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Ove. Old Records.

Posted: Tue Nov 29, 2016 2:54 am
by Ove
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
Ove Fritjofsson
Old Norse element ag "edge of a sword" or agi "terror". and "Son of Fritjof"

None given

Name on Identification:
Ove Fritjofsson

Approximately Eighteen, appears as such

Male, cisgendered. Obviously masculine

Human. Icelandic in race

Sub Species/Breed:
Skinchanger. Ove can only take the form of a dragon or take on dragon characteristics. He may possess a anthromorphic form, but it's yet to be seen or attempted. His species of dragon is not elemental, and instead, venomous. Its venom is akin to that of a brown recluse, and can be deadly if the person doesn't seek help quick enough after a bite.

Physical Appearance

Body Type:
A combination between ectomorph and mesomorph; Lanky, but with some decent muscle weight.

Physical Details: (Hair/Eyes/Skin/Etc)
Hair: Black, shaved on both sides and a decent length. Often brushed to one side of his head.
Eyes: A deep green.
Skin: Slightly tanned, some noticeable freckles on his face

Physical Markings:

Physical Drawbacks:
Missing right arm, but replaced by a clockwork prosthetic.

Current Infliction(s):
Dealing with the sickness from the Contaminated water

Physical Defenses:
Decent in hand to hand combat
Prosthetic arm, can do a lot of damage if he bothers.

Appealing Attributes:
His prosthetic arm, mainly. Still, he isn't unattractive by any means, but not to the extent of an adonis type figure.

Standard Tether Collar
A simple tunic and slacks, unless stated otherwise. Furcloak, but not always carried about or worn.

Other Items:
Prosthetic Arm
Twin Seaxes and Crossbow, confiscated
Dragon jawbone, often hidden under his clothes.


Feral or Cultured:

Deep water and Wild, uncontrolled fire.


How do they present themselves:
Curious at times, but mostly disgruntled. Ove tends to change his mood regarding the patron addressing him, unless he finds himself irritated.

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
It depends on the person. He is either rebellious or keeps his head down.

Overall Attitude:
Not very pleasant, but curiousty tends to get the better of him in most cases. He's quite easily annoyed, but learning when best to keep his head down and his tongue in check.

Overly curious, will ask questions if he can without issue. Has an issue with keeping his hands still, and tends to toy with his prosthetic arm most times within the pens.

Hobbies / Interests:
Archery, mainly. He enjoys simple things like fishing and carving things out of wood.
He has a great deal of love for arena combat or anything that involves such things.

High or Low Maintenance:
Low, mostly.

Diet / Allergies:
Omnivore, like any human. He tends to prefer red meat, and avoids shellfish. As far as allergies go, anything with peppers will make him sick.


Language(s) Spoken:
Icelandic, Common.

Can they Read / Write:
Only in Icelandic.

A tutor would be appreciated for common, since he can't understand any of it when it comes to literature.

Can your character produce magic:
Not entirely. His shapeshifting might be considered magical, but it's not. Still, the enchanted collar and bars of the Tether's pen prevent it.

Talents / Skills:
Survival skills. Tracking, some medical work, and creating proper shelters. A basic knowledge of some botany, but nothing regarding the flora of Guilderiem. Yet.
Archery, though through use of a crossbow. Bladed weapons for combat, mainly that of his seaxes and some hand to hand combat. Nothing magnificent, but enough to get him by.
Has gained some understanding of merchant work and the effects and uses of various drugs, through his time as a drug peddlar for Campy.

All of the above.
No formal training in slave obedience and etiquette.


Current Owner:
The Golden Tether

Previous Owners: (If known.)
Samira, Crowling

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:

For Rent or to Own:
Rental first. I have every right to decline ownership if I don't feel the RP is going to be anything constructive or good for development. Those who hope to keep Ove for the sake of sexual roleplays will be declined off the bat.
Ownership will only come through consistant roleplay, and with active roleplayers.

10Image to rent
100Image to own

OOC Info/Notes

Whenever I'm on.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Development, and possibly more slave training. Ove is far from an unbreakable slave, and thus, I would like some development in that area. Adding to his skills would be an interesting story, too.

I prefer someone who will use him for his skills, and not just keep him around to idle. It'd get boring for me real quick if there's nothing for him to do outside arena fights.

What are your allowances for your character:
I am generally very open, but I would prefer if I was asked before doing anything major to my character and only if it makes sense. If you decide an appropriate punishment for him being mouthy is to flay him, I'll stomp that down quick. Appropriate responses for actions, thank you.

I will not consent to death or him sleeping with your character. He doesn't want your character, anyway.

Long Term/Short Term:

General Information

Character Description:
Icelandic viking was garbed in a combination of leather and wolf fur, regardless of the temperature of where he was. He was generally aloof, pleasant, but with a lack of attention span and at times, patience. An ever growing temper seemed apparent with it. Part of a dragon's jawbone rested from a chain around his neck, the normal teeth gone and replaced by silver; a cherished item. Right arm was missing just above the elbow, replaced by a clockwork prosthetic.


On site

Contact Details:
Whisper Ove
