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Ammon Zahur: Rentable Adoration / Owned

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:34 pm
by Ammon
A sketched image is attached to a few sheets of parchment.

Basic Information

Full Name: Ammon Zahur

Nickname: Ammon, Nefra's Lap Dog (By TGT Guards)

Meaning: Technically, Ammon Zahur means "Hidden Flower," and is a title from his time in the Aegyptian temples. When Skadowee purchased him from a group of Bastet priestesses, his title became his name.

Name on Identification: Ammon Zahur

Age: Unknown. Appears in early 20s.

Gender: Male

Species: Canine

Sub Species/Breed: Jackal


Physical Appearance

Body Type: Leanly Muscled

Physical Details: Plush, snow white fur, would make one think 'Albino,' were it not for his emerald green eyes. His fur has been expertly trimmed to show off and accentuate the well-defined muscle that should be hidden underneath. Tall and skinny ears, decorated in metal rings and gems, match his long, thin, muzzle. The ears, not the jewelry.

Physical Markings: Nothing specific. In fact, the lack of any scars and/or spots bare of his soft fur, in itself is a mark. For a slave to be free of scarring is virtually unheard of.

Physical Drawbacks: While he is attractively muscled, his generally smaller size places him leagues below more bulk-muscled combatants and warriors.

Current Infliction(s): Whether it is simply too much smoke from recent patrons, or if someone has been dosing him on something stronger, Ammon continually seems high as a kite.

Physical Defenses: None. Luckily, he possesses an efficient healing ability, because he really isn't equipped for damage.

Appealing Attributes: Visually appealing, both aesthetically and physically. Careful grooming accentuates angular features and musculature through creative trimming.

Clothing: Golden Shendyt(Aegyptian Skirt,) A golden collar and wrist manacles are on his furreson, broken lengths of golden chain hanging from them decoratively. A discerning eye may note a faded stamping in the gold collar, showing his previous owner's symbol. Multiple piercings along both ears.

Other Items: Various musical instruments are made available to him during floor show or rental. He has a collection of herbs and oils as well, that the guards hold onto.



Feral or Cultured: Technically well cultured, but with feral tendencies when it comes to affection.

Phobias: Spiders

Disorders: Addictive Personality

How do they present themselves: Ammon is always happy in a dazed, dreamy sort of way, and tends to be very touchy-feely with anything within reach of his delicate, paw-like hands.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: Ammon has fully embraced this turn in the road, and nothing makes him happier than making someone else happy. Ammon was recently purchased by Mistress Nefra and he could not be happier.

Overall Attitude: Very Positive

Quirks: Usually high, very touchy-feely. Often eccentric and dreamy. He has developed a casual and lax speech style, his accent fully vanished, but when with a prospective Mistress, he resumes the articulation and care of speech that is expected of a good pet. Recently, through regular exposure to his Mistress, Nefra, his accent has begun to creep back into his speech patterns.

Hobbies / Interests: Various Cultures, Philosophy, Musical Instruments, Artistry, Massage

High or Low Maintenance: Both. He keeps himself very well groomed and applies eye make up to go with his Aegyptian-themed look, but he requires very little supervision.

Diet / Allergies: Omnivorous, No Allergies



Language(s) Spoken: Kasurian (Common)/Aegyptian

Can they Read / Write: Both

Can your character produce magic: No. Ammon hosts something mystical. It's part of why he was venerated by both the Temple of Anubis and then the Temple of Bastet. It is palpable to those sensitive. Can be felt. Assumed to be why he is unscarred. It is not, however, something he can access or control. (Possible changes to this)

Talents / Skills: Musical ability, both vocal and instrumental. Various arts including sketch, painting, sculture and calligraphy.

Training: Ammon has extensive pleasure training. Massage techniques. Holistic stress relief including herbalism, aromatherapy, yoga, meditation, and sensory stimulation.



Current Owner: Nefra

Previous Owners: Skadowee. Temple of Bast. Temple of Anubis.

Previous Usage(s): TGT House Pet/Slave Caretaker, Pleasure Pet

Previous status: Ammon was practically free during his original time at TGT. He was treated as if he were considered employed and was responsible for caring for the other slaves, though technically he was owned by Skadowee.

For Rent or to Own: Rent Only / Purchased by Nefra

Cost: 25 gp per night.


OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Mainly Nights, EST, possibly early evening, but definitely between 10 or 11pm and 7am.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Ammon is designed for Mistresses who wish to be worshiped. OR he can be treated as a feral pet. BDSM is very welcome, though Ammon will be quite surprised! He may even try to dissuade, but only ICly. Torture, not so much welcomed. It's doable, but damage to an exotic slave should come with punishment to the slaver.

What are your allowances for your character: Straight RP / NC Except: death or permanent physical disfigurement. To clarify: The character has to be female for sexual RP, not the writer behind them. Also, he will RP with male characters, just not sexually.

Long Term/Short Term: Long term RPs with a Hard Continuity. Short Term Rentals.


General Information

Character Description: Locks of poker-straight jet, pulled into a ponytail, spawns between skinny ears. The half-foot length's outer edge is host to glinting, gold rings. Articulately groomed, snow-white fur, sculpted to enhance the angles of his features, leaves sharp, velvety-edged lines. Same artistically handled shears brings taut body's lean-muscle mass ready visibility. Classic golden collar, matched manacles, all highly polished and bearing lengths of decorative chain, shows his current status. Golden shendyt, maintaining modesty, and kohl, applied around emerald eyes, marks the culture of his upbringing.

Websites: RPR F-List

Image: Image

Contact Details: Other than notes on RPR or F-List? Maybe Skype ... after some talking first.

Notes: Began his life as a slave in a temple dedicated to Anubis, but was taken in to be a pet in a temple dedicated to Bastet. It was from there that he was acquired by Skadowee and brought to where she would build TGT. He has been missing for years, but recently brought back in chains. There was some debate on if he is indeed the same Jackal, as he does not appear to have aged during this time, however marks of ownership on his collar and the corroboration of those who knew him have accepted that this is, in fact, the same Ammon Zahur.