Raging - Unowned

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Some ol' Drunk
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Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:31 pm

Raging - Unowned

Post by Blayne »

Slave Form

Basic Information

Full Name:
Rajyashree Pushpanjali Langlais


Name on Identification:



Human/Gray Wolf Anthro

Sub Species/Breed:
Nepali/Algonqiuan/French Colonial (French-Canadian)

Physical Appearance

Voice Reference:

A young Suzanne Pleshette

Body Type:
Broad shouldered, athletic, extremely fit - Body reference

Physical Details:
Black hair w/ graying streaks, shoulder length. Solid green eyes, lightly tan skin

Physical Markings:
"MONSTER" carved across her back between shoulders, across trapezius
Deep scarring on throat, suggesting it's been cut more than once.
Jagged scars on right forearm from a firm hyena bite with teeth dragged
Fresh scarring on navel from being gored on a broadsword
Several evenly spaced vertical stab marks on upper abdominal muscles
Scarring on left side of face from being ripped apart and sewn back together after a hit from a bat with nails

Physical Drawbacks:
None. Highly fit

Current Infliction(s):
Nothing physical.

Physical Defenses:
Size, strength, speed, teeth, claws

Appealing Attributes:
Well built, strong, fit

Tunic and trousers

Other Items:
Knives, shackles (for arena use)


Feral or Cultured:
Cultured, mostly. Feralish tendencies when enraged or fighting


Psychological need to engage in Cannibalism, "Wendigo Psychosis"

How do they present themselves:
Disciplined, reserved

Feelings towards being owned / rented:
Acceptance has come; determined to master new role in life

Overall Attitude:

Is always hungry, particularly for human/anthro flesh.

Hobbies / Interests:
Is an above average violinist, enjoys collecting knifes and instruments of torture.

High or Low Maintenance:
Low maintenance

Diet / Allergies:
Carnivorous, has a particular fondness for human/anthro flesh (REDUNDANCY)


Language(s) Spoken:
Nepalese, English, Quebecois/High French

Can they Read / Write:

Can your character produce magic:
Can transform, and recover.

Talents / Skills:
Combat. Massage. Violin.

Extensive combat and massage training, average musical training.


Previous Owners:
Monstrum, Bocca

Previous Usage(s):

Previous status:
Free person: slaver, arms merchant, and pimp

For Rent or to Own: Rent/own

10g rent - 180 ownership

OOC Info/Notes

Usually evenings through the week, sporadic weekends.

What are you looking for in a slave / slaver Roleplay:
Development, naturally, as well as someone to keep Raj on a leash. I'd like some surface refining - dress and behavior - while allowing her to have her moments of being a brute, and naturally keep fights going regularly. It would also be interesting to see someone indulge the closet sadism she tries to hide away

What are your allowances for your character:
I'm open minded, just ask.

Long Term/Short Term:

General Information

Character Description:
> A regal, vicious bearing crowned a comely mess of scars and weathered living; eyes as paling emeralds bereft of feature endlessly lacking in pity or expression. Figure broad and commanding, possessed of a tightly corded musculature inciting a feeling of indomitable strength, carried beneath a masculine layer of plain tunics and trousers. With a natural curl to her lip she was imposing in her station, and beautiful in her merciless predation.


In-game portrait, about it.

Contact Details:
Raging, in game

Notes: Presently unowned.

“Writing in English is the most ingenious torture ever devised for sins committed in previous lives. The English reading public explains the reason why.” - James Joyce

"The artist, like the God of the creation, remains within or behind or beyond or above his handiwork, invisible, refined out of existence, indifferent, paring his fingernails." - James Joyce, A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man.
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