back, though sometimes braided in various ways.
Tail: White in hue, long and mostly untamed.

Physical Markings: None on her skin, save for a few scars here and there. Fur on her hips and legs are in copper and white splotches.

Physical Drawbacks: None apparent.

Current Infliction(s): None.

Physical Defenses: Strong legs which are great for delivering hard kicks and for running if need be.

Appealing Attributes: Her long, thick hair and tail and the fact that they are two different colors. Her species in general may be appealing to some.

Clothing: All she has now is a somewhat crudely made top and a skirt made from some sort of hide and embellished with turquoise beads.

Other Items: Other than a few accessories she braids in her hair, including beads and feathers, she also had some crude, handmade tools and weapons on her, including a hammer, hatchet, bow and arrow, and a spear.


Feral or Cultured: A bit of both; she grew up in a tribe so she knows how to interact with others, but she also grew up in nature and can thus be considered somewhat feral in the way she lives and survives.

Phobias: None known.

Disorders: None apparent.

How do they present themselves: As she enjoys her freedom and has never known slavery, she is somewhat hostile toward potential renters and those interested. To fellow slaves she is wary, but generally kind, and to those she knows and cares for she is loyal and caring.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: She does not to be owned or rented under any circumstances, as she has no desire to be a slave.

Overall Attitude: Generally the woman is strong willed and hard working. She can generally be found smiling when she is outside and otherwise in her element, though behind bars she will likely be found with naught but a frown to show for it.

Quirks: She tends to collect feathers, beads or small, pretty stones, and nuts and things she finds outside.

Hobbies / Interests: She enjoys running, staying busy, making tools, hunting, fishing, and simply being in nature.

High or Low Maintenance: Low.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore, eats just about anything.


Language(s) Spoken: Can speak Cree, French, and Common fluently.

Can they Read / Write: Yes.

Can your character produce magic: No.

Talents / Skills:
Hunting: Skilled with a bow and arrow and in being stealthy enough to stalk prey; can also cure, brine, or smoke meat and makes it a point to use every part of a kill possible.
Fishing: Proficient in bow and spear fishing.
Survival: Can make crude weapons and tools from bone, wood, clothing from hide, and is extremely adaptable when placed in new and unusual environments.
Singing: Moderately skilled in song; can carry a tune and sing haunting melodies passed down from her tribe.
Dancing: Mostly tribal dances made up of rhythmic stomping and other heavy footwork.

Training: None as of yet.


Current Owner: None.

Previous Owners: None.

Previous Usage(s): None.

Previous status: Previously free.

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own.

Cost: 7Image to rent, 70Image to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Randomly; sometimes I can be on all day from 10a CST to late in the evening, but sometimes I'm only on for an hour or two at a time. Catch me if you can!

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Kanti needs to be broken in as a slave and taught her place. I am not looking for anyone who will be overly cruel to her but also not someone who will let her get away with murder. A nice in-between would be nice.

What are your allowances for your character: Mostly no consent save for severe mutilation and death.

Long Term/Short Term: Long-term preferred, but short-term will do at times as well.

General Information

Character Description: None, yet.


Images: Found on website.

Contact Details: Contact me by whispering me on Kanti. You may also send me a message here, if you like.

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