Harvest Ball; Phantasmagoria

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Harvest Ball; Phantasmagoria

Post by Kalev »


ˌfantazməˈɡɔːrɪə,-ˈɡɒrɪə/; noun
A sequence of real or imaginary images like that seen in a dream.

October is the month of delightful terror and fright, as the chill sets in the air and the fields are harvested of their goods.
This year, however, the notorious Drug Lord and narcotics Merchant Campy has taken over plans of the Harvest Ball.
It will be an event centered around specters and hallucinations, aided by the consumption of psychotropic drugs by attending patrons.

Entry will only be permitted by accepting and consuming a variety of different drugs set at the entrance of the event (heavily guarded, of course).
There will be three choices; a fine powder to rub on the gums or snort. A thick, syrupy liquid to drink (shot glass). A crunchy, root-like substance to be chewed and sucked.

The effects of each vary from person to person. After consumption, roll a manual dice (roll 1d4) for your effect.
Vivid hallucinations (visual/auditory); given the decor of the room, it will likely be of demons and ghouls.
Sedation/Euphoria; you feel like a cloud drifting lazily on a summer breeze. Nothing can stress you out or get you down.
Emotionally heightened; you feel more comfortable in your skin than ever before. Your confidence has grown, with a massive sense of belonging to your surroundings.
You get a "warm and fuzzy" feeling in your stomach.
Arousal; you aren't sure why, but you're starting to get giddy and excitable. You get a burst of fantastic energy and you feel unstoppable.

A celebration of All Hallow's Eve, abetted by drug use.

Everyone is invited to join.
Slaves (including owned) are not permitted to take the offered narcotics.
Only behaved, unowned slaves may attend as servers/assistance.

29th of October, 5PM FST.
In the *ballroom.
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