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Albie - Unowned.

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2016 7:31 pm
by Maisha
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Albert Bernard.

Nickname: Albie.

Name on Identification: Albert.

Age: 32 years.

Gender: Male.

Species: Equine.

Sub Species/Breed: Gypsy Vanner.

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Mesomorph. Broad shouldered, thinner waist, long limbs. Thickly muscled and very masculine frame with strong toning.

Physical Details:
Height - 6ft, 10 inches.
Weight - Around the 320lbs mark, differs depending situation.
Hair - Long, course mane of typical horse hair, pliable. Runs down center of his neck, often swept to one side. Stops about mid back.
Eyes - Sky blue, soft and gentle. Very reflective of his mood and emotions.
Fur - Short and glossy. Tight to his body. Main body of it is a steely dapple grey color. Longer and feather around his wrists and ankles.

Physical Markings: Piebald patches that seem to center over his back and shoulders. White sock markings over lower arms and legs. White patch down the center of his face. No visible scarring.

Physical Drawbacks: Big and bulky. It makes him very slow physically, and incredibly clumsy. Anything delicate around him is not safe from breakages.

Current Infliction(s): None currently.

Physical Defenses: Sheer strength.

Appealing Attributes: Strong, masculine frame. Striking coloring and pattern. Gentle and compliant.

Clothing: A blue, light silken loincloth embellished with silver around the top. A matching silver sash is sometimes worn diagonally across his chest.

Other Items: None.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured.

Phobias: Astraphobia. The fear of thunder and lightening. Ties in with his dislike of loud noises. Storms make him highly agitated and stressed.

Disorders: None.

How do they present themselves: Gentle, friendly and always happy to talk. Usually seen with a silly smile all over his face.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: He doesn't understand it much, but seems to make no effort in objecting or putting up a fight.

Overall Attitude: Placid, content and seemingly happy go lucky. A gentle demeanor and seemingly bright, cheerful and friendly.

Quirks: Ears twitch and respond to sound very keenly. Jumpy at loud noises.

Hobbies / Interests: When asked what he liked to do, sleeping in the sun was his first answer. He also commented about having a fondness for carpentry and making furniture/utensils.

High or Low Maintenance: Incredibly low.

Diet / Allergies: Strict vegetarian, cannot process meats. No known allergies.


Language(s) Spoken: Common.

Can they Read / Write: Yes but very poorly. There are children who can read and write better than him.

Can your character produce magic: (Slaves that can produced magic will be bound in such away they can't use it unless rented / purchased.)

Talents / Skills:
Agriculture - experienced in most forms of farming and care of land/crops.
Manual labor - strong, fit and durable, perfect for hard, demanding jobs.
Carpentry - somewhat of a necessity from back home that he excelled in, the Vanner can make all manner of furniture given proper time and tools, from smaller pieces all the way to larger items.

Training: None whatsoever, but seems keen to learn and study more.


Current Owner: None.

Previous Owners: N/A

Previous Usage(s): N/A

Previous status: Free. Commoner.

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own.

Cost: 5 gold to rent per night, 60 to own.

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Usually daily, timings vary.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Plot development and creative scenes are what I crave. Just general fun and mischief, with lively scenes and good humor.

What are your allowances for your character: I'm fairly open minded as to how things can go. I do not really want him winding up free, and would much prefer him to remain alive.

Long Term/Short Term: Either or is fine with me, but long term does have more allure.

General Information

Character Description: Gentle brute, all power and muscle. Heart of gold beat warm within coolly hued visage. Gypsy Vanner was prime example of his kind, strong in body, kindly in soul, towering in height but humble in demeanor. Rippling form covered in mottled grey, marred with stark, piebald markings of purest white, to match the soft flow of mane and long, gorgeous tail. Blues were sparkling, giving window to mellow creature that he was, despite lack of any real intellect behind them. Wrapped in fabrics of silver and azure to compliment complexion, creature did as he was told, without hesitance or struggle.

Website: RPR.

Images: Here.

Contact Details: On Albie in game please.

Notes: None currently! :D