Tolorro the Dothraki - Unowned

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Tolorro the Dothraki - Unowned

Post by Dothraki »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name: Tolorro (translation not yet known. Rp and find out)

Nickname: Tolo, (give him more?)

Name on Identification: Dothraki (when he first came to the island the guards could not interpret him correctly and they only knew what his people were called and so put that down. They are in the process of correcting his papers with the information any renters send in that aids them in decoding the man)

Age: 25+ (visually jotted by guards, true age: 20)

Gender: Male

Species: Human

Sub Species/Breed: Dragon blooded (unknown by guards)

Physical Appearance

Body Type: Big but not bulky. Barrel chested and strong in the arms and even more so in the legs from constant riding and fighting. Arms however are slightly longer in proportion to his torso, and aids in fast swinging movements. Thighs and calves are thick but lower part of legs have less muscle enabling him with speedy bursts. Usually described as heavy on the top as chest is full and pushes outward and gets narrower toward the torso, so instead of blocky he takes on a more angled figure. Structure is pegged somewhere in the middle ground between big clunky tank and the lankiness usually seen in a Zulu warrior. This perfect blending gives him not only power but flexibility, dexterity, and stamina to not only take hits but to also evade when necessary. Buns of steel are shaped nicely from being rounded by a saddle all his life. 6'7 and 227lbs (he is likely to put on added weight quickly here since he will be more stagnant and not riding everyday)

Physical Details: Face looks young for a warrior of his caliber and lacks scars. It is long with exotically sharp cheekbones and a mildly squared chin. It is over all gentle looking but is not lacking the rigid lines from scowling in a fight. Eyes are far too soft and welcoming, blue with gold about the rims and in their center lies a slit iris which is also golden in color, and possibly hints that he is more then human. Brows are kept arched and lids are weighed down with heavy kohl in designs similar to the Egyptian.

Skin is pale unlike most Dothraki who are copper hued. However the sun does not seem to bother him. There are no hints of light sensitivity or any past sun burns. It is not as frail as it looks and is not easily cut. It can be sliced but not as easy as regular human flesh. To the touch it is no different though.

Hair is prized and also unlike normal Dothraki who's locks are pure black his is a mixture of blonde and black which leaves it a dark brown with lighter browns streaking through, almost golden highlights. It is most often worn braided with bands, bells, and other trinkets, woven into it every few inches. It reaches down to his mid-back (not to his butt pic is only a rough example) Their braid is their pride and shows how much of a victor they are. Upon defeat in battle their opponent will cut off their topknot, the decorations are often taken from the fallen foe and added to their own braid.

Physical Markings: He sports an unusual birthmark that is most similar to the skin disorder vitiligo. All of his skin is pale white in color except for his arms which are blotched with copper tones (the normal shade of his people) It looks mostly like a discoloration but the other way around. It stretches from shoulders and runs the length of both arms down to finger tips. There is no distinctive patterning.
Besides this there are the normal series of light scarring that is found on most warriors, most prominent ones being on arms and chest area.

Physical Drawbacks: None

Current Infliction(s): Other then being enslaved none.

Physical Defenses: Strength and oddly protective extra layers of skin which make it tougher then the average human flesh. His skin can also not be burnt. (last part has not yet been discovered)

Appealing Attributes: Rugged, edgy face and long hair, warrior, blue eye rimmed with gold, a deep husky exotic language which when spoken some will find his voice as enticing as it is intriguing.

Clothing: Often bare chested or wearing a light vest made of horse leather. Stomach from abdomen down is guarded by one of his only pieces of very light armor in the form of a girdle belt aka kidney belt. The other armor is found on his forearm, a gauntlet. Legs are garbed in horsehair breeches with a flap of leather over the front about ankle length, all held in place by a bronze medallion belt picturing horses in various poses. Feet are shod in open toed riding sandals that are laced up to the knee.

Other Items: A whip, a bow, and a curved sword.


Feral or Cultured: To his people he is cultured to others he may seem somewhat feral or slow. This is far from true. He is speaking they just don't understand him.

Phobias: The sea. The Dothraki believe the sea to be poisonous.

Disorders: none

How do they present themselves: Stoic and somewhat crude due to his traditions and views. Culture clashes with most others so he appears tribal, barbaric, and lacking any elegance or the manner of proper Tether etiquette. Seems suitable for a warmonger.

Feelings towards being owned / rented: He knows of slaves as his people takes slaves. He understands to misbehave warrants punishment in his homeland and assumes it to be similar here. He tries to remain indifferent and somewhat allowing. Yet he has low tolerance to anything that seems threatening or challenging and will attack if provoked.

Overall Attitude: Stoic, crude, observant, willing to communicate and learn languages at least. Calm unless provoked.

Quirks: Expressive face, his cultural differences, language clashing, playing charades trying to communicate. The whole hair thing, if defeated he will want to cut his hair. If others are defeated he will want to cut their hair.

Hobbies / Interests: Riding, fighting, whips, bows, swords, horses, dragons, other cultures, other languages

High or Low Maintenance: Low maintenance if you like him the way he is. He can fend for himself and catch food for himself. Medium to High if you are trying to alter him to learn more Common, manners, or make him more slave like. He will usually not obey anything other then strength.

Diet / Allergies: Mostly consumes horse meat. Yet their people are also fond of eating pork, birds, and wild dogs. Vegetables are also eaten though less then meat.

He refuses to eat anything that comes from the sea.


Language(s) Spoken: Dothraki (primary fluent) Common (extremely lacking, he knows only a few words; learning slowly)

Can they Read / Write: Dothraki have no known written language. He neither reads nor writes.

Can your character produce magic: He is of dragon blood. His skin can not be burnt. So far as he knows that is his only inhuman power.

Talents / Skills: He lives on his horse and fights on his horse. His skill with equines can not be surpassed. It is not fancy mind you as dancing with horses like in dressage since it is not needed in his field. He can ride a horse with no hands and from the saddle shoot a bow, crack a whip, and blaze through a horde taking heads from bodies with his sword.

Not to mention he fucks like a horse to!

Training: As with all Dothraki children this started at age of 4. First was the bow, then the whip, then the sword. Finally he was rewarded with his horse when he took his first braid notch at age 9.

No slave training.

No formal gladiator training.


Previous Owners: None

Previous Usage(s): Dothrakhqoyi to Khal Vorsayol (King Fireborn's bloodrider)

Previous status: Free

For Rent or to Own: Rent to Own.

Cost: 7Image-rent 78Image-own

OOC Info/Notes

Availability: Sporadic but enough to have fun. More weekdays then weekends.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay: Development, learning opportunities, more then just fighting but of course fighting.

What are your allowances for your character:No consent. Fair consequences for actions and that goes both ways.

Long Term/Short Term: Either. Long term favored.

General Information

Character Description: Disse ish laz vishaferat. Flesh as pale as a ghost and thick as boar hide. Stature challenges even the mightiest Khal, half way to seven feet. The Dothraki were not an average people but he was an impeccable example. Tall, stout legged, fierce, athletically honed, with sure feet, swift hands, and a tyrannical brain. Running along arms was a display of skin blotches, darkening to a tan; a birthmark, similar to the skin condition vitiligo but reversed. The human looking man was a blue eyed wonder with gold about the rim and a braided mane that spilled down to the center of his back with pride. A leather girdle hung around waist. His only protection. Kisha dothraki! -Translation: Only strength can tame wild beasts. Second phrase: We ride!-

Website: We Ride!

Images: All reference images used along this site are not mine and are simply for reference purposes until fan art or commissions are made.

Contact Details: Whisper Tolorro or message me here.

Notes: All is WIP and subject to changes.
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