The Drug Lord, and new trial Merchant Campy is arranging a prosperous event in which easy riches can be won.
The event? It's simple; four to six fighters are sponsored by individual backers, all whom place a one hundred gold bet upon their chosen fighter.
Each time a fighter wins, they gain the bet from the losing backer, upgrading to two hundred gold, and so forth.
The final winner takes all the bet money, upward of 400 gold or more!
The fighters, however, are required to take a new trial drug before fighting. The effects may vary!
(Roll 1d5)
1. Rage. Your blood boils like the blaze of a thousand suns, your opponent is now your greatest enemy and you'll do everything you can see seem them bleed!
2. Hallucinations. You're tripping balls, man. Anything could happen in this state, from mental freak-outs to cozy, fuzzy feelings.
3. Hilarity. Everything around you is the fucking funniest thing you've ever seen in your life! This is rib tickling, mouth splitting laughter that just won't seem to quit.
4. Intoxication. You come across like a drunk hobo wobbling down the street; you mutter words but they only come out as a garbage of nonsensical mutters, and for some reason you just can't seem to keep your balance.
5. Masochism. Every time your are hit, your are subsequently hit with wave after wave of ultimate sexual pleasure; the deeper the wound the better the orgasm!
7th of April, 6PM FST.
(May roll onto the 8th depending on how long fights take to finish)
Backers can be any free patron who can put their money where their mouth is.
They are required to place 100 gold on their fighter, and watch as their bet grows, or watch the money disappear.
Fighters can be any character with approved stats, from unowned slave to staff member, anyone is free to join so long as they have a backer to sponsor them. They do not have to be eligible for exp, as exp will not be gained. This is not a tournament, so any previous tournament goers are welcome. If more than six fighters and backer combinations sign up, they will be chosen by a random dice roll the first day. Opponents will be chosen in a similar manner, via random dice roll.
If you have any questions that have not been answered here, don't hesitate to send me a message.
Code: Select all
[b]Fighter's Name[/b]:
[b]Backer's Name[/b]:
2. Yokan/VoidSwimmer
3. Mothi/Muunokhoi
4. Karkadann/Bodhisattva