Suffrith's Indulgence

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Suffrith's Indulgence

Post by Kalev »

Suffrith is a voluptuous Furrabian horse, adorned with many trinkets and decoration.
She encourages compulsive gambling, recklessness, and self-delusion.


A game for the drunks, alcohol enthusiastic, or those just looking to get shit faced!
Join the regal Entertainer Maximillian as he hosts an event of greed and self indulgence.


Patrons are welcomed to join the stallion in the slaver's lounge as they test their constitution against the poisoning of alcohol.
Think you have what it takes to survive every round without passing out or throwing up?
The winner will receive a specially crafted drinking mug based of the fabled appearance of the lustful mare.


A drinking game based off the indulgent ways of Suffrith.

This event will be using the manual rolling system.
Every player will have 100 "HP" which will be their tolerance level.
Each turn, the players will roll a 1d50 to see how badly they are affected.
Once a character reaches 100 in total or over, they are out by whichever creative means you can think of.

Patrons and owned slaves with their owners permission only. No unowned slaves, regardless of behaviour.

25th of September, 2015. 6PM FST.

At the *lounge.

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