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Catahecassa- Unowned

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2017 11:02 am
by scarith
Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Catahecassa - (Black Hoof in Common) Rose

Nickname: Catcha

Name on Identification: Catahecassa

Age: 152

Gender: Male

Species: Fae

Sub Species/Breed: Stagwolf

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Thicker bones, but agile and toned musculature,

Physical Details: Cerulean eyes, brown/tan mixed fur color. 7ft. 2in. height.

Physical Markings: White spots across joints.

Physical Drawbacks: Does not have a great deal of raw physical strength for his size.

Current Infliction(s): None

Physical Defenses: Large horns, thick hooves.

Appealing Attributes: A fair bit easy on the eyes overall, his softer colors and height could make some feel comfortable and protected around him.

Clothing: None

Other Items: Various small trinkets, a flute made of pure emerald.


Feral or Cultured: Cultured, but is very familiar with animals and their ways.

Phobias: Being stuck away from nature for to long.

Disorders: None

How do they present themselves: Body is often tense.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Currently freshly caught, he hates it all.

Overall Attitude:Usually pretty amicable at the least.

Quirks: None

Hobbies / Interests: Loves a good book, gardening, and playing the flute.

High or Low Maintenance: Medium, requires a fair bit of time with plants or nature as a whole, unless starts to go a bit crazy. However, is able to rather well fend for himself in both the wild and in civilization.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivore


Language(s) Spoken: Common, Sylvan, Beast, Angelic, Daemonic, Draconic

Can they Read / Write: Yes, in all languages known.

Can your character produce magic: Yes, specifically Yellow Magic- (Fusion, Transmutation, Alchemy, Fertility, etc types of magic.)

Talents / Skills: Previously aided many magical, and mundane, species in breeding and pregnancies. Quite adpt at tending to plants and animals, could be well suited to farm work Knows how to play the flute and has a fair bit of medical skills.

Training: Fresh Slave, no prior training.


Current Owner: None

Previous Owners: None, fresh capture.

Previous Usage(s): None

Previous status: Free

For Rent or to Own: Rent to own.

Cost: Rent: 10g Own: 100g

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: On most evenings through the week, 5pm EST on. Sometimes in the morning.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Someone to make use of Catcha's magical talents, and drive forwards character development. I am more than open for sexual rp. Someone to make something of him basically, he's new and ready to be rped with!

What are your allowances for your character: No maiming, death, or other extreme things without talking to me OOCly first.

Long Term/Short Term: Both

General Information

Character Description:
Standing at 7ft. 2in, the inherently graceful and beguiling aura of a Fae suits this stagwolf. With the agile muscle tone of a wolf and the solid foundation of a stag underneath and standing a top thick, hooved digitigrade legs, he cuts a handsome figure amidst most crowds. Darker brown fur covers most of his body, with a lighter tan running down from his neck to inner thighs, short fluffy tail, and a sprinkling of white spots across his joints offers the perhaps misleadingly soft color palette. Harsh cerulean eyes, a stern-set frown, solid squared horns that stand proudly upwards, and a overall tension across most of his body however, tell the story of someone very unhappy with his current change in life. The heavy metal collar around his throat, complete with golden lion head baring a plate with his name upon it makes it quite obvious what he's none-to-happy about.

Website: None

Images: Image

Contact Details: Whisper me on furc.
