[IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Tick »

Furcadia Login: Tick "The Clockwork"
Profile: Tick is a supernatural phenomenon! [Tick was a unique phenomanon of clockwork technology. It could think, act, and feel as though it had a soul. It never stopped working, and always sought out ways to be of use to others trying to find it's true purpose! Tick is capable to transform it's shape into many things and finds turning into a winged pixie is it's favorite especially the loud "Tick" every flap makes hince where it got it's name. "I have an infanite number of buttons, grinds, gyrations, and sockets" Reply when asked what made it tick. [ I am new to Furcadia so please be gentle, and help me have a good experience!]

Strength: -2
Speed: +2
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +0
**Armor: +2

Explanation for points:

Strength: Do to the sheer lack in size Tick lacks any form of the strength that creatures twice it's size would have. Let alone those who are ten times! Graceful like a butterfly, stings like a gnat! -2
Speed: Tick is an unnaturally hard to hit creature do to miniscule size, and great speed due to flight. Is small, swift, and can fly. This makes for a very hard target to hit pronouncing it's speed! +2
Stamina: A creature made of metal and soul tick can never honestly tire. It's stamina comes from crafted durability. When tick runs out of health it does not resemble it being beaten to a pulp, but his power for the day has gone so low he turns off. Tick is well....like a Tick...just so bloody hard to kill! +2

Weapon: Oh yes...a toothpick sized sword is so menacing... +0
Armor: Tick is an entity MADE of metal giving him a natural level of armor. He would be considered magical armor, if not for the fact he can still be shattered into pieces!+1

Entered into system 09/07/2011, Quietus. When inputting aspects or xp, do not use the quotes in the name.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Beorne »

Furcadia Login: Beorne
Profile: http://beorne.webs.com/
Strength: +2
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): 0
**Armor: 0
Explanation for points: He's strong, built like a brick shithouse, and has trained excessively to bare the muscles he holds. He's faster than the average human due to propper training. While he's built in the muscle department, it has evened out his right to withstand a substancial amount of pain. While he has no weapons, the man uses his hands and knuckles to attack the old fashioned way without relying on a blade. He uses no armor either. Which leaves him subceptible to attacks relatively easily.

Aspects inputted on September 11, 2011 by Siena.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Jorn »

Furcadia Login: Mstislav
Капитан. Born in an old country battered by revolutions and social chaos alongside chillingly ruthless blizzards, the Russian was a man of duty - dogmatic and incorrigible. Short, tousled hair that was so deep a brown it was near to black was left unstyled, pairing well with the start of a short beard and moustache on his strong-featured face - stubble, prickly and coarse like the man that bore it. Pale hazel eyes held a wild look, motivated by an unseen higher power. An off-white old shirt peeked out at the elbows under the turtleneck dark jumper worn snug over his broad-shouldered figure, while officer's breeches with red-piped seams stowed into stiff leather boots dulled from service were held up by a belt bearing the star of his heritage. The Stalingrad survivor was both hardened and damaged by his experience - the last two fingers missing on his right hand. He was forced and driven to hunting monsters. Human, 'Kinfolk'. Ti'Rahi.l
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): +1
Explanation for points:
Strength -- Military-trained, over 20 years experience.
Stamina -- Combination of military training, inhuman heritage and a brief amount of time as part of an experimentation programme trying to enhance on said heritage.

Entered into the system by Cresenzo on Sept 11, 2011.
Last edited by Jorn on Sun Sep 11, 2011 10:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Levon »

Furcadia Login: Levon
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/levon
Strength: 2 - Levon is a muscular human, not super-toned, but toned well enough that a well placed punch could indeed inflict pain of some degree.
Speed: 0 - Levon, being human, and toned as he is, is not the fastest nor the slowest. Simply average.
Stamina: 2 - Not as burly as most, though given his past as a harsh slaver, the man had built some tolerance.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): +1 - Lead shot knuckled Gloves.
**Armor: 0 - He only wears your average run of the mill jacket, vest and pants.

Entered into the system by Siena on Sept 11, 2011.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Eevonair »

Furcadia Login: Glycerene
Profile: Site
Strength: 1
Speed: 0
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): 1
Explanation for points: Being a dragon her strength is above average but she's not very large. Her weapons really aren't with her claws but more magics as she tends to stay away from physical contact if she can but she uses an enchantment placed on her claws for when she's forced into melee combat.. Being young as well she's not very fast in the arena and rather average for a beast of her kind.

Entered into the system by Yoshino.
Last edited by Eevonair on Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Sugary »

Furcadia Login: Sugary
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?ch ... &page=7878
Strength: 0
Speed: +1
Stamina: +1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1
**Armor: +1
Explanation for points
Strength: It's still developing with her learning to use her weapons
Speed: Small size, flexibility, and past training in evasive maneuvers allow her to move easily.
Stamina: Exercise routines from Swash, extensive cardio/running.
Weapons: Claws and teeth are automatic, but she also has a standard five foot leather whip, and matching daggers sheathed in holsters around her thighs.
Armor: Minimal, with the exception of metal bracers and knee/shin guards.

Entered into the system by Quietus on September 20, 2011.

Updated by Siena on June 27, 2012.
Last edited by Sugary on Wed Jun 27, 2012 8:07 pm, edited 6 times in total.
(04:07:44) Sugary: Also, Sumatra using a weapon called a quirt gives me the giggles
(04:08:13) Jamaika: Sumatra could use a weapon called a frillfadoodle and I'd run for the hills.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Oni »

Character: Steyr
Profile: She was not the most darling of temptations, not the little girl down the street nor the one to trick or treat. Tattered remains of her ears stood out from that mess of unkept, dreadlocked hair that spilled out and down her back. The savage features, face was distraught with massive scars. Right jaw was permanently ripped open and exposed a few of those yellowed feline fangs to any bothering to stare. The one menacing, milky white eye peers out from the mess. The body of this creature was slimed, refined from toning, lacking a lot of so called feminine graces, charms and curves. Chiseled arms, chest were tamed out by the rather thick, shapely thighs of hers. Scant clothing did its job poorly upon her frame as burlap tatters covered the bare necessities in a charmingly crude manner. The grace and civility of a rabid wolverine on the rag.. And a personality <a href="http://sennydragon.deviantart.com/art/R ... >smooth</a>, as fifty grit sand paper. http://sennydragon.deviantart.com/art/Steyr-214339211 http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/4570/steyrt.png http://steyr.webs.com/ http:// img32.imageshack.us/img32/7600/steyro.jpg

Strength: +2
Speed: -1
Stamina: +3
Hit Points: 51
*Weapon(s): +1(wrist blade) Spurs on boots , blunt buckler
**Armor: +1(small buckler light chain

weapon set one
Strength: +2
Speed: -1
Stamina: +3
Hit Points: 51
*Weapon(s): +2(Duel bladed gauntlets, more blades and they are serrated on each side, little bit longer than her normal one. She of course has to loose her buckler to effectivly use it. +2 weapon +0 armor
**Armor: 0 with the twin wielding

armor set one
Strength: +2
Speed: -1
Stamina: +3
Hit Points: 51
*Weapon(s): +0 just her fists!
**Armor: +2 she will dawn a rather heavy, yet non enchanted segmented platmail, not as thick as a full suit but its enough to stop alot of blows, from head too the her hind paws, its something she has yet to really be seen in, due to how much it slows her down!

Highly devote, highly trained from nearly the time she could start to walk. Originally trained to be a nimble sex slave until unforeseen events. After becoming deformed she was then retrained to be a more.. Monstrous bodyguard of her master/mistress too be.

After many many battles in the arena, antagonizing and being mauled by the champion, her binding collar has been damaged, this intandum with heavy training, toughing up of her system she's seemed to become more resilient as this paired with some of her manticore abilities of healing leaking through the collar. This seems to be making her more and more resilient to pain and wounding effects.

Uncursed form stats entered into system 09/15/2011, Quietus.
Last edited by Oni on Sun May 20, 2012 11:06 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by AusetRah »

Furcadia Login: Auset Rah
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?ch ... page=13140
Strength: -1
Speed: +1
Stamina: -1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 23
*Weapon(s): 1
**Armor: 0
(Point total: 0 over all)
Explanation for points: I decided to join the fad just for giggles. The making of these aspects does not mean i plan on fighting with Auset. Though maybe have her play around with some one that is a fighter for simple lessons or exercise.
With that in mind these are the reasons I have for the statistics I made.
Auset is nothing special when it comes to strength if anything else she is actually weaker than average. Her speed is actually rather high though do to the silly girls outstanding clumsiness especially when scared which if she was ever in a fight, friendly or not, she would be tripping over her own feet. Stamina is a measurement of how long you can last in a fight as well as how much punishment you can take. Bats are frail boned mammals built for flying. Their bone structure is light and brittle making a hit to her rather devastating in comparison to normal. With no graceful trait athletically poor Auset is led to rely on other means, normally a person she has swindled or flirted into her services. She would wield a guards baton in a fight if she can flirt her way into getting one.

Entered into system 09/15/2011, Quietus.
Last edited by AusetRah on Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.
"It is easy for a bat to cope with their world being turned upside down. All we have to do is go to sleep to see things right side up again."
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Sepha »

Furcadia Login: Murali

Profile: http://facethewind.webs.com/index.htm

Strength: +1

Speed: +2

Stamina: +1

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37

*Weapon(s): +1, a staff with a solid metal core.

**Armor: +0

Explanation for points: Murali is blazingly fast. His speed is his defense, as he generally faces off against a larger opponent. For his size, he is remarkably strong, and would have little difficulty overpowering an average-sized individual of average strength. His weapon is very heavy compared to normal wooden staffs and can easily break bones, hence the bonus to it, but is generally a non-lethal weapon, and as such gets a +1 instead of 2.

Entered into the system 09/16/2011, Quietus.
Last edited by Sepha on Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by AusetRah »

Furcadia Login: Rasutis Maiev
Profile: In progress --> http://www.rprepository.com/site.php?ch ... page=13136
Strength: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: -1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 23
*Weapon(s): +1
**Armor: +2
Explanation for points:
Strength: Rasutis was named after the prime goddess when she was borne with high hopes for her to be the supreme warrior of the Menarus Isles. She has lived up to this expectation given to her with an above average strength that does not match her size. "Great gifts come within small packages. Let me surprise you"

Speed: Agile, Acrobatic, skilled flyers. These are qualities of all Bats that give her a natural advantage in speed even before her training. It is hard to rival Rasutis by conventional means.

Stamina: A fatal flaw in Bats is their bone structure which is formed around high speed acrobatic flying. Their bones are lightweight and brittle causing Bats to be much more frail then other species.

Weapon: Her voice alone is a devastating weapon in close ranges capable of causing internal damage, or even death in the rarest of cases. Her voice is a directional narrow cone that causes barely visible ripples in the air in the direction of the attack. Though this is not her only mean of offense as many throwing knives are hidden within this ones clothes. Twelve knives total in combat dress, four in her harem style clothes. Sixteen total knives.

Armor: Menarus is renowned for being one of the finest places in the world for fine and magical seaming. Marvelous cloth armor is made through ritualistic methods creating items considered holy by her people with near indestructible qualities. In addition to its toughness, the armor itself surrounds the wearer with a magical force field that further helps absorb and deflect incoming damage. When damage is successfully deflected during a defending roll, golden sparks will emit from the area of the armor that was struck. Rasutis wears long draping clothes that allow her for tricky fighting revolving around finesse and skill. The cloth seems to be impossible to cut or pierce, and with her talents she has learned to use the long draping cloth to tangle incoming blunt attacks to lessen the impacts she will receive.

Armor description: Dark bloody maroon velvet material was what made up the harem style clothing underneath. Long sash wrapping around her chest tightly holding her breasts firm the tail tucked under strung down her spine. Baggy see through harem pants held golden belt with small silver chimes along her waist. Over this she will wear ornate solid white battle dress. The dress covers her body and arms loosely with multiple small capes. These capes hide many throwing knives withing the inside folds. As she spins in her dance of death these draping capes that cover her dress will float out in a beautiful display hiding many of her actions from view or distracting her foe. Two longer sashes hang down from the wrists of her dress used to tangle her opponents attacks to avoid damage from more blunt attacks.

Entered into the system 09/15/2011, Quietus.
"It is easy for a bat to cope with their world being turned upside down. All we have to do is go to sleep to see things right side up again."

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Aidan »

Furcadia Login: Praskovya
Profile: In Progress -> http://www.rprepository.com/c/praskovya/13252
Strength: +1
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44 Hp
*Weapon(s): 0
**Armor: +2

Explanation for points:

Strength: She had to work hard to survive in the tundra wasteland she grew up with, which grants her above average strength with the inherent natural benefits of being a dragon.
Speed: She is not overly big, not bulky as most of her kin, finding that having a balance with her ability more beneficial. The tundra reinforced that statement.
Stamina: Living a hard life and enduring long winters, many predators and not prey, fighting for any scrap of food there was made her more tolerant to pain and provided her with strong stamina.
Weapon(s): She only has her natural abilities such as tail, talons, fangs and her breath.
Armor: Being a dragon has it's benefits with a natural strong armor of thick dragon hide covered in scales that helped defend and absorb many attacks.

Entered into the system by Siena on September 17, 2011.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Jorn »

Furcadia Login: Hide
Profile: Changeling. Corinthian dreamer's very essence held within a body of flesh to save herself from Banality. Whimsical and gentle-hearted, a healer by nature as well as by design -- a gardner's green thumb and ken with the earth mated well with a charitable soul. Golden antlers oft' strung with choice wildflowers rose from the jawlength brown hair with a tint of auburn that accentuated a heart-shaped face, with cupid's bow lips and eyes of cocoa-brown with the barest hint of kohl around the lashes. Comely, a pear-shaped physique under a white dress of fine silk chiffon woven by the same slender hands that worked the herbs giving her the scent of myrrh and heady woodsmoke. Brass cloven hooves clack-clacked with each dainty step. A musician too, for if she could not help the body then she would at least try to soothe the mind. Fae.
Strength: 0
Speed: 1
Stamina: 1
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37
*Weapon(s): +1
ancient greek dagger
**Armor: +1
this over the top of a plain mid-thigh length tunic
Explanation for points:
Speed -- She's light-built
Stamina -- Fae nature grants her a higher endurance than most mortals
Weapon -- Purchased in her backstory
Armour -- Purchased in her backstory

Entered into the system by Siena on September 17, 2011.
Last edited by Jorn on Sun Sep 18, 2011 1:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Dagger »

Furcadia Login: #Se (Image)

XP: 50 - Level: 2 - Extra Severity Point: 1

Profile: (site)

Strength: +2
Speed: +1
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44

*Weapon(s): 0
**Armor: 0

Strength: All natural, honed through years of working daily in the smithy without a striker.
Speed: Relies largely upon agility in a fight, due to fighting with bandaged fists and legs.
Stamina: Had learned in her youth to take a good beating and get up again, and again.
Weapon: Her fists & the power in her arms from working as a smith, are weapons enough.
Armor: Thick and dense fur. Hair/Fur is oiled during a fight to make it hard to grab her.
Last edited by Dagger on Tue Feb 25, 2020 11:07 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Pucke »

Character: Pucke
Winterborn boy with a mere sixteen seasons under belt, long-limbed awkwardness bordering on cusp of adulthood, with stonehenge, hunter's arms coiled in tattoo'd brail of ancient design on cocoa-kissed fur, snug in leather and hemp. Acrobatic posture confident, blood in veins like a Molotov cocktail of ancestral pride: primordial Beorne, insignia proved in twin emerald, bear-pawed gauge-plugs that stretched lobes. Fauxhawk showstopping though it didn't retract from sparkling dew-drop clusters in coral-cut brimstone eyes or boyish grin that looked as though he had swallowed the rhictor scale. Buckled leather twists over skinny torso, strapping twin hand-axes to spine .. each notch on hilt a contradiction to youthful abandon.

Strength: +1
Speed: +2
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): Twin hand-axes. +1
**Armor: 0

Strength: Pucke is only sixteen, he has spent some of his life hunting and training amongst fine warriors. Most of his strength is in his arms, but he is more wiry than most: but da'am, those tattoo'd arms can pack a punch.
Speed: Pucke is exceptionally agile: his fighting skill depends on his speed which is acrobatic, well-balanced and quick-as-fuck.
Stamina: Again, he is young: he is undergoing training among the Beorne househood, thus stamina is more than healthy, for someone who trains regularly and with pro's. He is Ulfrik's student, of course he can take the pain.
Weapon(s): Being slender, he relies on speed: duo of twin axes provided him with the cutting edge to make his speed deadly.
Armor: He wears leathers, but no other armour: his speed is his armour.

Aspects entered into the system on Sept 17, 2011 by Siena.
Last edited by Pucke on Fri Apr 19, 2013 9:56 am, edited 2 times in total.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Brynn »

Furcadia Login: Nar Azhdrâ.
Profile: http://www.rprepository.com/c/warchief
Strength: +2.
Speed: -2.
Stamina: +2.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44.
*Weapon(s): +2 for battle axe, halberd, broadsword, or war hammer, plus horns. +1 if only using bare hands or fists and horns.
**Armor: +1. Generally uses some metal armor, but only his head, shoulders, forearms, and lower legs, and he would rather have the mobility of this limited armor than anything full-body.
Explanation for points: Nar Azhdrâ is a member of the Kull, a specific type of Urgal. They are massive and powerful, with impressive stamina. However, being as large as he is does limit him in some ways. Mostly, he is slow and unwieldy in the arena, compared to the vast majority of other fighters, and though he can be quite cunning on the battlefield, much of his intelligence is limited to fighting, battling, and war. Azhdrâ is still a force to be reckoned with, though, even when considering his somewhat patchy armor. Any of his preferred weapons can be lethal, as can his horns or fists.

Entered into the system on September 18, 2011 by Siena.
Last edited by Brynn on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:33 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Brynn »

Furcadia Login: Sylvain.
Profile: http://lycanaristocracy.webs.com/
Strength: +1.
Speed: +2.
Stamina: +1.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37.
*Weapon(s): +1 for claws and fangs in wolf form, or just packing quite a punch with a good amount of strength even in human form.
**Armor: 0.
Explanation for points: Sylvain is a lycanthrope, which gives him enhanced strength and speed. He has very rapid healing abilities as well, though he is very weak against silver, and acquiring enough wounds will make it difficult to heal all of them at once. He wears no armor in either form in the arena, and though thick fur, particularly around his neck, may provide some insulation, good natural or man-made weapons can still penetrate that pretty easily. Altogether, he's surprisingly formidable in the arena, despite his gentlemanly status, though not completely unbeatable.

Entered into system 09/21/2011, Moloc.
Last edited by Brynn on Sat Sep 17, 2011 10:52 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Pantoro »

Furcadia Login: Pantoro

Profile: Just shy of seven feet tall, the panther was as brutal as he was unique. Every visible inch was chiseled, as if from stone, with thick layers of musculature; entirely capable of defending himself, yet frequently bound for fear of such. The unique features were a second pair of arms, each protruding a few inches below his lower ribs and near-identical to their counterparts. Body was nearly bare, save a crimson loin-cloth, a shade darker than the color of his eyes, and tape-bound wrists. Headfur was kept in a ponytail, though it was hard to gauge how much thought went on in the head it was atop.'Traditionally' handsome features were present... if one can get over the surplus limbs and lacking intelligence. (Desc)

Strength: 2

Speed: 0

Stamina: 2

Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44

*Weapon(s): 1

**Armor: 0

Explanation for points: I figured a strength of two is sufficient for a creature of his size. Being wild prior to his capture, incredible musculature was based upon survival skills and constant physical activity. A stamina, similarly, would signify that he's tougher than an average furre in that respect. The 0's in speed and armor are self explanatory: he's only average in speed for given his size, and fights in nothing but a loin cloth. A weapon grade of 1 simply states that claws and teeth accompany his heavy-hitting ability.

Entered in by Ulfrik on September 17, 2011.

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Hundar »

Character: Hundar
Profile: http://www.adequateadventures.webs.com
Strength: +2
Speed: 0
Stamina: +2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): +1 (Two-handed sword, steel blade.)
**Armor: 0

Strength: The brute strength of a barbarian; in addition to his innate potency, he has devoted the majority of his years to martial pursuits.
Speed: Average for a man of his size.
Stamina: As a man hardened through years of combat and hard-living, he possesses impressive constitution and the fortitude of a granite block.
Weapon: Hundar wields a two-handed greatsword of pattern-welded steel; despite his proficiency, his attacks are inherently cumbersome.
Armor: Minimal.

Entered in by Ulfrik on September 17, 2011.
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Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Soprano »

Furcadia Login: Lullacry
Profile: http://lullacry.webs.com/
Strength: +1.
Speed: +2.
Stamina: +1.
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 37.
*Weapon(s): +1 (For her claws and fangs in her more feral form, and sharpened nails in her human form....May also use a silver dagger when wearing thick gloves in a life and death situation while in human form)
**Armor: 0.
Explanation for points: As a lycan, Lullacry is stronger and faster than the usual 'human' which carries over into her feral form as well. She does not wear any armor and heals fairly quickly if hit. Silver is her worst enemy and will take her down much more quickly than anything else.

Entered in by Weremagnus on Septermber 18, 2011

Re: [IC/OOC] Aspects Documents

Post by Jarvis »

Furcadia Login: Jarvis Kane
Profile: This polar bear has the scent of stale smoke upon him. Bulky and large, the ursine easily towers over eight foot in height. He has several scars upon his cheeks and muzzle, as well as a chunk missing from his fuzzy and once rounded left ear. Even the bear's thick throat hold a large and recent scar. He could be described as a bit chubby, with a rounded belly. His massive arms seem toned enough however, ending with large and deadly bear claws complete with lethal black talons. A pair of leather pants cover his legs, ending with a pair of large combat boots upon his hindpaws. A belt keeps his pants tight to his waist, with a chain clipped onto two of the belt loops to hang at his right side.

Strength: 2
Speed: -1
Stamina: 2
Hit Points [30+(7xStamina)]: 44
*Weapon(s): 1 (claws)
**Armor: 1
Explanation for points: The lumbering polar bear is slow and far from graceful, but his muscular frame more than makes up for this disadvantage. Coming from the harsh arctic region, the bear can take quite a bit of punishment and come back for more. His thick fur coat and flesh offers some good protection against blows, and his claws can dole out some punishment of their own.

Entered in by Weremagnus on September 18, 2011
Last edited by Jarvis on Mon Mar 12, 2012 5:51 am, edited 2 times in total.
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